This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 121: "Training" begins

William took out a piece of fruit from his arms, wiped it on Harry's back, and nibbled it slowly.


chew... chew...

"Tsk, after a while, I... kacha kacha... knocked down a dozen times, you are proud of it... kacha kacha... the combat power is really..."

chew... chew...

"Quite cute."

Looking at the unfilial son's sympathetic eyes, Harry Vankins broke his defense instantly.

"Ahhh! Let me go! I'm going to kill you!"

Around the two, nearly 200 people from the Vankins family surrounded them with anger on their faces, some clenched their fists, some stared desperately, and some simply scolded , but no one dared to pounce.

When the head of the patriarch was pressed into the ground for the tenth time, someone had already tried to rush to the group to fight, but their ending was a bit miserable. Walking the bird shivering in the cold wind.

The crowd around the two began to make noise.

"Let go of our patriarch!"

"Traitor! Quickly let go!"

"Bastard! You can beat us, but you can't humiliate us!"

A group of people from the Vankins family hurled abuse around William, but their swearing skills were obviously unfamiliar, and some of them could only shout back and forth in a sentence or two even with a blushing face.

If people who are familiar with the Vankins family are here, they will be shocked. The Vankins family, who has always been beaten if they refuse to accept it, actually only dares to speak up?

William nibbled at the fruit with a nonchalant look on his face, obviously just thinking they were farting.

The people who saw this scene almost burst their lungs with anger. This **** traitor came over with the queen's warrant and asked them to obey the order, saying that they would use the Vankins family to form a legion, and then weaved them all in on his own.

Later, I didn't know what happened to him, and inexplicably kicked out 30% of them, saying that these people were not qualified to join the legion.

The angry patriarch went up to reason with him. After being satirized by him for a few words, he was so angry that he moved his hands. However, the patriarch, who had already reached the second-order limit, was slapped to the ground by his slap and couldn't get up for a long time.

Seeing that the patriarch suffered a loss, some clansmen immediately surrounded him. There were also several young knights who came with the traitor. These people saw that he was surrounded and did not come to help, but just pointed and smiled.

As a result, the surrounding clansmen were quickly knocked out one by one. After no one dared to surround them again, the young knights, under his orders, stripped off the clansmen who rushed up and hung them on the flagpole.

The angry patriarch challenged again, but every time he jumped up, he was knocked to the ground, and he fell down with a slap every time. The slap print on his forehead was red and shiny. printed.

After knocking down the patriarch a dozen times in a row, this man may have been a little annoyed. He actually sat on the patriarch's back and started to rest. Now he still uses the patriarch's clothes to wipe the fruit and eat it? This is simply a disgrace!

While nibbling on the fruit, William looked at the surrounding clansmen with red eyes, and nodded with great satisfaction.

The plan works!

He asked for the "disposal power" of the Vankins family from Her Majesty the Queen. After they were incorporated into the legion, he checked them carefully and found that most of them had the blood of the Berserker Demon, and they looked like their bearded cousins. Not an exception.

After excluding those whose bloodline concentration was too low, there were still nearly 200 people left. After patching it together, it was barely enough for two knight battalions, and the plan to build the [Raging Flame Legion] was completely feasible.

William spit out the core and stood up. He had already thought about the training methods for these people.

As a demon representing violent rage, the way to awaken the bloodline of the mad war demon is very simple, that is, huge anger and fierce enough battle!

William is going to assign them equal opponents according to the attributes on their panels, ordering them to fight non-stop except for eating and sleeping, and those who lose every day must accept ruthless ridicule, through high-intensity fighting and anger To stimulate the bloodline of the mad war demon in these people.

If about half of these people can wake up, then it is enough to become a degraded version of the [Raging Flame Legion]. The innate skill [Blood Trample] of the Berserker Demon naturally restrains the vast majority of melee professionals.

In Flange, who lacks legal professionals, this kind of sloppy skill is easy to use. If there is such a troop in his hand, even if the opposite is Leonard's lair, he will dare to break into it.

Just when he was about to stimulate these people again and provoke their anger, he received a prompt that made him extremely speechless.

[Your summon [Zombie Bloodbat LV1] activated the skill [Blood Transformation] on the common cockroach LV0

[The target of the skill is detected as a race other than humans, and the transformation failed]

Damn it! I remember that [Blood Transformation] can only be activated by biting with the mouth? Xiaohong, you... can you really speak up?


In the forest on the border between the Holy Empire and Farland, a bat hanging upside down on a tree slowly opened its eyes.

"Strange, isn't he dead? Why do I feel that there is a generation of blood descendants trying to transform new descendants?"

The bat's body glowed a scarlet light, reflecting the surrounding trees a bright red.

The strange and cold red light flashed away, and nearly a thousand bats of different sizes flew out of the shadows in the forest. shadow.

Accompanied by the strange chirping and the vibration of the air when flapping the bat's wings, thousands of bats converged downward and turned into a dozen men and women with different shapes.

An old man with white hair and beard crawls respectfully on the ground, bows deeply to the bat hanging upside down on the tree, and when he opens his mouth, he utters a clear voice like that of a young man.

"Sir Duke, you called us this time, do you have anything to order?"

Bat looked around the dozen or so people, but didn't find the figure he wanted to see, so he couldn't help muttering to himself, "Strange, am I feeling wrong?"

"Lord Duke?"

The old man's questioning voice interrupted the bat's contemplation. It waved its bat wings unhappily. After an inexplicable fluctuation, a dozen men and women who suddenly appeared turned into a large number of bats and disappeared into the shadows in the forest again.

Glancing at the sun in the sky with disgust, the bat slowly closed its eyes, and the forest regained its silence, as if everything had never happened before.


[Blood Lord LV66 has activated the skill [Summon Bloodborn] on your summons [Bone Bloodbat LV1], [Zombie Bloodbat LV1], and [Ghost Bloodbat LV1], your summoned creature needs to accept a level check and fails the check will be forcibly summoned]

[As the owner of the summoned object, your sequence can be used as a check condition and accept the check together]

[The occupation level of the blood sequence detected is lower than LV60, the check has not been...]

[Unbounded people talent is activated, this check is exempted]

Facing his "father", William's face changed, blood lord LV66? Did Xiaohong's "parent" named Roger find something?

At this moment, Harry, whose nose was bruised and swollen by the hammer, was holding his head and squatting in defense, honestly preparing to be beaten, but the expected heavy blow never arrived.

He squinted and took a peek, and found that his son who betrayed the family seemed to be distracted. This villain not only opened an empty door in front of him, but also saw no sign of defense.

good chance!

Harry's eyes lit up, and he was almost shaking with excitement.

He has been beaten by William for almost half an hour. Not only has he been hammered to the point of doubting his life, he has never even had a chance to punch him again. Although he, Harry Vankins, has lost a lot of fights, but when will he? Been beaten so badly?

Finally let me find a chance to fight back!

Harry grinned with a swollen panda eye, and with all his strength, he slapped William in the face with a fistful of jealousy, thinking about giving this unfilial son an ugly black eye.

William only felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face, and subconsciously tilted his head to avoid the punch, and then under Harry's mournful gaze, he punched back with a backhand, making his panda eyes completely symmetrical.

Admiring his work with satisfaction, William's paralyzed face showed a gratified smile.

Forget it. Anyway, it doesn't know that I did it. After Xiaohong completes the "mission", she will not even think about finding me. In comparison, "cultivating" the army is more important.

[Thirty-nine consecutive battles of bullying the weak, the flesh-and-blood giant advanced, the current level is LV16]

Oh roar? Double happiness!

William happily opened his attribute panel and looked at it.

[Name: William Vankins]

【Race: Human, Undead】

[Reputation: French Empire 765/1000 (respected) Farrell family? /? 】

[Armor value: 4/5]







[Evaluation: Extremely weak giant, shame among the giants]

You fart! It's not like I haven't seen a giant. You find a giant under ten years old, and I'll beat him to tears right away!

William, who was provoked by the evaluation, punched Harry viciously, causing him to fall on his back with a groan, and would not get up no matter what.

Although it is said to be "vicious", William's punch has actually taken 60% of his strength.

[Flesh Giant]'s special ability [Flesh Power] will have a 50% strength bonus when attacking. If you are hit by a fist equivalent to 150 points of strength, it is tantamount to letting an adult elephant dance in a place the size of a slap. If this punch is real, then William will be a real orphan from today.

Looking at Harry who was lying on the ground and humming, but refused to get up no matter what, William patted off the dust from his body and let him go. After all, it's to provoke anger, and it's not really to convince people. If it's too provocative, it's not good for him to just give up on himself.

William looked around at the expressions of the people around him, and was extremely satisfied with their burning eyes.

What I want is this taste. Demons are much easier to cultivate than angels. I must sway around when I have something to do. As long as this level of anger persists, it will not be long before someone will awaken their bloodlines.

He called up the Legion panel, combined these people's attributes, abilities, special abilities, etc., and briefly estimated the strength of these people, preparing to match them with opponents of similar strength.

"Martin Vankins."

In the crowd, he was taken aback by the short man who was glaring at William. Could it be that this perverted man didn't find it enough to beat the patriarch, and was going to pick a few more people to continue the fight?

He took a step back without saying a word. The cat was behind the big clan beside him, trying his best to avoid the man's terrifying gaze, and even prayed for the first time in his life with great devotion.

God bless! Goddess of Fortune bless! God of knowledge bless! Anyway, no matter what God, please bless me! Don't let him find me! Don't find me!

William glanced at the crowd, and those who came into contact with his eyes looked away, for fear of being pulled out and being hit with a hammer. The patriarch is still lying on the ground over there humming, a lesson from the past and a teacher for the future!

Although our Vankins family likes to fight, we are not fools! This kind of one-sided play is not fighting, it is pure beating! Whoever is willing to go, I will definitely not go!

William's eyes wandered twice, and finally settled on a big It's not because he is the tallest and the most conspicuous, but because he has the words "guilt" written all over his face, and there are leaks behind him. belonging to someone else's clothes.

Seeing that man's eyes locked on him, the big man broke down in cold sweat.

What are you staring at me for? Didn't we say we were looking for Martin? I'm wearing black clothes, can't you see that big piece of blue clothes behind me? Are you blind?

The big man twisted his **** to reveal a little more of Martin behind him. However, William's eyes were still pacing back and forth on him, and he didn't mean to move away.

Seeing the malevolent look on the man's face, in order to avoid possible violence, the big man had no choice but to bend down and start sorting out his boots that he hadn't cleaned for several years, revealing Martin behind him who was praying with his eyes closed.

"Have you finished praying?"

William asked impatiently, "Why don't you come out and have a fight with me, and I'll send you to pray on the bed of the wounded barracks?"

After hearing William's words, Martin Vankins was stunned. When he hurriedly opened his eyes, he found that the big man had bent down and was digging the empty shoe upper with great earnestness, as if he could use his fingers. It looks like a bible is cut out from the head.

Coward! Bai has grown so big!

Martin cursed him angrily in his heart, wishing to kick the **** of this cub, but he could only meet William's gaze with gritted teeth.

"I tell you, I'm not afraid of you! There are no cowards in the Vankins family! Even if you kill me today, I won't..."

William raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise:

"Huh? You mean you want to fight me? I've already assigned your opponents, but since you think so..."

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