This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1121: God of the Moon and the Hunt (middle)

"What's wrong?"

Sensing that William, who was behind him, suddenly stopped, the Elf Queen who had come near the Pope Tree looked back at him, and then said with a somewhat surprised expression:

"Is something wrong? Why are you looking so weird?"


It should be fine now, but I'm afraid there will be a big problem later!

After hearing the words of the Elf Queen, William did not directly answer her question, but first looked up to observe the position of the moon, and found that although the moon in the sky was large and round, it had not yet reached its highest point.

Although Lick Wolf only said that he would be resurrected at the full moon, he didn't mention when it would be, but since he wanted to resurrect with the power of the full moon, the stronger the natural moonlight, the better, and when the moonlight is the best tonight, naturally It's time for the moon to climb overhead.

So...there's still time!

After calculating the speed of the moon's climb, William's eyes couldn't help but flash with joy.

Even if there are a large number of Luna believers in the Forest of Spirits, the Luna in the Kingdom of God will definitely not be able to react quickly. As long as the problem of the old Pope can be solved as soon as possible, and then the licking wolf is resurrected, he has not come into close contact with any Luna. When he was a believer, he directly took him out of the forest of spirits at the fastest speed, so it might be possible to hide it...

"Lord William, are you done with your business?"


Seeing the face that came out from behind the Pope Tree and looked at him with a flattering expression, William's expression froze slightly, and then he said incredulously:

"Why are you here? And...why are you resurrected now?"

ah? Is there something wrong with my resurrection now?

After hearing William's question, the werewolf king stretched out his hand and scratched his head in doubt, and then looked a little puzzled:

"Exactly when to revive... This is not something I can choose. Usually, when the moon rises on the day of the full moon, I will live with the moonlight.

As for why I'm here... After the resurrection, I asked the nearest waiter. They said that you were visiting the Elf Queen, so it was inconvenient to take me there. They were going to take me to the lounge to wait.

But I thought that after you visited the Queen, you will definitely come to look for this tree, so I just came here and waited, so that you don't have to run again... uh... This must be Her Majesty the Queen of the elves, right? "

After noticing the luxuriously dressed female elf beside William, the werewolf king just squeezed out a pleasing smile and was about to say hello and say some polite words, but the white full moon above the elf royal court suddenly swelled in size. more than twice.

In the stunned expression of the werewolf king, the cold and quiet brilliance suddenly fell from the moon, like a beacon thrown from a distance from the high sky, and it was inserted into his forehead with extraordinary precision and abnormality. , everyone in the vicinity estimates that as long as they look up, they can clearly know where he is...


OK, you're done.

After smacking his lips reluctantly, William turned his head to look at the elf queen who was also beside him with a strange expression, and sighed:

"Your Majesty... In addition to your belief in nature, you are also a believer of the Moon God?"


Looking at the head of the werewolf king, the cold glow almost all the way to the moon, the elf queen's eyes blinked, and then her face was full of disbelief:

"He's... a hunting guide? How could your companion... be marked by Lord Arda?"

"Uh... this matter... it's a long story..."

After hearing the real name of the Moon and Hunting God, William rubbed his brows with an unusual headache, then looked at the terrified werewolf king, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

To tell the truth... or just sell this to Luna.

But after all, they saved Melanie before, and now it's unreasonable to sell him to Luna Xiehuo, and he can't do such a thing with his little morals left. And if you sell him to the Moon God, the news of the licking wolf clan will also be revealed, and in the end, the godhead of the ancient Moon God will still not be preserved...

Gee... forget it!

Thinking of this, William couldn't help but sigh again.

Although I have only known each other for a few days, I am still a teammate who has been with me all the way. In addition, I have tried my best to protect others. I have to protect him no matter what, but don't let this guy get killed by the furious Luna.

As for the godhead of the ancient moon god, although that thing is precious, among the four priesthoods involved, except for the moon that can still be seen, the rest of the recovery, sleep, and hunting can only be said to be good. Several of my own sequences are not very suitable, and there is nothing too difficult to accept if I can't get them. Quan should have a good relationship and save money and avoid disasters...

uh... wait! Bankrupt? By the way... I'm not going to be implicated by the curse of the poor b of the archbishop, right?

With the suspicion that this possibility is not low, William tried to briefly explain the matter between the licking wolf clan and the ancient moon **** godhead to the elf queen, and by the way, he showed his attitude.

It doesn't matter if the godhead of the ancient moon **** is given. After all, he is only at the sixth rank. If you want to absorb the godhead and use it to spy on the priesthood, you will have to be at the peak of the ninth rank even if you are completely homologous, and even more so if you are not completely homologous. The tenth start.

When I can use the godhead, I guess it's over to grab whatever godhead I want. Whether or not I can see the godhead of the ancient moon **** at that time are two different things.

And after putting aside the matter of the godhead, the licking wolf still has to protect it, and the hunting mark that hangs down from the moon, this troublesome thing has to be quickly solved for him.

If I remember correctly, according to the rules set by the Moon and the God of Hunting, whether she is a follower or not, as long as you successfully catch the "prey" marked by [Hunting Guide], and then recite her real name, you will be You can get a very rich reward from her.

It's just that the forest of elves has not been chaotic yet, and the elves have not been forced to go out in large numbers. This hunting activity only exists in the forest of elves, and has not become completely popular on the continent of Austrian law.

And when the elves who believe in the **** of the moon and the hunting take this kind of activity out in the future, every unlucky ghost who hurts the beloved believer of the **** of the moon and the hunting **** and is then marked will attract countless hungry and thirsty ghosts. Eyes, so if you don't remove this mark in advance, there will inevitably be endless troubles coming to the door...

After listening to William's explanation and request, UU read www. The elf queen holding the flower pot bit her lip in embarrassment, then frowned and said:

"The matter of the godhead is nothing... Lord Arda has a good personality and should not be too angry, but there is no precedent for the mark she set to be lifted. I am afraid that the mark on the target will disappear only after a successful hunt is completed. …”

Speaking of this, the Elf Queen paused slightly, then looked up at William, and said tentatively:

"Or... you catch the person yourself, and then recite Lord Arda's real name, and try to chat with her directly?"


The state is a bit rotten, and I am not very satisfied with the writing. I am afraid that the second chapter will not be changed today.

One chapter will be added today, and the rest will be posted tomorrow night. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~



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