This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: The Moon and the God of Hunting (Part 1)

Just when William opened Little White Flower's eyelids and kept tapping the middle eyeball with the index finger of his other hand, causing the morning glory next to him to scream in pain, the seasons in this space completely completed the rotation.


It was clearly still the midsummer of the scorching sun, but from a certain moment, everything around them started to move. Not only did the leaves of the trees turn yellow and fall, but the branches were covered with heavy and bright red fruits.


Even the scorching sun hanging high above the head was rapidly lowered at a terrifying speed, marking a light trail in the sky that turned from bright to blush, and then landed on the horizon like a meteor. Directly splashed a splendid haze that reflected half of the sky.


And with this beautiful and unusual, but slightly strange season, it seems that the life trajectory that was directly omitted from midsummer to late autumn has sublimated, and a large amount of pure and unusual power of nature suddenly disappears from the surrounding. Dispersed on the plant.


"Sword Comes"


These surging and pure natural forces, under the traction of certain rules, followed the invisible trajectories, quickly submerged into the central area of ​​the entire area, and intertwined with each other. At the foot of the young sapling.


That thing... is the so-called "Four Seasons Scenery", right?


William, who noticed this scene, stopped poking the Archbishop's eyeballs and squinted his eyes.


The tender young buds, the dark green leaves, the ripe fruits on the branches, and the withered rotten stems.


In this natural environment where the four seasons rotate endlessly, the small sapling planted in the flowerpot is the only plant that spans the four seasons. A peculiar beauty that makes you hard to take your eyes off of.



Under William's curious gaze, the elf queen squatted down slightly to pull up the hem of her skirt, and then walked lightly towards the sapling.


And when she nimbly walked through the intricate branches and leaves and leaned over to pick up the flowerpot on the ground, everything around her seemed to freeze suddenly. Although everything still looked so lush, the plants seemed to be wiped away. Like a dragon who lost his eyes, he lost his original vigor.


It seems that standing in this space is not a living plant, but a three-dimensional picture scroll. Even if it still looks lifelike, there is an insurmountable gap between it and the living beings. One cannot relate them to living things.


"Wow... it's amazing!"


A sigh came from the morning glory, awakening William who was caught in this wonderful landscape.


"It turns out that this is the true face of the four seasons... Select the most representative one hour in each of the four seasons of the year, and count the three hundred and sixty-five days of the plant's life in this total four hours. Urge it out and directly complete an extreme cycle from life to death.


Then the remaining three hundred and sixty-four days and twenty hours will be transformed into the purest power of nature, and will be completely absorbed by the saplings contaminated with the priesthood of nature... This is really a genius to crazy design! "


Even though he was very repelled by this "unnatural" behavior, after seeing the surrounding scene with his other eye, the Archbishop couldn't help but wondered from his heart:


"It only takes four hours to complete a full year of rotation, that day can complete six years, and one year can be used as 2,190 years!


I was curious at the beginning, what kind of artifact can open the barrier enough to cover the entire forest of elves without anyone's control, and it is still functioning normally after more than two thousand years, and it has not been consumed in the slightest. mean.


After all, I am afraid that ordinary true gods can't bear this kind of burden. I didn't expect that they would actually do this. They directly squeezed the plants in this area more than 2,000 times, surpassing the maximum force of nature, and then... oops! pain! Stop poking! "

After stabbing the Archbishop's eyeballs again and shutting the guy up, William looked at the Elf Queen who came back with the "flower pot", and politely asked nonsense.


"This is the [Four Seasons Scenery], right?"




After nodding and answering William's nonsense, the elf first adjusted the position of the queen, carefully held the "flower pot" that was close to the size of a bucket in her arms, and then ran towards the way she came.


"Follow me, [Four Seasons] can only leave here for four hours, and it will lose its effectiveness after more than four hours. If you want to suppress the excess vitality of the former Bright Pope, I don't know how much time it will take, we Better go faster."




After hearing the words of the elf queen, William couldn't help but stunned, and then violently ripped the clothes on the shoulders of the elf prince, and in the screams of a certain archbishop, kneaded the cloth with the soul flower growing on it. The regiment, stuffed it into his pocket, followed quickly.


"Squeeze people to death! You bastard! I must..."


Accompanied by the filial piety and cursing of the archbishop, William and the others left this huge space under the palace several times faster than when they came down.


When they passed through the corridors and stairs, passed through the wooden screen wall, and returned to the dormitory, the high priest on the ceiling was already twisted into a spinning top in pain, tears and snot dripping down.


"Quick! Quickly return the flowers to me!"


Seeing the culprit coming back, the exasperated archbishop screamed:


"Bastard! You can even pinch the flowers! What's the matter if you rub them all and put them in your pocket? It hurts my mother to death! Tell me! Did you do it on purpose!"


Of course I did it on purpose, otherwise?


After dodging a step to the side, avoiding the saliva from the high priest, William in a good mood did not continue to clean up her, but raised his hand and threw the ball of cloth in a ball, and then followed the elf holding the flower pot. Behind the queen, she quickly rushed out of the dormitory and rushed towards the position where the Pope Tree was planted under the clear brilliance of the moonlight.


Wait, Moonlight? The sun hadn't set yet when we went down, and it's already night now?


Probably guessing that William would have doubts, the elf queen holding the flowerpot turned back and explained:


"Don't worry, the place just now is a corner cut by the God of Nature from the kingdom of God, and the time rules in it are completely independent.


And because the Four Pillars of God have been blessed there, there are only four "one hours" in it: morning in early spring, noon in midsummer, dusk in late autumn, and midnight in severe winter, so a day there is only four hours.


And it took us a little over an hour from entering to leaving, which is exactly seven to eight hours, so it's late at night. "


I see.


After suddenly realizing it and nodding, William raised his head and glanced at the moon in the sky, and found that today seems to be a full moon, and it is also the day when Licking Wolf can recover with the help of the ancient moon godhead...


and many more! Did I forget something important?


An inexplicable heart surged up, William couldn't help but stop and looked at the bright and full moon above his head.


If I remember correctly, it seems that a licking wolf who "believes" in the ancient moon **** is about to be resurrected in the elf royal court with a large number of followers of the moon and hunting god... relying on the power bestowed by the ancient moon godhead?


Isn't this TM equivalent to dancing in a minefield? !




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