
Marine's former predecessor Admiral and former Chief Instructor "Black Arm" Zephyr surged in blood, and he clenched his teeth tightly. There was anger burning on his face, and he roared loudly as if going crazy.

"My son is the strongest man in the world, how could he die?!!!"

When the news from Underworld came, Sengoku had no intention to tell Zephyr, after all, Hailan is his own son. Sengoku, who is already a father, can fully guess Zephyr's reaction.

But paper can’t contain fire. Instead of letting Zephyr accidentally notice something out of control in this matter one day, it’s better to tell Zephyr directly, at least when In the face of the two of them, with their limitations, Zephyr couldn't make a big noise no matter how much trouble he made.

Sure enough, Zephyr's performance is exactly the same as Sengoku speculated, "I have to go to the country of Wano to find Kaido for an explanation!!!"


Sengoku loudly shouted, Garp knew, and the two of them stepped forward to control Zephyr.

"bang! !"

"Ouch! Are you really hitting someone?"

The emotional out-of-control Zephyr punched Garp in the face. The bridge of the nose immediately became red and swollen. Even if the Busoshoku Haki was not used for defense, Garp’s powerful fleshy body, which had already surpassed the "Tekkai", was not easily broken by others. This shows how powerful Zephyr's punch is. Big.

"I'm going to be serious."

After realizing that Zephyr was out of control, Garp and Sengoku no longer kept it. Together, they finally controlled Zephyr firmly. In place.

"You two bastards, let me go!!"

"Don't let go, unless you promise that we won't mess around."

"Garp, you first Shut up and don't talk."

Hearing Sengoku's voice, Garp stopped speaking.

"I have been sorry for their mother and son once, even if it is dead this time, I have to ask for an explanation for Hailan, you two old bastards let me go!"

Let Zephyr Sengoku and Garp Motionless As Mountains, Sengoku and Garp Motionless As Mountains, just pressed Zephyr so hard as they struggled.

I don't know how long it took before Sengoku and Garp finally felt that the power coming from under them weakened.

"He calmed down?"


Hearing Zephyr's voice, Garp and Sengoku followed Zephyr's gaze and looked over , The familiar little girl has appeared not far away at any time.

"You two, let me go."

"Don't let go."


Sengoku gestured slightly , The two let go of Zephyr cautiously.

Zephyr did not lose control again.


Seeing this little girl, Zephyr feels like seeing Hailan. Koala was taken home by Hailan when he was very young. Now, after so many years, Zephyr treats Koala as if he treats his daughters.

"Koala...you know it too?"

Koala nodded, with a choked voice in her voice, she whispered: "Zephyr-sensei... Hailan he... he It's not necessarily going to happen, didn't it mean... Didn't it mean that no one found his body? Maybe he is hiding somewhere to recuperate now."

"Yes, yes, yes... Hai... "

Garp nodded hurriedly, but was cut off by Sengoku: "You shut up!"

Sengoku gave Garp a white look. At this time, the junior's words might have miraculous effects. , You old fogey go along with something.

Zephyr bitterly said: "Koala, you don't have to comfort me, under the siege of that lineup..."

Koala shook the head, "I didn't comfort you, but the truth is , No one found Hailan’s body."

Zephyr took Koala in his arms, "Thank you, I know, I know..."

Koala buried his head On Zephyr's shoulder, his voice choked: "Hai Lan is the strongest. We should trust him. He will never do anything."

"Yes, Hai Lan is the strongest, he There is absolutely nothing going on."

Zephyr repeats Koala's words mechanically.

At this time, if he can't be stronger, who can Koala rely on?

Zephyr knows, don't look at Koala trying to keep calm and comfort him, in fact, he can feel that the little girl buried in her shoulders has already burst into tears.


"The Purple Devil was under the siege of the Rocks remnants in New World, and the two sides fought bloody battles."

"Kaido of the Beasts was in peace yesterday The country of the sea appears, Marine Headquarter whereabouts unknown, life and death is unknown, and the probability has already fallen."

"According to people familiar with the matter, Kaido kept silent about the news about the tiger, and said nothing. Some people speculate that the day tiger should still be in the world."

As the strongest Sovereign level Pirates, all kinds of gossips can't hide from Whitebeard Pirates' eyes and ears.

"The tiger is dead?"

"Flower Sword" Vista's face was full of surprise.

"Phoenix" Marco didn't care: "People like him are so easy to be killed by others."

"Diamond" Jozu added: "But this time is besieged Isn’t his remnant of Rocks Pirates?"

"The old bastard of Rocks, where will they come out to participate in the disputes of the juniors."

Whitebeard finally spoke, "but The truth of the matter has nothing to do with us. UU reading www.uukanshu.com I am more worried about Ellie."

Not long ago, the second division senior veteran of Whitebeard Pirates The team member, Marshall D. Teach, who is regarded by everyone as a good guy, actually killed the fourth team Captain Thatch because of a Devil Fruit. Realizing the potential danger of Teach, Whitebeard originally gave up his plan to avenge Teach. But ignoring Whitebeard's order, "I am not a member of Whitebeard Pirates, you can't control me" as an excuse to pursue Teach alone.

Infighting broke out in the strongest Sovereign level Pirates. This should have been a first-class news event on the sea, but as the event called "Peak Air Combat" broke out, the heat was instantly suppressed. Teach assassinated Thatch, who is no longer paying attention to Whitebeard Pirates' family affairs.

Marco took the initiative to ask, and said: "Father, I will go and chase Ellie back!!"

Similar to Whitebeard, "Akagami" Shanks said to the "Rocks Remnant Party" The argument is also deeply doubtful.

"Those people in Rocks have withdrawn from disputes like Mr. Rayleigh. How could they besiege Hailan for Charlotte Linlin? Besides, Charlotte Linlin has long established his own BIG・MOMPirates, in a strict sense In the end, she is no longer a member of Rocks."

Shanks looked at the rolling waves, his cold eyes seemed to see through everything, "It won’t be like me...Kaido is also with World Government. Have you signed any secret agreement?"

"Holy Land", Mariejois, the conference hall of Gorosei.

"You said, this day tiger, is he dead or not?"

Gorosei, with a birthmark on his head, is full of gloom. Just pay attention and you will find that today’s meeting hall, Only the "four old stars" are listed.


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