
Hai Lan was stunned, and the girl's eyes looked towards Akagami filled with puzzles.

"Why are you Celestial Dragon? Is Celestial Dragon not World Nobles? How can you fall to..."

Recalling the first time I met Cirrus in West Blue that year At the time, she was just a weak and lonely little girl. She looked as helpless and weak as the Koala and Sugar sisters. Hailan still wanted to take in the other person, but didn't expect that this girl turned out to be Celestial Dragon.

"Celestial Dragon is also divided into high and low."

Chiruno shook the head, "Mr. Hailan, do you know the true identity of Donquixote Doflamingo?"


Hai Lan affirmed: "I know, that guy is from Celestial Dragon, and there is still a family named Donquixote in Mariejois. Back then, Doflamingo's father naively wanted to live on an equal footing with ordinary people. , Chose to give up the identity of World Nobles, and ended up as a guest."

"You are right, but there is one more thing you probably don’t know."

"Oh? What is it? ?"

"Donquixote Homing, the father of Doflamingo, realized that they could not live without Mariejois, begged to return to Mariejois, but their request was rejected by others. "

"Mariejois' Donquixote Family also abandoned them?"

"Of course not, but they have no real right to speak at all."

"I understand."

Hai Lan was nodded, he suddenly asked: "Gorosei is actually Celestial Dragon, right?"

"Do you know all this?"

this time it was Cirno's turn to be surprised.

"I guess."

In several exchanges with Gorosei, Hai Lan found that these five old people seemed to simply not need to consider Celestial Dragon’s attitude when making decisions. Does this mean that they no longer need to worry about Celestial Dragon's attitude or that their identity is even above Celestial Dragon?

Today, Cirno finally confirmed his in mind guess.

Cirno added: "In fact, Gorosei is not only the Celestial Dragon, but also the patriarch of the five strongest families in the Celestial Dragon."

"It is reasonable."


Hai Lan's brows stretched out.

"So you and Donquixote Family......"

"In fact, our family is okay, and it can be regarded as a family with a certain right to speak under Gorosei."

Hailan wondered: "Then what's the matter with your Hernandez family? Did you choose to leave Mariejois? I have been to Mariejois many times, and I have indeed seen a family named Hernand. Family."

"That's not the real Hernandez family anymore."

Speaking of which, the Akagami girl gave a wry smile, ruby-like within both eyes slightly Over sorrow, in Hailan’s impression, Cirno had never acted like this before. This girl seemed to be a natural optimist, taking everything calmly.

Seeing what Qi Lu Nuo looks like today, Hai Lan feels that maybe she used to be just using the smile on the surface to cover up the sadness in her heart, right?

Thinking of this, Hai Lan couldn’t help asking: "The family abandoned you?"


The girl's silver teeth clenched, it seemed What kind of deep hatred, "I grandfather died early, and father became a patriarch at a very young age.

My father once made a suggestion. He said that as World Nobles, we should not continue to fall like this. Go down, or we will eventually die. We should reform the current state. Celestial Dragon should be the elite of the world, not a bunch of useless moths.

In the beginning, almost everyone treated me. Father’s proposal is opposed. A very small number of people seem to want to support father, but they seem to be afraid of something and dare not express their opinions.

My father is to prevent Celestial Dragon from continuing to fall. In the situation, I have tried countless days and nights, but with little success, but even so, my father still did not give up until he discovered a secret... the secret of the national treasure called Mariejois... He also discovered,

Behind everything, there is another existence named Yim. From that day on, the real Hernandez family completely disappeared from this World, the family you see now It’s just a guise arranged by someone else.

Father died in Mariejois and bought us time to escape, but the big brother and Mr. Steward did not survive the desperate resistance. Finally, thanks to Irene’s lead I escaped to the deep sea, and I escaped from the dead."

"Irene is...?"

"She was the one I saved when I was very young Sea cat."

There are many people in the room, but Cirno didn't mean to avoid it.

Here, one is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, one is the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, one is the hero of the Fishman clan, and the other is the hope of overthrowing Celestial Dragon.

"Did the World Government not chase you down?"

"They all thought I was drowned in the sea."


"It was Devil Fruit that changed my look. My hair was not like this before, but white, the same color as snow.

I was only five or six years old when I ran away, and I looked too It is very different from now, they can only think that I am dead."

Hai Lan took a deep breath and he understood it all.

All this sounds as illusory as a dream. It turns out that the struggle within Celestial Dragon is such a complex mess.

Hailing eyebrows looked towards the girl: "So Eim is the real leader behind the scenes?"

"It is him. Gorosei looks glamorous on the surface, but in fact it is nothing. It’s just the puppets that Yim put on the surface, just like those Celestial Dragons with bubbles on their heads, but Gorosei raised a group of pigs."

Hai Lan's eyes gradually became colder. "Then I will understand that the root of all evil lies in this Yim."

"Mr. Hailan!"

Feel the killing intent on Hailan. , UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Cirno hurriedly shouted: "Don't think about it now, that Im...it's not easy to deal with."

"How strong? Better than Whitebeard, Is Red the Aloof still strong?"

"Strong, very strong, Gorosei is not his opponent alone."

Hai Lan has seen Gorosei many times, The aura emanating from the five old people is extremely powerful, definitely not the existence of empty power but no military force like the king of Alabasta, Cobra.

Hearing this, Hailan fully understands why Dorag sees him as the hope of overthrowing Celestial Dragon.

Dorag knows very well that he is impossible to be the opponent of Yim's existence, and perhaps only Hailan can grow to the day when he can compete with Yim.

Dorager, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "Hai Lan, don’t think about anything now. It doesn’t matter if you don’t join us, but you must take care of your injuries. You can only recover to Peak strength and even Going further, we have the hope of defeating Eim."

Inadvertently, Hailan saw a sniper rifle leaning against the wall next to the desk. The shape of the sniper rifle was extremely weird. What kind of mass-produced weapon is impossible, if Cirno has been taking care of herself these days...

Hailan looked towards the Akagami girl, "The one who opened the gun to aid me in the battle that day was Are you?"

This special sniper rifle was handcrafted by the Revolutionary Army’s Southern Army Captain "Great Inventor" Lindbergh and given to the Western Army Captain Cirno. It is naturally not a common product. .

Cilno did not speak, she was just nodded.

Hai Lan extends the hand, gently rubs the flame-like hair of Cirno, and says with a smile: "Don’t worry, I will definitely help you big brother, your father will Those damn guys are killing them."


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