William rode to the vicinity of Anderson's house.

As a powerful marquis family with a fief, the Anderson family's station is much more stylish than the Vankins family. Unlike the dog-eaten camp that Harry and the others set up casually, the Anderson family's station is completely built according to the way the army is stationed. .

Not only are there two walls of wooden stakes outside, but there are also four entrances and exits, front, back, left and right, and there are enough roads for horses to travel between the tents and the tents, which looks extremely neat.

William looked from a distance and found that there were not only a large number of soldiers patrolling the camp, but also two teams of heavily armed guards standing guard in front of the gate. The team seemed to be led by two professionals, and the defense was quite tight.

Since this time I was begging someone to come, it is natural to show respect. William dismounted from the horse and walked to the door of the Anderson house.

"Stop here!"

The two guards raised their long spears, and the gleaming tip of the spear stopped in front of William.

Facing the inquiring eyes of the two, William said flatly, "I'm William Vankins. I'm here to visit the Lord Marquis to ask for someone, please let me know."

After hearing William's name, the two professionals who led the team looked at each other.

From the Vankins family?

Yes, I heard that the owner of the family is going to marry his granddaughter, so he wants someone?

People from the Vankins family, understandably, his grandfather came directly to grab it!

I'll report, you stabilize him, be careful not to be beaten!

After winking, the younger guard mounted his horse and ran to the tent in the center of the station, while the older guard pressed the guard's spear and greeted William with a smile.

"Since it's from the Vankins family, there's no need to wait at the door. Carl has already gone to inform him. We'll just walk over slowly."

The older professional rejected the common guard who came to lead the horse, and quite enthusiastically helped William to tie the horse himself, and then took William to the big tent in the middle.

What makes William curious is that the layers of levels along the way seem to be rigorous, but they are actually quite lax. After hearing that William is from the Vankins family, not only did they let them go directly, but they didn't even ask a single question.

Is the signboard of the Vankins house so useful? Aren't you afraid that I'm going to engage in some beheading tactic?

However, no one came to answer his curiosity, and the two of them quickly arrived at the gate of the big tent with unobstructed all the way.

The older professional smiled kindly, reached out and lifted the curtain of the big tent for William, and hung it on the door hook beside him. Then he waved his arm lightly, indicating that William could go in.

"The Marquis is waiting for you inside. If you need anything, you can call me."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and stood at the door with a few guards without looking sideways. It was obvious that he was very relieved of William and was not worried about the safety of the old marquis at all.

Facing such a reassuring move, William was a little confused.

Is this treatment too good? I don't think I'm an outsider at all. Is the trust of the Vankins family in the Anderson family so high?

"What are you doing at the door? Come in!"

The majestic voice of the old marquis came from the big tent, but William keenly felt that the voice seemed to have a hint of dissatisfaction.

Walking in full of doubts, William saw a table in the center of the tent. There were two large piles of documents on the table. The old marquis was sitting behind the pile of documents and writing something.

After hearing William's footsteps, Roman Anderson glanced up at him, then lowered his head again and continued to process the documents.

Not only did he not mean to greet him, but he just left him aside, completely ignoring him, completely different from the friendly "leaders" along the way.

When the old marquis was unexpectedly treated coldly, William couldn't help frowning.

Obviously someone has come to report it before, but now with this attitude, is this going to give me a slap in the face?

"I have seen Marquis Roman, I am..."

"Don't be called Marquis, I have passed down the title a long time ago, and now I'm just the patriarch of the Anderson family."

The old marquis waved his hand impatiently.

"Come on, don't talk about it, I already know your purpose. You sit over there first, and I'll talk to you when I'm done with these things."

William was a little confused by his blocking.

I haven't said anything yet. Why do you look like you know everything? But since he came with a request, it would be better to listen to others.

William Yiyan sat down on the stool in the corner, and the tent fell into silence, except for the rustling of feather strokes on the paper from time to time.

But after waiting for a long time, the old marquis's documents were still not finished. William looked up and checked it carefully, and found that the height of the two stacks of documents on the table had hardly changed. His brows furrowed involuntarily.

Looking at the thickness, there are at least thirty or forty sheets to be processed, but the number is not too many. But at this processing speed, when the huge pile of files is processed, it will be dark.

He said angrily, "Your Excellency Roman, how long will it take you to..."


The old marquis seemed to be very dissatisfied with this title. He who had been immersed in the processing of documents suddenly raised his head and stared at William dissatisfiedly.

"What do you call me?"

William thought that he would get angry because he was disturbed, and also thought that he would take the opportunity to attack, but he didn't expect that he was actually dissatisfied with the name, and was suddenly stunned by the question.

Looking at this stinky brat, the old marquis was so angry that he threw the quill in his hand.

He angrily asked: "Your Excellency is a respectful title for strangers. How can you call me Your Excellency? Even from your father's point of view, I am your cousin!"

William nodded politely. "Good cousin,"


The old marquis's face was a little unbearable. When he heard that William came to ask for someone, he was a little unhappy.

The **** in the Vankins family has a tradition. When his cousin got married, he was directly snatched by William's grandfather, and he didn't even have time to hold the wedding. But how many years have passed since then, why is your family still doing this?

Although you are stronger than your grandfather, at least you didn't come to **** it directly, but you can't come directly to ask for someone, right?

Thinking of the **** things when he married the Vankins family, the old marquis decided to let him hang for a while, but he didn't expect this kid to hold grudges so much that he would be his grandson-in-law if he talked with a gun and a stick. But he didn't even call a grandfather.

Thinking of this, the old earl snorted angrily and did not speak.

He has become a grandson himself, and this troublesome old man still has a displeased expression on his face. William couldn't help but become impatient, and the respectful expression on his face also cooled down.

Wasn't the person who led the way very friendly? Why is this old man making trouble for me? Has your brain been kicked out by Harry?

But after all, it is because of others, William decided to endure it first. The big deal is to practice the people he sent, just let it go. The most important thing is to get more people for the [Rage Flame Legion].

With the old marquis's stinky face, he said bravely, "Uncle cousin, I'm here to ask you for a few people."

Several! indivual! people!

The eyes of the old marquis suddenly became bigger than an ox.

What's going on? My granddaughter is not enough to harm you? How many more do you want?

I thought that your grandfather came to the door to rob people and it was enough of a dick. Your kid not only came to ask for people, but also planned to pack a few more people to bring back together? Where are you taking my Anderson home?

Looking at the old man who was standing opposite him, eager to jump over and beat someone, William couldn't help but feel a little astonished.

As for what? It's not just asking how many people you want, and it's fine if you don't agree. Who are you showing such a cannibalistic expression?

William, whose patience was exhausted, said indifferently: "Is your Lord Marquis unwilling? I just asked you for a few people. What do you mean by this expression?"

Hearing William's righteous question, the old marquis blocked his throat with a mouthful of old blood.

"You... you're simply unreasonable! Is there someone so important as you?"

Um? How can I be unreasonable, is there anything wrong with wanting people like this? William thought for a while, and suddenly understood the deep meaning of the old marquis's words.

Need to add money?

William's dissatisfaction deepened. I can help your clansmen wake up their blood, saying that they can’t improve their professional level. How many people can’t ask for good things, but you still want money?

However, this requirement really hit William's weakness. Now he wants power and people, but he really has no money, and he can't even take out a single coin from his whole body. He is really clean.

William originally wanted to leave, but for the sake of [Raging Flame Legion], he still frowned and explained, "Cousin, this is a win-win choice for us..."

The old marquis was even more angry.

"Win-win for the fart! No matter how I look at it, your kid has taken advantage of everything. Where does the win-win come from?"

William was not happy anymore, he said with a cold face: "Since you feel that you are at a disadvantage, then forget about it. I am not a member of your family." Then he turned his head and left, no longer wanting to deal with this difficult person. old man.

asshole! The old marquis's face turned purple.

I have lived in my sixties, and this is the first time I have seen such a bastard. I don't want to give you a few more granddaughters, so you don't even want one? Dare to say that it is not necessary for our family? Have you ever been a grandson-in-law like this?

He could not wait to open his mouth and abolish the marriage contract. However, when he thought of the marriage between the two families for hundreds of years, and the family motto of the unbreakable and unbreakable contract, he finally suppressed his anger.

The old marquis abruptly stood up from behind the table and grabbed William who was about to go out.

"You... You are really good! This old man has never seen you like this... hum!"

The old marquis said with trembling lips: "You can take people away, but you must ensure that you will not treat them badly! Say it! How many do you want!"

William, who was pulled, frowned.

You didn't give me life and death before, but now I don't want you, you're not happy, is there something wrong with your old brain? Having intermarryed with the Vankins family so much that your brain has been ruined?

Looking at the age spots on the old marquis's big hands, and thinking about the [Raging Flame Legion] that needs to be strengthened, William finally decided not to have the same knowledge as him. After thinking about it, he said in a flat tone:

"As much as you want, I can handle as much as you want."

The old marquis's eyes were splitting, and he wished to draw the sword on the spot and kill the **** in front of him. How much do you want? What is your husband's granddaughter? Does an egg pop out a day?

I have been dealing with the **** of the Vankins family for decades, and I have never seen a little **** who is more mad than you!

He rejected William's proposal with a dark face, and gestured with both hands.

"Impossible! Up to six!"

William's face also darkened. Are you kidding me? What's enough for six people? Paint your face black and dance with the coffin while you sing?

William turned his head away without saying a word, but he was grabbed by him again.

"For you! All for you!"

The old marquis stared at William with bloodshot eyes, even if he looked at the eyes of the enemy who killed his father, it is estimated that he might not be so fierce.

Seeing how he looked at his enemy, William said angrily: "Okay, can I pay? If they come over once, I'll give the money once, and come back when they're done. You'll have no problem this time, right? ?"

"Go back when you're done?"

Hearing William's proposal, the old marquis flushed and rushed over with a mad roar.


The guards who were standing guard outside the tent heard a loud crackling noise inside, and when they lifted the curtain, they saw that it was actually the "uncle" who was beating the owner of the house, and they were shocked.

They pulled it a few times but didn't pull it away. They knew that William was a popular man in front of Her Majesty the Queen, and he didn't kill him when he beat the head of the family.

However, as soon as the old marquis took a breath, he howled and rushed up again, causing a commotion, and half of the station became a pot of porridge.

After a long time ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Avril hurriedly brought people over. By the time she came, William and the old marquis had already stopped, sitting in the corner of the tent and staring at each other.

William's bodyguard's uniform was just torn a bit, and his body was covered with some dust. The appearance of the old marquis was much more miserable. Not only was his face blue and red, but his trousers were torn apart, and his two thin hairy legs were dangling outside.

Avril helped her forehead helplessly.

"William, Your Excellency Roman, who are you?"

The old marquis roared angrily: "You let him speak first! The old man doesn't have such a thick skin!"

Looking at the old marquis who had lost half his life, Avril couldn't help but look at William, her face full of inquiries.

William spread his hands, indicating that he didn't understand what was going on.

God knows what the madness of this old man is, he is just here to ask for someone, if he doesn't want to give it, he won't give it. What's the matter? Makes me feel like I'm bullying an old man.

After thinking about it, he summed up quite incisively: "I came to ask for someone, and he didn't want to beat me, so I beat him, and that's it."

The old marquis, who was leaning on the chair panting heavily, stood up abruptly.

"You want someone? Do you want someone like that?"

Seeing that he was still unrelenting, William said without hesitation, "I said I can give you money, what else do you want?"

"You bastard!"

Avril persuaded the old marquis who wanted to move on, preventing him from being beaten again, and then asked suspiciously: "I still don't understand what you are talking about, who does William want? "


"My granddaughter."


? !

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