Grand Line, New World.

The gentle breeze brings ripples on the surface of the sea, and seagulls are flying in the sky, making a melodious cry from time to time.

A stream of light crossed from the horizon, like a meteor in the sky, falling on a nearby uninhabited island.

"cough cough...this load is really heavy, the guy who didn't expect zero also knows how to use magnetic fields."

Hai Lan coughed twice and wiped it. Bloodshot at the corner of the mouth.

"Thanks to the soul of the ghost this time, otherwise I may not be able to leave easily."

Behind Hailan, the illusory shadow of the ghost of the ghost is faintly discernible.

After leaving the battle, the original wild soul became a high-cold swordsman with silence is gold. He didn't say a word from start to finish. It seemed that apart from fighting, there was nothing he could mention. Things of interest.

He is like a guardian of Hailan, when Hailan needs him spare no effort, when Hailan does not need him, he is unknown.

The perception of electromagnetic waves spread. Except for some birds and beasts, Hai Lan did not find any other dangerous aura on the island. Only then did he finally breathe out a long breath.

"cough cough cough ……cough cough cough ……"

Hai Lan just sent Ayin out of the castle body protection symbol, Ayin could not stop coughing .

Ai Yin is like a gossamer, and her face is as pale as paper. Because of the attack on Hailan, Ai Yin has not eaten and sleep well these days. Her body is weakened, and she will be hit by the bald Gorosei. With Shura's sword, Life Aura is almost nothing.

Hai Lan felt something was not right. He clearly couldn't see any sword wounds on Ai Yin's body, and even Ai Yin's clothes didn't have any gaps. Why was Ai Yin so traumatized? Has it become what it is now?

It seems that he has sensed Hailan’s mind, and the soul sage, who has been closing his eyes forever, finally slowly opened his eyes, and said faintly: "It is a soul injury."

" Soul injury?"

"The ghost Qi of the first generation Ghost Qi hurt her soul. Because of the distance, the body of the first generation Ghost Qi did not touch her. It was the ghost shadow sword attack extended by Ghost Qi. When she arrived in her body, the style of the original Ghost Toru named Ah Shura is very similar to my abilities, and can directly act on the soul."

Hai Lan frowned, the Ghost Toru clan. He has heard about the rumors that Guito is a kind of ominous blade that will bring bad luck to the knife holder and guide the knife holder to death. If anyone can successfully suppress the unknown grievances of Guito, it is okay. With the help of the power of Oni Toru, the strength of the "Three Generations of Oni Toru" is the weakest, and the strength of the "First Generation Oni Toru" is the strongest.

The famous weapons on the sea are divided into four ranks, "Supreme Great Quick Blade", "Great Quick Blade", "Good Quick Blade", "Quick Blade", three generations of Ghost Toru's ranks Only the level of "Quick Blade", and the first generation of Oni Toru is the same as Hawk Eyes’ "Black Blade ・Ya" and Whitebeard’s S-blade is the same as the Grade 1 "Supreme Great Quick Blade." How big is the gap with the three generations?

"Soul Sorrow, can you mend Ayin's soul trauma?"

"Sorry, I can only kill but not save people."

After saying this, Hunshang closed his eyes again.

Hai Lan didn't say much, because he knew that the soul would never deceive himself.

"Hailan...I'm's okay..."

Ai Yin looked up and laughed to Hailan with difficulty.

Seeing Ai Yin, who was in pain but tried to smile at him hoping that he would not worry, Hailan’s taste was really uncomfortable, and it was very distressing.

Hai Lan helped Ai Yin and sat on a rock. He squatted in front of Ai Yin: "Why are you so stupid? Gorosei's sword can't kill me, you shouldn't do this. "

Ayin smiled, lightly shook the head: "I don't want to see you get hurt anymore. As long as I'm still alive, I'm willing to block everything for you."

Hai Lan was melancholy and didn't know what to say.

The sword of the bald Gorosei came too fast and too fiercely. Under the blessing of "The First Generation of Oni Toru", even Hai Lan at that time had no time to turn around and parry. He could only mobilize the Busoshoku in the cell. Haki formed a defensive armour behind him.

Hai Lan doesn’t know why, the bald old man’s sword is like a bet on everything including his life with endless anger. He seemed crazy at the time, and he seemed to have a deep hatred with Hai Lan. .

The bald old man successfully broke through Hailan’s Busoshoku Haki with a full sword that did not leave him with the slightest retreat. If Ai Yin was not in the middle, Ghost Qi of the "first generation of ghosts" would have a direct effect. Above the soul of Hailan.

With the strength of Hailan’s soul, death will definitely not die, but no one knows what will happen. At least, he is absolutely impossible. Hurt the opponent's chest.

It was Ai Yin's blocking that gave Hailan the opportunity to severely damage the bald old man.

It’s just that if Hailan can choose from the very beginning, he doesn’t want to exchange Ai Yin’s safety for a chance to counterattack Gorosei. In Hailan’s view, the price is too great. NS.

"Hai Lan."

Hai Lan was stunned. He saw Ai Yin who was smiling and watching him suddenly burst into tears. At this time Ai Yin was no longer It was the determined Marine general, she was just a weak little girl.

"Okay, okay, it’s okay, don’t be afraid, I’m here."

Hai Lan, who is not knowing what to do, held Ai Yin in his arms, he Trying to comfort Ayin, but Ayin cried more and more sad.

"I know...I know...I shouldn't make you worry, I shouldn't have said it, but I can't control myself...I may...may...may wait No matter how long you are in the next ten years...Woo..."

Hai Lan's body couldn't help but clenched her fists.

In this World, the soul represents lifespan. The sword of the bald old man cut away several decades of Ayin's time.

"Ayin, don't worry, I won't let you die."

Hai Lan's voice is steady and strong, but Ayin who is in his arms, then A long hair that was originally blue as the sea, but gradually turned into a gray, like winter snow on the earth, wrapped in silver and white, thousands of miles of ice.

Ayin tried hard to use the retrograde fruit to maintain her face, but her hair color never followed her command. Now Ayin has long silver white hair and ruby-like eyes, just as poignantly beautiful. Bingxue Princess is generally devastatingly beautiful, but Hailan is not happy at all, his heart is like a knife.

For a long time, Ai Yin gradually stopped sobbing: "Hai Lan, do you remember where this place is?" "This is... Wheat Island?"

"Yes, this is the first island where you took me to leave New World for Marine Headquarters, my hometown."

Wheat The aborigines of the island were moved by Marine to the first half of the Grand Line. With the destruction of BIG・MOMPirates, Wheat Island became a land of no ownership. Katakuri, who is rebuilding Totto Land, has no time to take care of it. The island was originally full of crops. It was already deserted, with weeds and dense forests everywhere, and Hai Lan almost didn't recognize it.

"Hailan, I'm hungry."

Ai Yin looked up, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and looked towards Hailan with a smile.

Looking at the silver-haired, strange and familiar Ai Yin in her arms, Hai Lan whispered: "What do you want to eat? I'll prepare it for you."

"Just do it Barbecue fish, the kind you did for everyone in the village back then."

Hai Lan helped Ai Yin leaning against the rock: "Okay, you wait here, I'll catch it first. Fish."

"en. I'm waiting for you."

Ai Yin's voice came from behind, and Hailan couldn't help but stop.

Three simple words, but it requires the greatest courage in the world.

Catch fish is an extremely easy thing for Hailan. In less than 3 minutes, Hailan flew back with a bunch of various marine fishes in his hand. There is nothing on him. With a trace of water stains, he didn't even need to go to sea to catch the fish.

"What kind of food do you want..."

When he reached his mouth, Hailan swallowed it because he saw Ai Yin had fallen asleep leaning against the rock wall. She has little energy left.

The afternoon sun gently sprinkled on the sleeping silver-haired girl, forming a beautiful scenery.

Hai Lan, who just looked at this scenery, was bleeding in his heart.


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