This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 166: beat and gift

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After hearing Renner's words, the silver-haired man said with a confused expression, "But, we didn't get Rikke's body..."

Leonard waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "What's the matter? I just want to prove that the dead can speak. Whose corpse is my business?"

After hearing Leonard's words, the silver-haired man's heart suddenly froze.

In addition to these werewolves, Leonard and the witch mistress were at the scene, and it was self-evident whose corpse would be used later.

After a frightening wait, Andrea, wrapped in a black robe, walked in from the door.

The banshee held a thick stack of blueprints in her hands. She first glanced at the werewolves impatiently, then turned her head and said to Leonard:

"Where is the corpse that needs to be resuscitated? Hurry up and finish it. I have to go back to supervise the work. Don't blame me if it takes too long to catch up with the progress!"

Leonard didn't answer her question, but said with a smile: "Oh? It seems that your ability to manage those craftsmen is not very good, or, if you weren't there, they wouldn't even be able to do the work. ?"

The banshee's cheeks twitched suddenly. After clearing her throat, she corrected embarrassedly, "Lord Leonard, we should use 'them' here, not 'them'."

"Oh, yes yes yes!"

Leonard slapped his thigh sharply, his face filled with regret:

"Hey, it's my fault that I skipped too many classes from my tutor when I was a child. As a human, my lingua franca is not as good as yours, a goblin. I really regret it. Why didn't I study hard in the first place?"

However, although he sighed, Leonard seemed to be in a good mood. He smiled and asked the banshee:

"By the way, I'll double-check. Are you sure it's them, not them, right? After all, they don't seem to be able to eat a cow a day per person... Huh? Did I just say that again? Did you use a typo?"

The banshee's slender neck moved up and down, and swallowed quietly.

She tightened the blueprint in her hand and said with a dry smile: "Actually... my lingua franca is also very general, 'he' is actually... almost the same as 'they' and they don't mean much... ?"

Leonard ignored her, but grinned, and then clapped his hands vigorously, signaling that he was about to get down to business.

However, he patted it too hard, causing strands of blood to ooze from the gauze that had just been wrapped around the right palm.

The witch mistress on the side pouted, raised her hand and threw a healing spell over, but although the pale green light hit the target, Leonard's right hand still exuded a strong smell of blood.

The witch mistress immediately changed her face, staring at the bandage still oozing blood on Leonard's right hand.

The healing technique could prompt the body to recover faster, but Leonard's right hand was still bleeding. Then there can only be one reason. He has even sold the "self-healing" and "recovery" of his body.

This **** lunatic! She cursed in her heart with admiration and fear.

Dare to trade these two "things"? Isn't he afraid that he will die from a small cold?

Leonard glanced at the witch mistress, showed a meaningful smile, and then said aloud: "Okay, now everything is in order, there is only one corpse left."

After hearing Leonard's words, the banshee next to him shivered violently, and suddenly recalled what happened when he "contracted the project" before, remembered Leonard's hand across his neck, and the Sentence - 'If you are too greedy, don't blame me for hanging you on the city gate. ’

The banshee's legs are a little weak, the corpse he said... no... it can't be me, right?

Just when her heart was about to pop out of her chest, Leonard finally reached out and pointed at the silver-haired man beside him.

"Just you."

The silver-haired man shuddered, his eyes changed from human pupils to vertical pupils, and the hair on his body instantly grew several times.

Just when he was about to completely transform into a werewolf and rush forward, a scorching ray swept past his ears.

The witch mistress in the distance had already retracted her fingers, tickling her bright red nails expressionlessly, the silver-haired man turned his head stiffly, and the werewolf who was standing behind him just now had turned into coke.

Leonard smiled and said: "Andrea, is that corpse usable?"

The banshee shook her head stiffly, and replied timidly, "No... it can't be done, it's damaged too badly to produce a sensible ghost..."

"Can't you?"

Leonard frowned upon hearing this, then raised his hand and pointed at the silver-haired man who was standing there.

"Then change it."

The scorching rays flashed again, and the other werewolf behind the silver-haired man turned into coke.

"what about this?"

"Neither... nor can..."

"Tsk, trouble! Let's change another head office!"

As Leonard "rolled" one by one, a full sixteen werewolves were turned into coke in turn.

The silver-haired man stood there with cold hands and feet, staring helplessly at the carbonized wolf corpse on the ground, not daring to move.

He already understood what was going on.

After they were in a coma, the uncontrolled werewolves attacked a town belonging to Farrell's family, killing about 200 townspeople. After supplementing their blood, they successfully transformed eight new ones. werewolf.

And now, these eight newborn werewolves are exuding the aroma of barbecue on the ground, and so are the werewolves who transformed them...

The silver-haired man bit his lip out of blood.

There were two of his family members in the coke on the ground, and it was them who rescued him this time, but he could only watch all this, but couldn't do anything.

"They said to keep a whole corpse!"

Under everyone's trembling eyes, Leonard turned his head and shouted at the witch mistress, "Did you do it on purpose?"

The witch mistress snorted and ignored him, Leonard had no choice but to turn his head and said to the shivering female goblin:

"I'm really sorry, it seems that you came here in vain, so let's go, I'll send you back to supervise the work, remember to let them work hard, eat beef or whatever..."

Carrying a lot of Leonard's rambling instructions, the banshee walked away in a daze.

After a few hundred meters away from here, she stumbled and ran up, as if a group of werewolves with the smell of meat were chasing after her.

Seeing Andrea's retreating back, the witch, who had left the werewolf station, laughed, then stretched out her hand to wrap Leonard's arm, and gave it a shove with the side of some spherical object.

"You are such a bad person, that little goblin was so frightened by you!"

Leonard withdrew his arm cheerfully.

"Don't make trouble, I only have three minutes now. It's hard to say who will be uncomfortable then."

The witch mistress tutted angrily, then grabbed Leonard's right hand and stabbed it fiercely.

"Not even hands!"


The witch mistress suddenly changed her face, and clenched Leonard's hand with a sullen face, and then pointed at the bloodstains that kept oozing out of it and roared:

"You've even used 'stop bleeding'? With your current physical fitness, can you still live after a month of blood?"

She glared at Leonard angrily, and tried to kill the lunatic immediately several times, but in the end she didn't dare to do it, so she could only hold back her anger and fear and ask in a low voice:

"What about us witches when you die? Without your shield of [Fate Sequence], we will all go to the stake in the Church of Knowledge to die!"

"As long as you know!"

Leonard rolled his eyes and suddenly withdrew his hand.

"Since you're afraid of death, send me back all the people you caught. If you want to supplement your family with ordinary people, you can, but you can't steal what I don't plan to give!"

The witch mistress clenched her fists and stared angrily at Leonard in front of her.

She originally thought that what happened today was just to punish those werewolves, and by the way, beat the "empty pay" female goblin, but what she didn't expect was that she was also one of the "beaters".

"you are vicious!"

The muscles on her cheeks twitched, and she really wanted to kill the man in front of her. However, the Pope of the Church of Knowledge was like a sharp sword hanging over her head, so she didn't dare to do anything extreme, for fear of this **** The lunatic will simply choose one shot and two scattered.

"I'll send someone back, you'd better pray you can live a few more days, if you die..."

Speaking of which, she suddenly got stuck.

After thinking about The witch mistress found that she could not find the weakness of this man. He dared to play with his own life at will, and there was nothing he could not throw away.

The witch mistress gritted her teeth and said, "Then I will personally take action and kill your only sister!"


Leonard was overjoyed and reached out to touch the dagger hanging from his waist.

"You bastard!"

The witch mistress finally collapsed. She raised her hand and threw out a ray to melt the dagger into iron juice. Then she turned her head and walked back with a murderous look on her face.

Seeing that he was off the hook, Leonard hurried up and said with a smile, "Don't, don't! Hey, what are you anxious about, I'm just joking."

Mistress Witch stood silently, not believing a single punctuation mark in what Leonard said.

She had already recognized Leonard's essence, and with a sudden whim, this man might try to turn the joke into a fact.

She said with a cold face: "Leonard, you have to tell me what your plan is, or I will leave Faran right away! Even if all the sixty witches will be killed, at least I still have chance to survive."

Leonard sighed and said, "Hey...Women who are too impatient can't easily find their husbands..."

Seeing that the witch mistress turned her head to leave with a dark face, he quickly reached out his hand to stop it, and said helplessly: "Don't worry, I didn't tell you..."

He grinned and grinned, but there was something deep and extreme in his eyes.

"Let's put it this way, I recently recognized a teacher. When he was young... um, maybe when he was old, he once gave me a great gift in life, so I also prepared one for him. A small gift..."

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