This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 127: after shaving

At this moment, from the beginning to the present, all the pictures and conversations between the two flashed in the old Marquis's heart one by one.

His vicissitudes of life face turned from black to white, from white to red, then from red to purple, and finally began to twitch frantically according to a strange frequency.

"You... come to me because... want soldiers?"

William silently looked at the messy old marquis in the wind, and probably figured out the truth of the matter. After recalling the cross-server chat between the two, he finally grasped the old man's logic.

How much (granddaughter) do you want?

How much is needed.

No, up to six.

I don't prostitute, I can give money.


So, what do I want your granddaughter to do? And you actually gave it?

William now really wants to ask, in the old marquis's mind, what kind of image does the Vankins family look like? A local ruffian bully who bullies a good girl?

If the old marquis knew about William's question, he would definitely feel sad, and then nodded frantically as if he broke his neck.

More than a local ruffian bully, you've done all the hard robbing things at your house. As soon as the matter is settled here, you come to the door and ask for someone. Considering your fine tradition of fucking, can I not want to be crooked!

The old marquis, who was insecure in the evening, let out a long sigh, covered his face and said weakly: "Go find as many people as you want, it's all yours. Old man... I'm not feeling well today, so I won't entertain you more..."

After he finished speaking, he staggered out of the camp surrounded by his clansmen. The old marquis's crooked figure kept swaying under the setting sun, and from a distance there was some inexplicable sadness.

what's the matter...

William pouted speechlessly, then seemed to suddenly remember something, turned his head to the bewildered Avril next to him and said, "Your Majesty, I want to take a few days off!"


Avril's expression is even more dazed, what can you do when you ask for leave?

Do you want to go home and see? But the capital has long since fallen, and now the people from the Farrell family are in control of the capital. Aren't you afraid of being caught by that woman when you go back?

Or... visiting family and friends? But where do you have friends and relatives? The Vankins family threatened to cut off relations with you before, and the rest of the acquaintances are also in the capital. Could it be that you are going to find Hans on the prairie? But in just a few days, you can't even fly.

Her Majesty the Queen thought about it, but still couldn't understand the meaning of William's leave, so she bluntly asked:

"William, what do you want to do on your leave?"


William was also in trouble, so he couldn't tell the truth, he was going to bomb the Church of Eros, right? As if Hans was possessed, he reached out and scratched his head.

"The world is so big, I want to see it?"


"It's so big!"

Hans, who was far away on the grassland, sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"Although I've seen it many times, I still think it's so big!"

Pomona, who was wearing tight-fitting clothes, turned back and smiled at him, and said proudly: "Of course, Fran can't see such an endless grassland."

Hans nodded hastily and said yes, the grassland is indeed very large.

Pomona smiled and said seductively: "Do you like it? How about you, do you want to marry us on the grassland? I come back with so much food this time, maybe the whole tribe will be my master, and then you will be the queen of the grassland. man!"

Hans, who had no beard on his face for some reason, shook his head. "Forget it, I'm a French after all. Although it's nice here, it's not my home after all, eh? Why are you turning your head back?"

Pomona glanced at Hans's smooth jaw out of the corner of her eye, and she said with some thought, "It's long will it take for your beard to grow back?"


Not long after departure, Hans brutally shaved his beard on a dark and windy night, and even trimmed his overly thick eyebrows, revealing the energetic face of a seventeen-year-old boy .

Pomona was struck by lightning when she saw his true face, and finally believed that Hans was only seventeen years old, but she was not as happy as Hans thought, on the contrary, she was stunned.

Not only did he attack Hans more severely during the day, but even the frequency of going to Hans at night was much lower. Later, he sternly stopped Hans from continuing to shave, and took care of him like a baby. New stubble on his face.

However, I don't know what's wrong, the stubble just popped up, and there was no sound.

It may be that the cold wind on the prairie was too severe, and Hans' pores began to hibernate like a winter bear. It has been two full months now, but Hans's face still hasn't changed, and his chin is so light. Let flies skate on it.

Pomona turned her head away and couldn't bear to look at the face that broke her heart, like a man who came home with a girlfriend who had overweight 200 pounds for New Year's greetings. She couldn't think of how to explain it to her family.

Hans didn't know the various thoughts in Pomona's mind. After he reached out and stroked his hairy stubble, he said strangely:

"I don't know either. I used to grow very fast, but I didn't shave for a month and my face was covered. I don't know what happened this time. It's been more than two months and it hasn't grown at all. Could it be that? it too windy?"

Hans turned his inquiring eyes to Pomona, and her handsome face turned out to be "ordinary".

To tell the truth, the shaved bearded cousin has become handsome and compelling, and his facial features are six points similar to William. The top two sharp sword eyebrows flew diagonally into the temples, and under the long and slightly curled eyelashes were a pair of ebony-like dark eyes.

Although his eyes are not as deep and sharp as William's, they are clear and charismatic. The contours of the face are not impeccable, but they are also angular.

In addition to the skin is not delicate enough and the complexion is slightly dark, it can be described as handsome and extraordinary. Before leaving the flange, I don't know how many girls have become the black moonlight in the hearts.

However, Pomona still dared not look at this face with tears in her eyes. If she could, she wanted to cry aloud.

After being away from home for so many years, I managed to find someone who was pleasing to the eye in the french who was full of pussies. As a result, the mature and heroic middle-aged man turned into a black-skinned handsome boy overnight. This... This is what I should do How can I explain it to my family?

Hans was unaware of his "drop in appearance", and even took the initiative to ride around in front of Pomona, showing off his face intentionally.

After shaving his beard, he often looked in the mirror and was quite satisfied with his new "beauty".

My mother was sighing all the time, complaining that she failed to inherit her beauty. Now it seems that she has inherited a lot. Oh, she must be embarrassed to praise me. My mother is really a subtle and good woman.

Pomona looked at Hans's "unremarkable" face, and couldn't help but feel sad. My father would not be directly angry when he saw me bringing such a person back, right?

Looking at the grain team behind her who couldn't see the end, Pomona calmed down and forcibly comforted herself: "No, no, no, I still brought back so much grain. My father's body and bones have always been very healthy. It should be Can you stand it...?


"You're the new man my daughter found?" The old man's face of collapse was beyond words.

Hans grinned and looked at the bear in front of him in shock, no... it was an old man in a bearskin coat. Is the person standing in front of him really a person and not a bear with a human face?

Hans' figure is the tallest among the French people, but Pomona's old father seems to be too strong, and has transformed from a majestic to a "bear strong" grade. The tall and strong Hans is in him. In front of him, he was more than two heads shorter, and he looked no different from a dwarf.

"Father...he's Hans."

Pomona, who has always had a sturdy style, was as obedient as a deer this time, and secretly tugged at Hans, who was a little sluggish.

"Ah... oh yes, I'm Hans."

The old man like a bear walked over quickly, leaving a finger-deep footprint where he stepped.

Hans's eyes were attracted by the series of strange footprints. Although those footprints were deep but not large in size, they looked similar to those of a woman. This man who is stronger than a bear actually has a pair of delicate feet. No, it may not be accurate to say that. His feet are not particularly small, but they are only slightly smaller than ordinary adult males, and they are still much larger than women's feet. of.

However, these feet are even more bizarre when paired with his sturdy body that is comparable to that of an adult bear. It's like a top-heavy inflatable man, and it's discordant no matter how you look at it.

After discovering that this "new son-in-law" had been staring at his little feet, the old man was a little unhappy.

He looked at Hans and found that although he looked a little old-fashioned, he definitely didn't look more than twenty years old, and his face was black and black, except for his chin, he didn't even have a stubble. more disgusted.

The old man was a little unhappy and said, "Nana, why did you find such a tender little devil? How old is he this year? Why hasn't he even grown his hair, is he an adult?"

Finding that her father's first impression of Hans was not very good, Pomona couldn't help but complain in her heart. Who knows what happened to him to shave off his handsome beard. How should she explain it now?

Seeing that Hans opened his mouth to say something, Pomona quickly grabbed him and said in advance: "Father, Hans is thirty-five! It's just that their family was born with baby faces, so they looked a little tender. "

"Oh..." The old man nodded.

"So, how old is he now? Can he beat you?"

Then you can ask the right person! After hearing this question, Hans raised his head happily.

After fighting with Gilber for a while, he was on the verge of advancing. After discussing with Pomona day and night for nearly three months, he finally succeeded in taking the final step, successfully advancing from the second-tier [Iron Wall Knight] to the third-tier [Giant Shield Guard], a seventeen-year-old third-tier professional. No matter where you put it, you are a well-known genius.

"Tier 3, the combat power is similar to mine... too much, maybe ten minutes with me?"

After listening to Pomona's answer, Hanston was discouraged and an excited face stepped down.

Pomona is one step away from reaching the fourth rank, and the fighting master specializes in such a cumbersome profession. It is not bad to be able to resist for five minutes under one-sided beatings, and ten minutes is a lot of exaggeration.

The old man's face also collapsed.

It stands to reason that my daughter sacrificed herself for the tribe and went to Flange for so many years. She finally came back. She shouldn't slap her face, but... what is this thing she brought back?

Looking at Hans's handsome face, but not rough, and his chin that was seriously lacking in masculinity, the old man closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The urge to drive out, dryly praised.



Looking at the old man who pretended to be relieved because he was afraid of being sad, and remembering the pain of being alone all these years, Pomona couldn't help but burst into tears.

I finally returned to my hometown and met my father who loves me!

In a very emotional state, she swooped over, like a doe rushing into the bear's arms, and cried out in pain as she hugged the old man's waist.

However, the old man seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of the pounce. The neck, which was thicker than a tree stump, slammed, and stared angrily at Hans.

"Did he bully you?"

A savage momentum rose up, and Hans only felt that he had seen a real beast, as if he was about to pounce and tear himself to pieces in the next moment.

"No no."

Pomona wiped away her tears and said with a tearful smile: "I just haven't been home for too long, I'm a little too happy, and besides Hans, he can't beat me, how could he bully me?"

The old man still glared at Hans a little annoyed, and whispered in Pomona's ear:

"It's too bad for you to pick this man. If he doesn't work, there are still many good guys in the clan. I'll bring them over tomorrow, you can choose whatever you want!"

Although it is "quietly", this old bear-like man doesn't seem to have the talent for concealment at all. The voice is not much different from someone else's neck and roar. Hans said this whisper. He didn't fall to the ground and listened to his ears.

"you dare!"

He finally couldn't hold it any longer, and stalked his neck to meet the old man's fierce gaze.

"I'll beat you as much as you bring it! Believe it or not, I'll beat you with all this nonsense?"

"Hans!" Pomona was a little flustered at first, and then punched the old man in the face without hesitation. "Father! What nonsense are you talking about! Hans is strong!"

The old man stretched out a pair of small hands, rubbed his flushed face, and said cheerfully to Pomona: "Not bad, after so many years away from home, I thought you were going to step back, but I didn't expect you to be more energetic than before. It's gone!"

Then he let go of Pomona and looked savagely at Hans, who was glaring at him.

"It's tougher than I thought, but you want to beat me? I want to see what you can do!"

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