I'm not! I do not want! I do not!

Martin's bowels of remorse were about to twist, and he waved his hands and said sternly: "No, no! How can you just go back on something that has been decided?"

William glanced at him half-smiling, gave up the slightly weaker opponent that he was going to assign to him, opened the Legion panel and swiped around, and found someone slightly stronger than him.

"Wally Vankins is out!"

The big man who was lowering his head and picking out his shoes froze, making a note for that **** Martin in his heart.

Where are you hiding? You have to hide behind my ass? If you hadn't cheated on me, would I be noticed by such a low-key person?

William looked at the sparks in their eyes with satisfaction, nodded slightly and said: "You two are opponents, from now on, your task is to defeat each other, you can fight any way you want, except you can't make a dead hand, you lose. People who want to be with those people on the flagpole, do you understand?"

It turned out to be your little cub!

The two people, one tall and one short, glared at each other angrily, and even without William provoking them, their anger had already surged up.

The short Martin let out a roar, and rushed forward to punch the big man's arm. The big man Vali was not to be outdone and punched him with a black eye. The two soon became one. group.

Looking at the [Fury] floating in the status bar of the two with satisfaction, William started to assign a new PK combination.

"Kersey Vankins, Ralph Vankins out."

The people who were called by their names this time were a second-tier [Blade Shield Guard] and a second-tier [Axe Knight], who were considered the strongest after the patriarch Harry in the Vankins family.

After they glanced at each other, the second-tier [Knife and Shield Guard] Kesi asked suspiciously, "We fight too?"

William nodded calmly.

"That's right."

[Axe Knight] Ralph scratched his head and said with a puzzled face, "Why should I fight him? He's not my opponent."

Hearing Ralph's bold speech, Corsi's forehead suddenly appeared blue veins.

"You fart! You're not my opponent! Not only can you beat me, you're not even as good as JJ!"

"What the **** are you doing! It's obvious that I'm longer!" Ralph was furious, picked up the big axe in his hand and slashed across his face.

Kesi raised his big shield to hold the axe, gave him a contemptuous look and said, "What are you pretending to be! When I went to take a bath in the 'Fairy Forest' last time, I saw it clearly! You are only half of me. long!"

Looking at the respectful eyes of the surrounding clansmen, Ralph, whose "spirit" was questioned, suddenly became anxious.

"Can that be the same? You **** take a hot bath! I take a cold bath! You will shrink even if you take cold water!"

[Unstoppable, into a state of extreme anger, stamina consumption speed increased by 30%, strength and agility increased by 5%]

[Ralph Vankins' bloodline is awakening, the current progress is 11.32%]


It took more than half an hour for William to assign opponents to everyone. The Vankins family's residence was no longer as calm as before, and there were people everywhere who started fighting.

These people are not all as proactive as Martin and the others. There are even a lot of people who are just pretending, but the more they fight, the more they find that their opponents are particularly difficult to deal with, and their strengths are actually quite different from each other. Even if one side is a little stronger, it will not be too strong.

The people of the Vankins family have the blood of the mad war demon, and they have an innate pursuit of battle, and this kind of evenly matched battle is really rare. Some people have encountered this for the first time in their life. Balanced test.

Those who are just pretending at the beginning will get a little over the top when they fight. The more they fight, the more comfortable they are. , this kind of battle is simply refreshing to the depths of the soul.

The collision of fists and flesh, the muffled humming of those who were beaten, and the roars of those who were excited took turns sounding, and the entire Vankins family's residence soon became a mess, and people were beaten to the ground by hammers one after another. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but most people got up immediately and jumped back on it with great pleasure.

The sallow-faced Byrne covered his stomach and lay on the horse's back. He and the young knights gathered around the gate of the station to watch the excitement. He glanced at William, whose face was full of relief, and could not help but quietly poked his colleagues.

"Hey, do you think the vice-commander is avenging his personal revenge?"

The happy young knight was stunned for a moment.

"No way, deputy commander... No, it's already the commander! Isn't the commander also surnamed Vankins? Even if it may not have been very good at home before, it shouldn't be a public revenge, right? Besides, I think These guys are simply enjoying it, and they are actually quite happy when they fight."

Byrne pouted and didn't speak. How could you, a rookie, understand such a thing? Lord Commander usually has no expression on his face, even on the battlefield where blood is flying, he always has a cold face, but you look at his current expression, where is that paralyzed look? Although the magnitude is not very strong, the joy on his face can hardly be covered.

Strange, what's so good about these people? The usually unsmiling leader, when he looked at these men with blue noses and swollen faces, actually had a look of relief written all over his face. This is completely unreasonable, right? And he always felt that the expression of Lord Commander was inexplicably familiar.

After subconsciously rubbing the new horse whip smeared with bitter gourd juice, Byrne suddenly remembered where he had seen such an expression before.

Back then, when he was a skin boy of the hunter's family, the neighbor on the right was a farmer named Mr. Viscount. After pouring the dung, he would sit on the ridge and look at the crops.

So... is the Commander going to throw a lot of **** on them?


These energetic and strong men suddenly changed their tastes. Some people lost their temper and even included the people around them into their attack range. One-on-one duels quickly turned into group fights.

This is not possible! William's face changed and he rushed up. After knocking down a few reckless men who were trying to exercise with multiple people, he opened the legion panel and looked at the status bar of these people, and found that almost all of them were "fighting" and "angry". , nodded contentedly.

Perfect~ It seems that the formation training of [Rage Flame Legion] can also be put on the agenda.

In the next three months, the people of the Vankins family ushered in a life that did not know whether it was heaven or hell.

If the experience of a hundred battles is a symbol of warriors, it is estimated that these people from the Vankins family can be equal to five warriors by dragging one out of them. It takes less than two weeks to experience "hundred battles", and after three months, I am afraid that it is almost "thousand battles".

Although the battle between the same clan is not always on the edge of life and death like the real battle, but because the opponent's strength is too close to his own, the battle is even more smooth and fierce.

During these three months, they woke up every day, and after breakfast, it was endless battles, battles, and more ferocious battles. Except for the time to eat, sleep, and go to the toilet, as long as their physical strength was not exhausted, they would have to fight. It went on as if there was no end.

However, these belligerents are only human beings after all, and they are not real mad war demons. In the face of seemingly endless battles, there will be a day when they will not be able to persevere;

Some people have even begun to be afraid of fighting. Among them, Harry Vankins, who was abused by William every day, was the most war-weary.

To be able to become the patriarch in the bellicose Vankins, Harry's strength is indeed the strongest. He had already reached the second-order limit, and after being beaten by William, he even broke through the third-order and became a real [Great Knight].

Originally, this was a good thing, but unexpectedly, it became the beginning of his pain.

Because the entire Vankins family no longer has anyone with strength similar to him, in order to activate his bloodline of the mad war demon, William had to go off the field to spar with him. Cruel slaughter.

What's worse is that William has already made him the best target for "experience". As long as there is nothing wrong with Avril, he will come over and beat him a few times every day.

William has carefully calculated that the "experience" that can be obtained by beating Harry once is about ten times that of beating an ordinary second-tier professional.

Although the prompts given by the system are all [has engaged in a bullying battle], but if it is another second-level professional, "bullying the weak" hundreds of times will not necessarily lead to a level, but if you bully Harry, Just beating him fifty times is enough to get a level up.

After raising the Flesh Giant to LV17, William realized.

Since you have to brush "experience" no matter what, you have to follow through to the end~

Naturally, those with higher levels are faster to brush than those with lower levels. There are not many people who have reached the third rank or above in the entire royal army, but they can be beaten every day, and the only one who doesn't go to Avril to complain, so who do you beat if you don't?


Harry Vankins walked out of the barracks with a gloomy face, ready to face the ravages of today's madness.

He never thought that one day he would be afraid of fighting.

After being beaten by William and using this to break through the third-order great knight, Harry felt that his strength had undergone a reborn change, and he suddenly swelled to the point where he rode a warhorse into William's tent overnight.

Relying on the extraordinary agility of the third-order great knight, Harry even had the upper hand for a time, but when he launched the great knight's combat technique [Second Stage Charge] and hit William head-on, the crackling sound of his ribs cracked like a thunderbolt. It blew into his fragile heart.

What is even more tragic is that William, who was woken up, was not in a good state. He couldn't stop his hand under sleepy eyes. He punched him hard, and directly cost him half of his life. The life-saving alchemy potion might have to be explained on the spot.

While lying in the wounded barracks, Harry Vankins fully understood the truth.

I was afraid that my son was holding the wrong one at the beginning. I was afraid that the one lying in the delivery room next door was not a half-race giantess, right? That is, there is no such thing as a paternity test in this world, otherwise he would really wonder if there is something in his head.

In his thirty years of life, Harry Vankins knew for the first time what powerlessness meant. He had completely given up the idea of ​​"revenge" and was ready to be a salted fish with peace of mind.

However, this backfired. William, who needed "experience", set his sights on him, a newly promoted third-order great knight. When he just walked out of the wounded barracks, he was blocked by William and beaten at the door. Repatriated the same way, and went back to lie down for more than two days.

I, Harry Vankins, actually don't like fighting (suffering) fighting (beating) that much. Can you find someone else?


When Harry walked out of the barracks in a panic, he didn't find that hateful figure.

After asking the young knight guarding the door, Harry was very pleasantly surprised to learn that because Her Majesty the Queen was going to see several important guests and needed him to act as a guard temporarily, his son of a **** was not here today.

The day to turn over has come! After being abused by that **** for months, it's finally my turn to abuse others!

Harry, who was originally like a capon, regained his vitality, and grinned and rushed into the barracks and called everyone out.

"Wow, hahaha! I'm already a third-order great knight! Come on, you bastards! I'm going to fight ten today!"


"Respected Her Majesty the Queen~www.wuxiamtl.com~ A richly dressed old man smiled at Avril, took off his hat and bent over to give a noble salute.

Although he is well-dressed and worth a lot of money, he certainly does not look like someone who is short of money, but his smile is always inexplicably wretched, which makes people feel uneasy, a bit like a sneaky sharpie Dog, it seems like it's going to rush up to grab the meat bun in your hand in the next second.

"The old man greets you on behalf of the Church of Fortune, and may your will shine on Flange."

Beside him is a slender girl. Compared with the gorgeously dressed old man, her clothes are relatively simple, but the materials are also very high-quality, and she looks full of bookishness. If she wears a pair of gold Silk glasses, almost like a female scholar.

The girl slightly lifted the corners of her skirt and gave a ladylike salute. Her delicate and fair skin could make most women envy to death. The facial features on her face were even more exquisite like a porcelain doll. Results of pampering and genetic screening.

William quickly glanced at her from top to bottom, but he didn't see any patterns representing her family, and he was probably a cleric of a certain church.

The placket at the girl's neckline is closely aligned, and the folded neckline and the patterns on the clothes are extremely neatly matched one by one, without the slightest deviation.

Contrary to her extremely strict and dignified dress, her long, slightly chestnut hair was casually draped over her right shoulder, only tied at the end by an old leather loop, with a few mischievous strands more It is because the tresses have fallen out, and the ends of the ends of the hair are slightly split, which is obviously a little neglected.

"Your Majesty, my name is Karina, the chanter of the Church of Knowledge, and I greet you on behalf of the Church of Knowledge."

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