This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 306 A+ [Yellow Ape] VS Genuine Yellow Ape! The victim appears!

The crescent-shaped flaming slash, which was powerful enough to burn everything, instantly approached him.

Feeling the terrifying hot feeling that is enough to make people feel pressure even before they get close, the pupils of the yellow monkey dilated instantly, and the few drops of sweat that oozed from the forehead due to the heat evaporated in an instant.

'Is this the flame that even Kuzan's frozen fruit can't solve? '

The yellow ape activated its flashing fruit ability, turned into a ball of yellow streamer that wandered indefinitely, and quickly avoided the slash of flames that traversed the sky.

However, avoiding this flame flying slash did not reduce the sense of danger in Huang Yuan's heart too much, because his body had just stopped, and he sensed the familiar aura that appeared behind him.


Cui Ze, who appeared behind Boss Huang Yuan in an instant, once again raised the [Flowing Blade Like Fire] in his hand, and a terrifying ring of fire burst out from the edge of the oldest Zanpakuto, spreading violently in all directions .

"Fire rejection!"

The flame halo with extremely powerful burning power and impact force centered on the place where Cui Ze was standing, and attacked everything around him without any dead ends, including the yellow ape who had stabilized his figure just now, also under the impact of this flame within range.

Facing the impacting flames that erupted from behind instantly, even the frivolous and slippery yellow ape didn't say anything strange at this moment, and directly activated the ability of the flashing fruit, from the halo of flames that had not yet fully spread. to escape.


The orange-yellow flames, centered on Cui Ze's standing position, unscrupulously released towards the surroundings, as if the sun in the sky suddenly came down to the world.

And Cui Ze is the only god bathed in this sunlight!

On Folchette Island, whether it was the elite navy, the Sun Pirates, or even ordinary people in distant villages, they all saw the scorching sun descending.

In addition to being shocked by the scene of the scorching sun, the members of the navy also saw that the candidate for the general yellow ape they were proud of was forced to give in by the ability of the king's Qiwuhai card master, and the fighting momentum faded a lot in an instant.

And the members of the Sun Pirates, whether they were on Folchette Island or in the sea, were simply shocked by the ability displayed by the card master.

"Is this...the sun?"

"Why... a human?"

If it was other pirates who saw this scene at this time, perhaps their emotions would not be so shocked.

But it happened to be the Sun Pirates!

The Sun Pirates, who believe in the Sun God, believe in liberation and freedom!

Seeing the card master unscrupulously venting his anger in the sky, the members of the Sun Pirates thought of the legendary warrior that Boss Fisher always talked about for some reason.

Sun God!

Click - click -

There was a sound of ice breaking above the ground.

The Seaman Ice Sculpture, which was already slightly broken by the aftermath of the battle between Cui Ze and Huang Yuan, felt the high temperature of the scorching sun, and was directly shattered. The whale shark man frozen in the ice, also be freed.

As soon as he broke free from the shackles of the ice, Jinping ignored his frostbitten body and just looked up at the flaming sun in the sky, his pupils trembling constantly.

"What the hell... is this?!"

The same question also sounded in Huang Yuan's heart.

He didn't remember engraving such a powerful flame ability user's card on Cui Zeyin, and he didn't know that there was a flame ability user in the sea whose level could reach Cui Ze's current level.


How did Cui Ze's flame ability come about? !

The disgruntled Huang Yuan didn't bother to ask questions, because another ball of flames was released from Cui Ze's direction.

"Burning the city!"

The sky was filled with boundless orange-yellow flames again, just like the generous palm of the Great Sun Buddha, grasping the extremely agile monkey, the yellow ape.

It's a pity that before the flames of the burning city completely closed and formed a closed state, the yellow ape still escaped from the flames of the burning city by virtue of his Shining Fruit ability.

See this scenario.

Cui Ze couldn't help frowning, he waved [Flowing Blade Like Fire] lightly, the frightening flames burning on the Taidao's body were extinguished in an instant, and turned into that ordinary and supreme sword.

He originally thought that the initial flame of [Flowing Blade Like Fire] would be enough to pose a threat to Boss Huang Yuan, thus creating a combat advantage.

The advantage did arise, and Boss Huang was so burned that he did not resist at all.

But even if Boss Huangyuan didn't resist, the extreme speed of his Shining Fruit was still difficult to solve!

At the very least, the [Flowing Blade Ruohuo] at the beginning level really has no way to pose a real threat to Boss Huang Yuan.

And the swastika...

Just beat up the boss.

Not to this extent!

Cui Ze put away [Flower Blade] and turned on [Destiny], and appeared in front of Boss Huangyuan who was evading the flame attack out of thin air, and then directly activated the ability of Shining Fruit!

"Speed ​​is power, Boss Huang Yuan, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

An equally golden yellow thigh roared and tore through the air, kicking towards the body of the orangutan.

"Use the old man's ability to deal with the old man!"

A trace of anger flashed in Huang Yuan's eyes, he raised his right arm, armed with domineering aura, intending to take the flash kick just like Cui Ze did just now.

But wait until this "Ozawa version of the flash kick" actually makes real contact with Kizaru's right arm.

Huang Yuan's expression suddenly changed!

"This power—"

Before Huang Yuan's thoughts fully emerged from his mind, his body was kicked down by the "Ozawa Flashing Kick" and turned into a yellow meteor that fell from the sky, directly penetrating into the ground of Forchard Island. On the ground, a huge deep pit was hit.


An earth-shattering explosion erupted immediately on the ground of the island that was hit, and countless mud, rocks and dust splashed out, and then flew in all directions along with the impact force.

When the smoke and dust from the explosion cleared away, the slightly embarrassed Boss Huang Yuan reappeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, Huang Yuan's state didn't seem to have suffered much damage on the surface, but his slightly trembling right arm still exposed the fact that he had indeed received a lot of shock just now!

Feeling the soreness spreading from his arms, Huang Yuan only felt that he was being trampled by ten thousand manatees and sea kings in his heart.

He looked up at the smiling Cui Ze who was slowly retracting his right leg in the sky, and he could hardly control his anger.

Cui Ze!

Back then, the old man was willing to lend you his strength...

I didn't know you would use it against me!

And it's so powerful!

Compared with the angry Boss Huang Yuan.

Cui Ze's mentality is very relaxed.

Turning into a streamer and landing on the ground, Cui Ze walked in the direction of Boss Huang step by step. Accompanied by the violent heartbeat of bang, bang, black and red lightning burst and wandered in the void.

An extremely heavy oppressive feeling instantly appeared in Boss Huang's mind.

Up to this moment, he felt the pressure of this top-level domineering color.

Huang Yuan finally realized one thing.

His authentic ability user...

In terms of personal strength, he really can't compare to Cui Ze!

Compared with the yellow ape that is messy in the wind.

The few murlocs of the Sun Pirates almost didn't kneel down to Cui Ze.

These murloc pirates, who were deeply influenced by Fisher Tiger, have completely lost the ability to manage their expressions, and can only groan in their hearts.

‘God of the Sun! '

"In our lifetime, we actually heard the sound of the drum of liberation that Boss Fisher said..."

Third update.

There are two more, it will be very late...

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