This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 307 Boss Huang Yuan surrenders daily! A-level victory bait, here it is!

The inner murmurs of the murlocs of the Sun Pirates were not heard by anyone.

Even Stolberg and other navies who rushed to Folchette Island to ambush with the intention of "capturing all the members of the Sun Pirates" focused their attention on the Card Master and the Yellow King. Above the battle of Lieutenant General of the Apes.

Although everyone didn't feel the domineering arrogance firmly locked on the yellow ape, but looking at the dense black and red lightning in the void, even the most nervous people knew that this was by no means an ordinary method.

Cui Ze raised his palm, and [Flowing Blade Ruohuo] was once again held in his palm, and layer after layer of domineering began to entwine on the unresolved Zanpaku Saber blade.

Until the end, the domineering color mixed with black and red arcs was also entwined and covered on the edge of [Flowing Blade Like Fire].

Cui Ze turned into a flickering streamer, and flew straight to the position of Boss Huangyuan, who was precisely locked by his domineering color. The mottled, black and red Zanpakudao swung a thrilling full arc in mid-air.

Huang Yuan gritted his teeth slightly, clasped his palms together, activated the ability of the Shining Fruit, and instantly pulled out a solid [Amazon Cloud Sword] from his palm, and covered the yellow lightsaber with the armed domineering color.

Holding the hilt of [Amazono Cloud Sword] with both hands, a red light flashed in Huang Yuan's eyes, and he swung the yellow lightsaber in his hand downwards heavily.


The black and red supreme sword and the bright yellow flashing energy sword collided fiercely in midair, making a crisp impact sound like metal and iron clanging, and rolling shock waves vented towards the surroundings.

The powerful shock wave turned into circles of white circular air waves, blowing the figures of the surrounding navy and pirates into disarray, making it difficult to stand still.

All the navy and pirates thought that the card master and the lieutenant general of the headquarters were undergoing an unprecedented power confrontation.

But holding the [Tian Congyun Sword] and wrestling with the [Flowing Blade Like Fire], a strange emotion flashed in the eyes of the yellow ape.

'Cui Ze's he holding back from me? '

Feeling the slashing power at two levels completely different from the flash kick just now, Huang Yuan didn't know what to say.

If we say that the "flash kick" just now has the feeling of Whitebeard in his heyday.

Then this "tyrant and slash" at this moment is probably just the youth version of Whitebeard...

It looks amazing.

Actually empty inside.

This fight...

Huang Yuan said he likes it the most!

After tacitly contending with each other for a while, Cui Ze and Huang Yuan stopped at the same time and waved their weapons again and again.

clang clang clang---

[Flowing Blade Ruohuo] and [Amazon Cloud Sword] collided countless times in the midair, and the terrifying black-red arcs and scattered yellow light chips floated in the midair.

The scene is gorgeous and the damage is pitifully low.

A group of navy and pirates who couldn't see the actual situation at all, looked at the cool and splendid battle on the field, only thought that the two big bosses were really fighting with all their strength.

Reminiscent of the battle scene of the disaster just now, whether it is the navy or the pirates, they all have the idea of ​​retreating.

And at this time.


A beam of energy shining with a faint white light shot out from the battlefield between Cui Ze and the yellow ape, and directly drew an extremely deep gully on the ground in front of Stoloberg and the other navy.

At the same time, several bright yellow light bombs also whizzed through the air, bombarding the murlocs of the even Sun Pirates, creating a terrifying effect comparable to that of shells washing the ground.

The navy and pirates, who were already on tenterhooks, looked at each other rather unwillingly, and retreated towards the rear.

In just a short moment, the field suddenly became extremely empty.

Only Hai Xia Jinpei, who was named by the card master, sat cross-legged on the ground, watching the battle on the field with a resolute expression.

Regardless of whether the card master is the legendary "Sun God Nika" who can summon the Drum of Liberation...

It is an indisputable fact that he "killed" Boss Fisher!

Jinbe will never forget the scene where Boss Fisher, who was by his side, was swallowed by the monster Neptune summoned by the card master.

But witnessed the shocking battle just now.

Jinbe knew that he was definitely not Kaka or Kizaru's opponent.

Whether it is strength or speed, there is no way for him to escape the pursuit of the two top powerhouses!

The rest of the Sun Pirates ask Jinbe to leave together.

But Shiping was very clear.

If I, who was specifically named by the card, act together with the other companions of the Sun Pirates, it will inevitably drag them down.

So under the circumstances that all the staff withdrew.

Kaixia Jinbe chose to stay in place alone, waiting for the fate that was about to engulf him.

It's a decision, it's a sacrifice.


[Flowing Blade Ruohuo] and [Amazon Cloud Sword] collided with each other again in mid-air. The two weapons, which were originally in a balanced state, erupted this time with a completely different sound from before.

The flashing energy sword broke at the sound!

[Flowing Blade Ruohuo] directly broke through the interception of [Amazon Cloud Sword], and pointed the tip of the knife wrapped with black and red lightning directly between Huang Yuan's neck.

See this scenario.

Jinping, who thought that the card and the yellow monkey would continue to play for a few days and nights, suddenly widened his fish eyes.

'etc! The battle between you just now was not like this! '

Seeing no one around, there is only one shark man.

Huang Yuan also lost the idea of ​​continuing to crack down on counterfeiting with Cui Ze, he raised his hands neatly and made a French military salute.

"Hey, enough fighting, Cui Ze."

to this day.

Huang Yuan still doesn't know how long the card he engraved for Cui Ze will last.

But he remembered it clearly.

He only printed 11 cards for Cui Ze at that time!

After these 11 cards are over, I will let you know what is the genuine flash kick——


It seems that Cui Ze still has the Thunderbolt fruit card in his hand? !

Cui Ze didn't know what Huang Yuan's boss was thinking.

At the moment Boss Huang raised his hands, a message popped up on the light curtain.

[The opponent voluntarily surrenders! 】

[You have obtained an A-level "Victory Bait"! 】

'No! I really hope to teach Boss Huang a big lesson! '

[Flowing Blade Like Fire]'s advancing posture came to an abrupt end.

Cui Ze looked at Boss Huang Yuan, who was close at hand, with a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

"Not at all!"

Cui Ze put away [Flowing Blade Like Fire] unhappily.

Repaying (violently) answering (beating) Boss Huang's battle goal can only be regarded as half completed.

Looking at Cui Ze whose words and deeds were inconsistent, Huang Yuan shook his head and lowered his palms.

To be honest.

If Cui Ze is unwilling to end the battle at this time...

Huang Yuan was really a little apprehensive.

For a long time, relying on his own shining fruit, even in the face of Pirate Emperors like Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom, he can do it with ease.

Isn't the most important thing to rely on is the extreme speed of Shining Fruit? !

But the strength Cui Ze showed now taught Huang Yuan a good lesson.

But aside from the embarrassment in the battle.

Huang Yuan has another understanding of Cui Ze's strength.

turn out to be……

After refining my physique, can I still become so strong?

Is it possible to really follow the teachings of Teacher Zefa?

will be very tired~

Cui Ze didn't know Boss Huang's fighting mentality, because of today's battle, there was a slight deflection.

He raised his finger to the other side of Jinbei who looked at a loss and was still a little unresponsive.

"The whale shark man, I took it away?"

"Do whatever you want."

Huang Yuan came back to his senses, looked at Jinping's direction, and frowned slightly.

"As long as you can fully explain it to the government...the Sun Pirates are the felons they want!"

"As I said, Fisher Tiger is 'dead and dead'."

Cui Ze deliberately chewed on words.

"Even if the world government came to ask me, it would only get this answer."

Huang Yuan's brows still did not completely relax until he heard Cui Ze's next sentence.

"I know the great significance of capturing the Sun Pirates. As the king, Shichibukai, I also need to consider the power of the world government, right?"


Huang Yuan tilted his mouth and put on a helpless expression.

"It really is the reliable Shichibukai~"

Ah... the fourth update... so late...

The fifth watch will be later, around twelve o'clock.

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