Since a few years ago, Marine tried to block the other six routes of the Grand Line. The route where Mock Town is located has gradually become Pirate’s exclusive Pirate express, and even has a new title. -"The Devil's Route".

Blocking is worse than sparse.

If Marine blocks seven routes at the same time, it will inevitably cause a large number of Pirate counterattacks. Even if Marine can finally defeat Pirate, there will be a large number of Pirate living on the sea in the form of "guerrilla warfare", resulting in a series of The chain is chaotic.

Let go of this route in the middle, the number of Pirates on the other six routes quickly dropped. After the first few attempts, Pirates confirmed Marine's supervision on this route. It was indeed loose, and gradually let go of the vigilance.

There is also a small group who firmly believe that this is Marine's trap, and chose to sail on the other six routes.

Those who have done less evil, fortunately, after careful disguise, they barely managed to hide from Marine's supervision. And those Pirate who did a lot of evil and were somewhat famous were all captured by Marine without exception. After all, Marine's Fleet Admiral during that period was the iron-blooded soldier "Akainu" Sakazuki. Marine's mobility reached an unprecedented Peak level.

Later, the six routes gradually became safe routes. Most of merchant ships, passenger ships, and Kingdom Expedition ships will actively avoid the intermediate route where Mock Town is located, and ultimately greatly reduce the risk of robbery during navigation.

Even during the war between Marine and World Government, most Marines still stick to their posts. Now Marine Fleet Admiral has not recruited them to fight against Mariejois’ Celestial Dragon. The coalition forces from all over the world came to help out against the trifling Celestial Dragon. There was no need for Marine to mobilize all of its power.

This is the Grand Line, Paradise, Mock Town, Pirate’s paradise, which cannot be brought.

Countless Pirate gathered here, enjoying the joy of eating, drinking, and gambling.

The millennia of war against Celestial Dragon is rarely seen. Although many Pirates have joined the coalition army, more Pirates simply do not have this interest. After all, the crusade against the coalition army simply has no substance to them. the benefits of.

Not to mention them, even Oka Shichibukai only went to "Thundergod" Enel and "Ten Yaksha" Donquixote ・Doflamingo, and the others did not participate in this war at all.

Oka Shichibukai has no position, or their position is themselves. They are not interested in this kind of war that is not profitable.

Even the Revolutionary Army under the banner of overthrowing World Nobles did not appear in the coalition army. At most, there are some middle and lower Revolutionary Army joining in the fun.

Revolutionary Army leader Monkey ・D. Dorag, Chief of Staff Sabo, Captain of the Four Armies, Monster King, the escaped man, and Bartholomew Bear who protected the Sunshine Miles for the Straw Hat adventure group, none of them participated in the war.

Everyone is playing with the little nine in his heart.

"You said, Marine and Celestial Dragon have to fight both sides suffer, right? No matter who wins in the end, it will definitely be unstable for a while. This period of time is just for us. This is a good opportunity to have a fight!"

"That is, Pirates, the hungry wolf, previously invited us to looting on other routes, I pushed it off, and now I think about it, I regret it. He even called just now. Tell me, that group of Marines can be scared now, they only dare to shrink in the fort with the civilians to defend, no matter how they are called, they dare not open the door to fight. I knew it was so refreshing, and I followed it."

"Damn it! The nearest Marine base nearby seems to be the g8 branch, right? Brothers, are you interested? Let's attack the g8 branch together tonight!"

"hahahaha, right? Intentional!"

"Come on, cheers to the cadres!!"

Drink and eat big pieces of meat.

The wine glasses collided, and a large slice of yellow beer was spilled on the dinner plate on the wooden table.

"Why is it so messy outside?"

"I definitely don't know what Pirates are fighting again. It's meaningless, it's just a bunch of trash in the nest. There is ability to go. Attack Marine!"


The wooden door of the bar was pushed open from the outside. A tall man, wearing a yellow striped suit and brown sunglasses, The very wretched old man walked in with his long slender legs.

All Pirate's eyes in the bar gathered together, because the visitor was actually wearing Marine's justice coat.

"Aiya Aiya, sorry, excuse me, have any of you seen Sentomaru?"

"Marine dare to come to this place? Hehe...interesting."

"old man, do you know what this place is? This is a devil route that even Marine can't manage!"

"This Uncle is in a good mood today, just get out if you don't want to die!"

Kizaru tilted his head and leisurely said: "What are you talking about? The old man just wants to ask for a way."

"Yellow...Yellow... Huang..."

Individual Pirate recognized the identity of the person who came, and was already scared speechless.

This is Marine’s Admiral. He is not fighting with Emperor Pirate in New World. Why did he run to the paradise to bully Pirates like them?

Someone slammed the table and shouted, "He is Marine Headquarter Kizaru!!! Everyone, run away!!"

"bang! !"

The laser light wave swept past, followed by a huge explosion and billowing gunpowder smoke.

It was not Kizaru who shot.

"dong! !"

"dong! !"

Bartholomew ・Peaceful Pacifista in bear form squeezed the broken wooden wall and walked in, one carrying an axe The big fat brat also followed in.

"Old Master, you are late, so I am so easy to find!"

Marine Headquarters Science Department War Section Team Captain Sentomaru complained about Kizaru.

Kizaru smiled slightly, his old face squeezed into a flower: "It's okay to have you here. I'm here to prevent Great Pirate from fishing."

"oh la la!!!"

Some of the fast-moving Pirates broke through the glass and fled to the street outside the bar, and soon he was stared wide-eyed.

What kind of Pirate fight is this? I don't know when it started. There is already an endless view of Marine troops slaying towards Mock Town.

Countless Pirate hearts like falling in a ice hole: "It's over... we're done..."


Grand Line, safe route.

"Coward, come out soon!"

"Fire! Fire!"

"You have already fired a shot just now, it's time for me to blow They are here!"

"The fortresses built by these Marines are really strong, and the artillery is not bad."

"I heard that there is a genius Academician Bega Pang in Marine. Ke, he invented something like alloy steel. I have a chance to build some of this steel to reinforce our Pirate Ship!"

The Pirates are continuously clamoring in front of the defensive barrier, the Marine inside is already One can't hold back, gnashing teeth.

"Report, the above order has come down, Pirate annihilation plan, UU reading officially launched!"

"All listen to the order, close the insurance, and load up!"

"Put the Italian cannon out, and bomb them first!"

The Italian cannon, invented by Buggy, improved by Begapunk, is a brand-new gunfire named by Hailan himself. And derived out a variety of models such as war defense guns, field guns, naval guns, etc.

"Don't hide inside and don't open the door, I..."

"Bang! !!!"

The sound of cursing was instantly drowned out by the deafening sound of artillery fire .

Paradise, New World, Eastern Blue, Western Blue, Southern Blue, Northern Blue.

The world-class all-out war has already begun. Still looking for "This Marine is not serious" free novel? Baidu direct search: "" It's easy to read novels! (=)

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