Facing the gradual sea breeze, a majestic Marine Battleship gradually sailed into Marine’s harbor.

A ship ladder was skillfully put down by the soldiers on the Battleship, and Marine Fleet Admiral “Akainu” Sakazuki walked to the ground step by step with heavy steps.


The soldiers in the port raised their right hands in unison, paying the highest respect to their Fleet Admiral.

Akainu simply returned a military salute. He did not speak, and walked slowly towards the depths of the headquarters.

"Fleet Admiral doesn't seem to be very happy today?"

"It should be that he is still sad about Admiral's affairs..."

" Ai, Hihu Admiral is so powerful, how could something like this happen to him..."

Soldiers whispered and arranged Akainu's Battleship into the dock.

"Sakazuki, you..."

The one who came oncoming was Fleet Admiral, Marine's predecessor, Sengoku, the "Buddha".

"Are you okay?"

Sengoku looked worried. Although his in mind Fleet Admiral Candidate should be Kuzan, since Sakazuki has become Fleet Admiral, he will naturally cooperate with Akainu's work instead of relying on age to show of age, and embarrass Akainu.

"Mr. Sengoku..."

Akainu didn't speak much, he simply responded, but listening to his voice, Sengoku could clearly feel the melancholy in Akainu's heart.

"I heard you went to Mariejois?"


Akainu looked up and looked up at the most magnificent building in Marine Headquarters. The two characters "Marine" of "Marine" looked towards Sengoku again: "Mr. Sengoku, let's talk while walking."


Sengoku nodded, wave your hand and send away A few other Marines walked beside Akainu and walked side by side with him.


For a long time, Sengoku didn't hear Akainu talking. Didn't you say you want to talk while walking? Why don't you speak anymore?

I struggled for a while, judging by Akainu’s look, tone, and reaction. Sengoku guessed something. He took the initiative to break the silence and said: "Did you go to Gorosei?"


"Did you...also meet...that person?"


Akainu's footsteps stopped, he turned and looked towards Sengoku: "Have you seen him?"

Sengoku was just nodded and did not speak.

Akainu asked lightly, "When did it come from?"

Sengoku always feels that something is not right. Sakazuki in normally has never been so calm as today. Talking to others, his voice itself gives people a strong feeling.

Maybe it’s because Sakazuki was hit by the guy named Yim?

Sighed in my heart, Sengoku replied: "I saw him when I was Marine Headquarter."

"So early?"

"After all, there was only one Admiral in Marine at that time, and it was a certainty that I was Fleet Admiral."

"That's right."

The two wandered forward, in Akainu Led by him, gradually came to a park.

Beside the bench, Akainu gave way to Sengoku: "Mr. Sengoku, please sit down."


The two sat on the bench On the top, Sengoku looked at Akainu, and Akainu looked up towards the sky, where white clouds fluttered and the blue sky was blue, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

"What a beautiful world..."

Sengoku didn't know what to say for a while. Fortunately, he hadn't spoken yet. Akainu changed the subject and said, "Old Fleet Admiral, do you know why I hate Pirate so much?"

"I don't really know the story about you."

"When Onigumo was interrogated, you still remember Did Hailan’s smelly brat look for the story told by Buggy?"

"Of course."

That was a rare public interrogation of general officers in Marine. How could it be possible for Sengoku? forget.

Akainu sighed, "Actually...I have had an experience similar to Buggy...no, the soldier represented by Buggy."

Sengoku did not speak, Akainu had Having had a tragic experience,

he had already speculated that if a person has not had an unforgettable experience, he shouldn’t have become so extreme.

Akainu recalled: "When I was eight years old, a passing Pirates looted our village. They did everything about burning, killing and looting. My father died by Pirate's knife because of resistance. In the end, only my mother was protecting me.

Those Pirate who got the money and supplies should have left by boat, but before they left, they killed my mother and the villagers who kneeled down and begged for mercy. , Those who have no threat to them.

Old Fleet Admiral, do you know why they did this?"

Sengoku didn’t talk too much. At this time, he knew he should Be a listener.

Akainu smiled, showing a rare smile on this serious face, "At that time, I asked them out loud, why did they kill people with money? They said that they like that kind of steel. The feeling that the knife has fallen into the flesh and blood can make them feel excited. From then on, I knew that these beasts did not need a reason to kill.

The mother who fell in a pool of blood exhausted the last A trace of strength called me to escape, but that time, I did not listen to her.

I was only eight years old at that time, and I was stimulated by that many within a short period of time. At that time, I was crazy, it should be crazy. Come on, I didn’t even run away. Instead, I picked up a knife on the ground and rushed towards Pirate. I didn’t even think about whether I could win or whether I would die. At that time, there was nothing left in my mind. The next thought was to kill these beasts.

I still can’t believe that when I was eight years old, in desperation, I burst out with incredible power, when I cut it open with a knife In Pirate's abdomen, I saw the bloody intestines flowing out of the other person, and the bloody smell stimulated my brain. I realized that it was so simple to stop Pirate from doing evil. I took the knife and fell, and the evil disappeared.

It's just a pity. The remaining villagers rebelled with me, and ultimately failed to defeat Pirate. Fortunately, when Pirate sailed away, there was only a sea of ​​corpses on the island. , On a rainy night, I actually got up again.

They would never think that, to be precise, even I could not believe that my vitality was so tenacious.

Since that day, I have made a decision, I am going to kill all the sins of the world with the iron body given to me from above!"

After the story is told, I sit on the bench. The two above stopped talking.

Sengoku couldn't help but sigh. It turned out that Sakazuki had already shown extraordinary innate talent when he was very young. No wonder he can defeat Kuzan and become the Marine Fleet Admiral of today.

"hehe...I know that some people are indeed just adventurers with the Pirate flag, but their activity will intensify the madness of the Pirate group, fuel Pirate's arrogance, and promote the birth of more people on the sea. Many Pirates.

In order to reduce the number of Pirates, I can only choose to be ruthless to their subordinates, and since they have hung the Pirate flag, they should understand the cruelty of this sea, which does not exist here. What Pirate plays? Here, you can only bet on your own life."

After listening to Akainu's words, Sengoku has a lot of feelings and has a better understanding of Sakazuki, especially his Why is Pirate so merciless? You can even use "cruel" to describe it.

It’s just that he won’t change his attitude towards justice just because of Akainu’s experience. Sengoku was about to say something, but when he saw Akainu wave his hand, "What happened to me today, I said in one breath There are so many words."

"With the fellow Yim standing there, anyone will inevitably feel desperate."

"He is very strong."


"But if he can't be eliminated, justice is just a joke."

"Sakazuki, don't get excited..."

"No, I am not excited, I am calm."

Akainu looked towards Sengoku, "You and I may not be Eim's opponents, but one person may not be hopeless."


"Hai Lan?"

"His innate talent, you and I are all in your eyes. Perhaps, he is actually more suitable for the position of Marine Fleet Admiral than me."

"But Hailan, he..."

Sengoku's eyes flashed sadness, and then Akainu's words startled him stared wide-eyed.

"He is still alive."


"In the Revolutionary Army."

"How do you know Of?"

"Dorag came to tell me in person."

"Okay, it's very good!"

Sengoku slapped his thigh vigorously "I'm going to tell Zephyr they..."

"Don't worry."

Akainu stopped Sengoku.

Sengoku raised his eyebrows: "Why? There is still a problem?"

Akainu said slowly: "Dorag said, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com wants us to release Monster King, these people are used to exchange Hailan."

"This bastard..." Sengoku gritted his teeth.

"What are you going to do? I personally feel that it is impossible to agree to their request. After all, the importance of Hailan is..."


Akainu shook the head, "I naturally have a way to bring Hailan back."


"Old Fleet Admiral, I will arrange it later, headquarter The matter is left to you for the time being, and I, personally go to the Revolutionary Army."

Sengoku flatly refused: "No! This is too dangerous, in case they leave you there again "

"I tried too much Rager's strength, and at best it was as good as mine. I didn't need to be afraid of him. Once Hailan was back free, the two of us would work together. There will be any threats at all. Besides, I didn’t say I’m going to grab Hailan."

"Do you have other methods?"

"Of course."


Sengoku took a deep breath. Although he doesn't like Akainu very much, he has to say that Akainu is still very reliable. He said that if there is a way, there must be a way.

"Well, I will help you to take care of the headquarter affairs in an orderly manner, but some things may be handled differently from what you think. I am afraid that you will not be able to accept it when you come back."

"What can't you accept? Isn't my current job taken over by you?"

Sengoku relaxed, "Then you can rest assured, I will wait I want you to bring Hailan back!"

"As you wish."

"The Resourceful General" Sengoku never thought that Sakazuki, the iron-blooded soldier of the army, would also One day when Akainu lied, the direction Akainu was heading alone was not the agreed place of the Revolutionary Army.


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