"Hey, what the hell is this? How come it's endless?"

On the ground, Garp was flexing his hands , looking at the body of machinery floating in the sky with a sad face.

This ultimate robot, which is a combination of multiple violent robots, is really not easy to deal with, it is as hard as Kaido.

Especially the spherical plasma field surrounding it, like a protective cover, is difficult to penetrate.

With difficulty, he removed one part of the combined robot, but the other robot absorbed other robots, and he was repaired in a blink of an eye.

This time, even Garp's Iron Fist feels extremely tricky.

"Hey, Whitebeard, don't lie there and pretend to be dead!"

"Akagami brat, come here too. Does one hand affect your use of the sword?"

"Kaido, you are also the hardest creature in the world anyway, don't you want to compare with the hardest machine in the world who is harder?"

Garp began to invite the Pirate emperors to stand shoulder to shoulder Combat.

This is not a fighting meeting, and it is not a time when you have to defeat your opponents by your own strength and use your spirits.

Now is the war. Every time there is a delay, there will be countless coalition forces killed or injured.

even more how Garp is not a silly fool at all. When dealing with "Rocks Pirates" in his early years, he had a record of teaming up with Pirate. At that time, his helper was the Pirate King "Gol ・d".・Roger".

In the end, although he defeated Rocks Pirates, Garp always regarded that incident as his own shame.

However, it was not because I chose to cooperate with Pirate as a Marine, but the battle at that time protected the world’s most scumbag noble, Celestial Dragon.

This time is different. The coalition army is fighting against this group of world dregs. Cooperating with Pirate, Garp doesn't have the slightest psychological pressure.

Especially the enemy is more than one body robot. The main gun of the king is slowly charging. Once the charging is completed, it will be too late for the people present to say anything.

The lights of the combined robot flickered and made an indifferent electronic synthesis sound: "The laser gun is recharged, and the second round rain of barrage will be released."

The rain of the laser gun barrage,

It is a style very similar to Kizaru's "Yasakani no Magatama" and has a very wide range.

As early as when the scientific department tried to install Kizaru’s laser power on Pacifista, Kizaru’s bloodline factor and Pika Pika no Mi’s power had already been stolen by the World Government, and all the data was uploaded to Pandora, the "king of heaven." In the System of Uranus.

Garp knows how terrifying the lethality of this move is. He has just seen it once. Without any Devil Fruit ability, he can't stop it. He can only watch countless Marine soldiers being overwhelmed. In the barrage.

The only thing he can do is to use all his strength to attack this robot.

For a non-Devil Fruit Ability User, offense is the best defense.

"en? The imposing manner is getting weaker."

Garp's Busoshoku Haki just gathered his arms, but he found the rays of light shining from the combined robot in the sky dim. Go down.

"The host control System...has been...cut...cut..."

Not only the fit robots, including all the robots on the battlefield, the lights turn on and off. After a few seconds, after an intermittent electronically synthesized voice, they lost their brilliance and stopped in place.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

The coalition army was dumbfounded for a while, and no one expected that happiness would come so suddenly, this group of difficult machines Is the army down like this?

Unfortunately, they haven't had time to be happy. All the lights of the robots' eyes are all lit up, and they are highlighted, red is highlighted, red is continuously highlighted, and there is no flicker.

"Danger, run away!!"

Some smart people realized something in a flash.

"The data protection system is activated, and the destruction process starts timing, 10……9……8……"


"bang!! "


The sound of explosions continued one after another on the battlefield, and smoke billowed.

Under the covering explosion, there is no escape, but the eight immortals cross the sea and each show their divine ability. Everyone can only rely on their own ability to save their lives.

Suddenly, there was an explosion of pain, crying, and screaming.

Watching that tricky merging robot exploded into splendid fireworks in the sky, and large pieces of scrap iron and steel fell to the ground, Garp finally sighed in relief, "You finally did it, Hai Lan ."


In Pandora's Box.

Eim, who has stopped breathing, lies quietly on the ground. The red-clothed black hair girl kneels beside Eim, holding Eim's left hand in both hands, lightly touching her cheek. .

Although she is a virtual image, under the force field of Pandora's Box, she has the same touch as a living person.

The energy barrier that blocked the sky dissipated gradually, Pandora's voice unemotional: "Day tiger, you go."

Hailan was a little surprised: "What? Don't you? Going to avenge Eim?"

"Pandora can't hold you down, let's go."

"Then don't you hate me?"

"Pandora does not have the ability to hate, that is the emotion that creatures have. Pandora won't go with you, let's go."

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"Pandora will take Master Yim away from this planet, you can go."


Hailan sighed, gently shook the head.

Every sentence of Pandora is indispensable for the three words "Let's go". It is really meaningless to rely on me so much.

"You, do it yourself."

Turning into an aurora, Hailan returned to the ground.

Pandora's energy barrier restarted, completely enveloping the entire air fortress, feeling the surging energy behind him, Hai Lan couldn't help turning around.

The space suddenly produced a large area of ​​distortion, with just a flash, the huge sky fortress completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"This is? Teleportation over time? Space fold-over?"

"It's just that if Pandora already has this ability, why didn't Eim just go home?"

"Master Yim, Pandora can only go here."

There is an endless sea of ​​fire in front of him, surrounded by a deep and endless starry sky.

In Pandora, countless earth, sand and gravel began to drift in all directions due to weightlessness. Only Pandora, who holds Eim in his arms, can stand firmly in the universe.

"Pandora will never leave Lord Yim."

[Destination: current yellow dwarf. ]

[Pandora, UU reading www.uukānshu. com goes forward three. ]

"Where Master Yim goes, Pandora will go."

Above the blue star, Hai Lan looked up at the sun rising in the sky.

"This is the end of everything."

"It is also the beginning of everything."

Perhaps only he who is extremely sensitive to photons and electrons can feel The faint change in the light wave.

"All Marines around the world listen to orders."

Beside the communicator, Marine generals held their breath quietly, waiting for Marine Fleet Admiral's orders.

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