
The old man with a long beard was shocked, so he was able to avoid the terrifying sword aura that is enough to flatten a mountain, why the second sword is tight Then he approached his side, could he release the sword technique without interruption?

Be aware that this second sword is not a playful style for little children to play. This sword also contains surging sword intent. Any sufficiently powerful style needs to be prepared, even if it is The old bald man who was rumored to be a "sword star" by the outside world would not take such a play.

"Caught you!!"

With an aggressive and wild shout, the dancing soul is like a whirlwind of murder, and will be bathed on the spot. The Vermilion Bird in the flame was chopped into three pieces.

This is still a powerful Gorosei. If someone else is here, I am afraid they will be broken into noodles like Buggy.

This sword is different from the one previously slashed at the bald old man.

The "phantom ghost flash" that hits the bald old man is purely a style released by Spirit Physique in the soul. It can only act on the soul and cannot cause damage to the entity.

This sword "Phantom Ghost. Da Huitian" was held by the Spirit Physique deity. Soulshang spare no effort. Soulshang is a real physical blade, and of course it will cut the bearded old man. Got completely unprepared.

The Spirit Physique of Soulshang is different from the aurora angel Michael.

Mijiale was created by Hailan using Devil Fruit's ability. Apart from the different appearance, it can be said that Michael is the second Hailan.

But the Spirit Physique in the soul is evolved by the soul, although it can communicate with Hailan Xinyou without any hindrance, but the manifested ghost is the soul of the soul. , Fierce and wild, extremely aggressive.

Hai Lan is about to pursue the long-bearded Gorosei. The mountain wall controlled by the birthmark Gorosei is close at hand. The black Busoshoku Haki makes the two mountain walls look like they are made of obsidian. Shining and shining, if you don't dodge, you will be caught in it.

"bang! !"

The two big mountains crashed together, and the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound was deafening. The birthmark Gorosei was merciless, but it was actually together. Long-bearded Gorosei took the picture together. In order to eliminate Hai Lan, they seemed to be close to madness.

"ka! !"

There was just a blast, the dark mountain wall exploded in an instant, and large tracts of flying sand running stone crumbled everywhere, that was enough total annihilation Wanma’s two mountain walls turned into extravagant hopes for trapping Hailan for a few seconds.

"This is impossible!"

The birthmark old man is so angry that his lips are shaking. He has absolute confidence in his own strength. How can there be such a huge gap between him and the day tiger .

Seeing that the one who rushed out first turned out to be Six-Winged Seraphim Michael, Zero soon realized something: "My lord, be careful of the angel next to Hiuhu, his strength is not tested by Hiuhu !"

Birthmark old man gnashing teeth: "Damn, I thought he was just bluffing!"

After being flashed by Vermilion Bird, Michael did not turn around and chase him, but in the original The earth began to accumulate strength.

The mountain wall of the birthmark old man is indeed hard enough, but no matter how hard it is, can it be harder than Kaido?

Even if there is not enough time to accumulate energy, Michael's "Aurora Cut. Breaking the Sky" is enough to chop melons and vegetables on the mountain wall of the old birthmark.

"Zero! Isn't your preparation over yet?"

"It's over!"

"Okay, I'm waiting for your performance!"


As Zero's eyes opened, the originally clear sky was suddenly shrouded by thick clouds, and the black clouds pressed the city to destroy the city, and thunder rumbling. The sound is endless.

She is Logia "Cloud-Cloud Fruit" Ability User. Of course, impossible is limited to those peculiar Skypiea clouds. The thunderclouds of nature are also under her control.

The old man with the birthmark frowned and said: "Are you planning to use thunderbolt to judge the day tiger? Isn't that appropriate? I remember he is an expert using thunderbolt."

Zero confidence : "No, it's a magnetic field!"

As the most outstanding youngster from the Celestial Dragon family who has climbed to this position today, he has zero innate talent, strength, and brains.

Everything Not to be underestimated.

After the siege of Hailan failed, he learned from it painlessly, and after returning home, he devoted himself to studying Hailan's abilities.

"Clouds generate thunder, thunder generates electricity, and electricity generates magnetism."

"Aurora is born in a magnetic field and is naturally limited by a magnetic field."

The old man with the birthmark looked at him suspiciously. He was surprised to find that the movements of the Tigers were much stiffer than before, as if they were stuck in a quagmire. Even the six-winged Seraphim became bulky.

"Okay, okay!!!"

The birthmark elder is happy in his heart, loudly shouted: "Seize the opportunity, everyone will come together, let us give the day tiger a fatal blow !"

Lost the beloved knife that had followed him for most of his life, and his chest was chopped again, the bald-headed Gorosei naturally lost the combat capability.

The strange thing is that Vermilion Bird, who was photographed in the middle by the birthmark elder, quickly recovered its combat capability unharmed. It turns out that the birthmark elder was not crazy at the time, but the control of Busoshoku Haki has arrived. To the point of perfection's realm, he patted the part of the bearded old man, Busoshoku Haki was so weak that it was negligible.

It's just that, by looking at the twisted face of the old man with the birthmark browse tightly frowns, you can know that the soul wound left by the soul of the soul can not be easily eliminated.

Hai Lan guessed a long time ago that Aurora Fruit might encounter trouble when encountering magnetic field fruits, but magnetic field fruits did not encounter them, instead they were bound by Cloud-Cloud Fruit's derivation ability.

I have to say that Cloud-Cloud Fruit is simply a perfect Logia Devil Fruit. It can attack, retreat, defend, hard or soft, has a wide range of killing skills, and won’t be singled out. It is stretched out in the middle, and there are control capabilities such as "line cloud" and "magnetic field", and even weak points-strong enough light can indeed restrain the Cloud-Cloud Fruit and evaporate the water in the cloud, but in front of that kind of strong light , And who is not distracted by seeing.

If you have to find out the defects of Cloud-Cloud Fruit, it will cause double damage to Cloud-Cloud Fruit when restrained by strong enough light, just like Domino Bone Token. Start the whole body.

Faced with the besieging enemies from all directions, Hai Lan, who felt the powerful restriction in her body, smiled without panic: "Do you think...this can stop me?"

"Beware of the self-destruct of the tiger!"

Zero shouted to remind everyone that the flash that illuminates the sky not long ago has become a shadow that she will never forget forever.

Hearing the voice of Zero, everyone's movements were noticeably paused.

Hai Lan chuckled: "Sad...Is this scared?"

Until the critical moment of a last resort, Hai Lan will not use "helium flash". , Because it is also a great burden on his own body.

The enemies were hesitating, but Hailan's movements did not slow down at all.

He did not choose to use "soul stripping" to turn himself into an ordinary people immune to zero magnetic field, because in front of Vermilion Bird fruit and Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, only the ability to use aurora fruit can maintain speed Advantages, relying on Geppo can only become a joke. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Soul, Spirit Physique!"

Under Hai Lan's order, the tall and mighty ghost swordsman shrank into a small in a flash A football-sized soul sphere, the phantom's facial features can still be seen on the sphere. The original wild phantom in this brief moment is not very scary, but a little cute.

Hai Lan pressed the soul sphere of Hunshang to the position of his heart, and an astonishing scene appeared. The ghost of Hunshang was quickly absorbed by Hailan's body.

"Possessed body fit. Two souls resonate!"

"How is it possible?!"

The people around were shocked, they obviously felt it , The aura of Zhouhu that shouldn't be underestimated... unexpectedly lifted up a bit out of thin air!

Everyone was stunned by the terrifying aura exuding from Hailan. Only Hailan knew it. This was just an illusion. His body simply couldn't bear the superposition of two souls. Strength, even more how, he was already injured. At this time, the internal organs in his body that had not been completely recovered had already begun to burst and bleed.

Hai Lan grinned Issho, his smile contained both his own confidence and the wildness of his soul, and his voice was as if two people overlapped together: "If I want to go, you What am I?"

Hai Lan slowly raised her position, as if completely ignoring the zero magnetic field limit, and in the face of absolute power, the block had no effect.

People held their breath cautiously on the spot and watched the tigers that made the Holy Land go.

Just as Hailan said, no one dared to step forward again this time, they couldn't help it.

Gorosei looked at each other in blank dismay, could not help but smile: "At that moment, I thought I was facing Lord Yim."

"Holy Land ……Never again Peace."


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