"As we discussed before, I have decided that Staff Kong Ming will serve as the political minister of the new Government. Mr. Sengoku, Mr. Zephyr, and Ms. Crane will assist Minister Kong Ming in formulating the new code, Select talents and steadily complete the establishment of the new Government."

Hailan is not an expert in this area. He can only give a general framework, and the detailed implementation plan can only be done by professionals.

The staff of Kong Ming is a genius in politics. If he takes over, he will be able to perfectly complete the tasks assigned to them by Hailan.

As for the three veteran cadres, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane, they all took the initiative to ask for the residual heat of the sunset.

Having been oppressed by the Celestial Dragon Government for so many years, no one has ever held a breath in his heart.

Now that the new regime is not yet stable, these Seniors seem to have found the blood of joining the army and want to contribute their own strength to the new Government.

Zephyr even took the initiative to ask Hailan. He is now Fleet Admiral. Don't call yourself "daddy" in public and formal occasions.

"Follow Fleet Admiral's arrangement."

Kong Ming got up and made a cup one fist in the other hand to Hai Lan.

Hailan laughed to Kong Ming and said: "You new minister, when you have free time, you can also order me a cloak of your style."

Marine generals usually wear overcoats, only Kong Ming wears the Greatcloak.

Except for Boa Hancock's cheongsam, the cloak on Kong Ming is one of the few clothes that makes Hailan feel cordial.

"Definitely, definitely."

In Hailan's signal, Kong Ming laughed and sat back in his seat.

"The new Government will adopt a decentralized system. A system like the Celestial Dragon Government where power is concentrated in the hands of Gorosei individuals will no longer exist. Power will be allocated to different departments in the future. Detailed rules such as If there is a voting system or something, Minister Lao Kongming has bothered a lot."

Gorosei, it seems that the power is divided into five, but they all wear the same trouser leg.

"The other is..."

Hailan glanced around at the colleagues present, "...soldiers are not allowed to do politics."


The Marine and Army of one pieceworld were originally not allowed to do politics, and completely obeyed the command of the World Government.

Hailan said this to make things clear here. Don't think that Marine can take over power after overthrowing the Celestial Dragon Government.

My colleagues here, like Kizaru, Old Fox, Gion, and Jiaji who are dedicated to the army are all from Marine, so they won't have any unreasonable thoughts.

The main reason is that we can't set this precedent for later generations.

There is a saying that Yim is right. Who can guarantee that people will not become the new World Nobles Celestial Dragon?

And there is one more thing, Hailan is going to tell Issho.

Issho has too much thought. Although he has a chivalrous heart for the country and the people, he will not do anything dirty, but Hailan still has to tell him that since he chose Marine Headquarter instead of If you become an official of the new government like Kong Ming, you should not have any thoughts of doing things in the future.

In the original work, Issho knelt down and apologized to the people in Dressrosa, which was actually contaminated with politics. Although Hai Lan didn't know the plot, he saw the restlessness in Issho's heart early.


The participants all nodded.

After discussing some complicated arrangements, Hailan cut into the final theme of today's meeting.

"Whether it is the military department or the new government, I will have the power above everything else. I have the absolute right to decide."

It’s like a deep water The bomb blew up a stormy sea in the minds of all the participants.

The Conference Hall fell into icy silence for a while, so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be heard.

Gion plucked up the courage, and broke the silence first: "Fleet Admiral, isn’t that good?"

Issho also whispered: "Did you just say that you want to take Is it decentralized?"

Zephyr was worried: "Hailan, you..."

Everyone is worried.

Only a few days after the Celestial Dragon was wiped out, is Fleet Admiral already inflated? Confused by power?

Is Fleet Admiral about to be the next Eim?

Regarding the final point, Hailan has actually been thinking about it for a long time.

Past and present, throughout history, he has seen too many pros and cons.

No one can escape the erosion of the years. Every dynasty has rebelled and resisted by another dynasty at the end.

What Eim said is something that must happen.

Touching his conscience, he said that if Hailan is just an aboriginal of opworld, step by step to where he is today, he will eventually become the same as Gorosei and Yim.

The dragon warrior eventually became Arlong.

But Hailan is different.

This will not be his result.

This sounded like a kind of weak quibble, but in fact, Hailan and everyone present had different visions.

Hailan still has many problems that have not been resolved.

Don't talk about the far ones, only the nearest ones.

What is the System in which this spiritual world exists?

Where did it come from?

Where are you going?

What purpose does it have?

All these need to be explored by Hailan.

Since the killing of Yim, the System has fallen into a deep sleep and has not been turned on so far. I don't know what new challenges will be brought to Hailan.

Hailan’s gaze is not this trifling sea at all.

Only those who are stagnant will be eroded, Hailan will only be the warrior of the press forward, and will not become the swelling Arlong.

Hailan is different, he is different from everyone in this World.

The reason why he wants to dominate is to make every leader of the new government always have fear in his heart. If there is fear, he will converge. The new World Nobles Celestial Dragon will never Born.

You can’t imagine that a country can count on the improvement of the people’s moral standards to achieve national peace and security. Only by letting the people learn to abide by the law and fear the law, let them know that they are afraid when they do certain things, and they have fear in their hearts. Only the country will reap real peace.

The law restricts civilians, and Hailan restricts the law.

Don’t forget that Sabaody Archipelago’s “human trading” was once a legal transaction.

Hailan has no way to explain her thoughts to her colleagues, and there is no need to explain to them.

"From today, you will continue to call me Fleet Admiral, and the world, you can let them call me the Great Emperor, or you can call me the head of state."

Speaking again, but slowly looked towards the colleagues in the meeting.

Disappointment flashed in some people's eyes, and some people bowed their heads cautiously, but no one spoke.

Even Zephyr just touched his lips, and finally fell silent.

Today’s Hailan does not have the cute brat feeling of the past. Zephyr always feels that Hailan’s temperament has changed, not the kind of king who relies on lightning flashes and thunder rolls of Haoshoku Haki. Temperament, but a faint emperor's air.

The air freezes, and the days are like years.

I don’t know how long it took, Hailan, with a solemn expression, suddenly smiled: "Do you suddenly think that you might have misunderstood me before?"

"It's okay, I You won’t be angry."

"You don’t need to know what I think, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you just need to see what I did."

" You read me wrong yesterday, you may also read it wrong today, and maybe you will see it wrong tomorrow."

"But I am still me, I am never afraid that others will see me wrong."

Hailan stood up, glanced at everyone in the Conference Hall at last, smiled and said:

"Everyone in the world has misunderstood me, Hailan, wrong today, wrong tomorrow, what day will be good. "

"And I will always be me."

Walking slowly to the door, Hai Lan only left everyone with an unpredictable back.

"I come, I see, I conquer."

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