On the coast of Sabaody Archipelago, an island-like super battleship slowly approached. It was the floating island fortress, Marine’s temporary combat headquarters during the crusade of the Celestial Dragon Government.

This super-giant sea battleship should have a deep draught and cannot get close to the coast of Sabaody Archipelago at all.

With the buoyancy black technology of Fishman shipbuilder Tom, it can make this huge super fortress look like a small fishing boat. With a waterline of less than one meter, it can float steadily on the sea. Above.

The source of power for the super battleship of the floating island fortress is definitely not coal, nor is it an oil tanker. Although this World has not yet developed nuclear power, Begapunk is Deity who can even burn Coke as an energy source. He equipped the floating island fortress with an energy system, even if he lived in Earth in the 21st century. Hailan also really couldn't understand.

The technological level of one pieceworld has never been bad, it is just that the technological tree is crooked, its lower limit is low, but the upper limit is also high.

Speaking of the two technologies of Tom and Bergapunk alone, even the best scientists on Earth will be dumbfounded when they come here.

After the connecting bridge was built, countless Marines, Army soldiers and civilians walked down from the floating island fortress, turned around and hurriedly used the elevator to go straight up Mariejois.

The Mariejois war is over, and the world-wide war is in full swing.

Between the Void Throne and the Flower, Pandora ran towards the sun with Pandora, but the Celestial Dragon castle of Mariejois still remains. These are all historical and cultural heritages in the future. Naturally, a large number of architectural and archeological experts are needed. Maintenance and retention.

The new government's parliament building will also be built on the top of Mariejois, and countless labors are being continuously sent to the "Holy Land" where civilians cannot step in the past.

It is unrealistic that all people can become law-abiding citizens with a single statement. The people must live, right? You have to have food, right?

The maintenance of the historic site of Mariejois and the construction of the Capitol have also solved a large number of employment crises.

The new Government is still not operating steadily. How to solve the financial problems?

At this time, the property that Hailan and Koala searched and stored in the castle's body protection talisman in the early years played a role. Skypiea's gold was also sufficient to support the new Government through the early wasteland crisis.

Regarding financial issues, Hailan temporarily handed it over to Buggy. He has innate talent and experience in this area.

Although Buggy loves money like life,

he doesn't dare to use power for personal gain in this kind of thing, but Hai Lan has to personally review it. And it is precisely because Buggy loves money like his life, it can ensure that every capital will be spent where it is needed, and there will be no waste.


In the living area of ​​the floating island fortress, wearing a white dress with lace, Ai Yin is standing on the top of the tallest building.

She wears a summer casual Straw Hat inlaid with colorful lace and hand-woven, and her pair of gloves is light-colored tulle gloves, quietly looking at the endless stream of people below, her eyes are cold and cold Alienated.

Ai Yin previously assisted the Crane staff to manage the army forces, but it is no longer needed because the army has been disrupted and gradually merged into Marine. Under the leadership of their respective Sirs, they may go to sea to destroy Pirate or return to Red Line continent suppresses riots.

Ai Yin, who lost her mission, did not wear Marine uniform today, she was just waiting for someone quietly.

A stream of light glides from the horizon, and the sun is in the sky, almost no one notices.


Ai Yin lightly put out a breath, she tidied up the brim of her hat, and the hem of her hand-held skirt slowly turned around, smiling all over her face.

"Does it look good?"

"It looks good."

The answer is simple and direct.

A smart expert will come up with countless words of praise at this time, and the writing is like a fountain, but Hailan only answered two simple words.

"It looks good."


Ai Yin was a bit dissatisfied with her mouth.

The ice-snow Princess-like lady turned into an escaped little girl next door in a blink of an eye, and Ai Yin threw herself into Hai Lan's arms.

"But who made me like idiots."

Hailan held Ai Yin in his arms with moderate strength, and gently brushed the silver white hair like snow , A touch of sadness suddenly surged in my heart.

Hailan has reached today's height, surpassing everyone, but gradually lost the normal laughter and curse.

There is a big gap between him and others, like an insurmountable gap.

Sister Gion is no longer joking, Issho is no longer close, and even Sengoku seems to have a sense of awe in her...

This is like when Runtu has grown up and met Brother Xun, he can no longer make jokes back then.

No one is wrong, because this is the inevitability brought by time.

People say lonely at the top.

The king is lonely.

Hailan felt that she gradually understood Yim's loneliness.

Although the situation of the two of them is actually different...

Without realizing the subtlety of Hailan, Ai Yin is cuddling in Hailan’s arms, holding tightly The happiness of reunion after a long absence.

"Have you heard of that thing?"

"Which thing?"

"I didn't let go of the highest authority thing."

Ai Yin looked up, her ruby ​​red eyes were a little mischievous: "Then should I call you the Great Emperor Hailan? Or should I call you the head of Hailan."


Hailan squeezed the tip of Ai Yin's nose.

"They don't believe me..."

"They don't believe you, but they are not confident."

"I know."

Hailan understands what Ai Yin means.

They don’t believe in themselves, not when treating the enemy’s suspicion, but it’s actually a kind of worry, a kind of fear, a kind of worry, they worry that the person they had the greatest expectation will change. Arlong is the last thing they want to see.

"Actually, I am not interested in power at all, because I have power, and power is everything."

"In fact, although I am alone in power, but the new Government I handed over the various powers of Hailan to them. I would only tell them occasionally that this is okay, but this is not..."

A slender finger was lightly printed on Hailan’s lips. , Ai Yin interrupted Hailan’s self-talk: "I believe in you."

"Hailan, I want to warn you, no matter what you become, you don’t want to run, I I have decided with you!"

Ai Yin squeezed her fists, as if she was declaring her sovereignty to Hailan, "Because I am your woman!"

Hailan relaxed laughed, "Stupid woman."

Perhaps, only here can I really relax my mood in the future.

Ai Yin stared at Hai Lan intently, gradually narrowing the distance between the two, and slowly closing his eyes.

Hai Lan also stopped talking, and her lips gradually moved closer to the past.


A huge voice suddenly exploded like thunder, which shocked the two of them.

Ai Yin looked around in a panic and found no one here, only slightly relaxed.


Hailan smiled suddenly.

Ai Yin furiously: "Why are you giggling?"

"There is another person!"

"What is another person?"


There is another person who can really relax himself. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Hailan didn't answer Ai Yin, but turned to look over.

With a sound of "bang", the iron gate on the roof was kicked and flew away.

Garp rushed to Hai Lan angrily. He was wearing a dog head hat. His sloppy look was very husky.


Garp opened his mouth and roared loudly.

"Why do other people have work to do, but I can only idle at home?!!!"

"Do you think that old man can only lie in bed and not do Has the new Government contributed?!" Still looking for "This Marine is not serious" free novel? Baidu direct search: "" It's easy to read novels! (=)

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