Feeling the spray from the head on, Hailan, who was already weak to the limit, could no longer maintain the acceleration power. His arms loosened, Kaido and Kaido who had hit each other The two Hailan separated instantly under the impact of the sea, and sank into the depths of the ocean one after another.

Is this move again? ! Last time, I was thrown into the sea by the opponent before I had to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Day...gu lu lu..."

The flustered and exasperated Kaido wanted to yell in anger, but when he opened his mouth, the sea water poured into his mouth. The blisters popped up continuously in Kaido's bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and Kaido couldn't even make a curse.

The seawater has a very strong blocking effect on light. The depth of about 200 meters below the sea surface is already invisible. After 300 meters, it is completely invisible.

Kaido stared at his scary eyes like copper bells, and could only watch the darkness gradually drown him, helplessly watching Hai Lan disappear into his sight.


A raging qi and blood rushed to the throat. The sea with no opportunity carried huge pressure and squeezed Hailan’s body. Blood spilled from Lan's mouth, and it stained the sea water in front of him. The salty smell stimulated his brain. Hai Lan couldn't tell whether it was blood or sea water.

Hailan in Peak state is naturally unafraid of the water pressure in the depths of several hundred meters, but now he is already weak to the limit. Perhaps a Marine Rear Admiral level enemy can easily take him away. life.

"Damn beasts..."

Different from Kaido, after years of tempering of Aurora Fruit, Hailan's vision has long been far beyond ordinary people. He squinted because of exhaustion. In the opened eyes, you can see the sharks swimming around smelling blood, Sea Beast glare like a tiger watching his prey.

No matter how cruel Sea Beast is, no one dared to attack Hailan, because this human being exudes a kind of terrifying pressure similar to that of the king of the deep sea. They are all waiting. Waiting for this human being in a coma and then swarmed up, fighting for food.

"I don’t have enough strength to swim back to the sea without using the Devil Fruit ability. Using the Devil Fruit ability will be suppressed by the energy of the sea and the result will be even worse. Am I really going to die here?"

Hai Lan couldn't help but feel desperate, recalling the last time she fell into the sea... "By the way, body protection symbol!!"

"Castle body protection symbol" may not actually be A safe land, with Hailan’s current state, even if it hides in the body protection symbol, it will take a long time to recover its mobility. If something is swallowed by the body protection symbol and falls into stomach acid during this period , Is still dead end.

It’s just that there is no other choice now.


Hai Lan moved his arm with difficulty, trying to take out the body protection symbol on his chest, suddenly caught the light from the corner of his eye, those who originally surrounded themselves The ferocious Sea Beasts who lived here fled one after another, as if they had encountered some terrifying natural enemy.

A red silhouette swiftly approached Hailan's position like an arrow from the string.


Hai Lan couldn't help being astonished. Could it be that Yasopp, the sniper of the Red Hair Pirates regiment, who helped him secretly before?

No...No, Shanks is just a little red on the top of his head, how could he be completely red?

"It turned out to be him..."

After judging the person's identity, Hailan deep in one's heart's last string of tension finally relaxed, and his tired eyes were unconscious. The ground closed tightly, and the invisible darkness gradually swallowed his mind.

"Let's go!!"

On the sea, Doflamingo on the Flamingo Pirate Ship issued a new order.

Vergo cautiously asked: "Doffy, don't you want to confirm the situation of Kaido and Dayhoo?"

"Don't be nosy."

Doflamingo's face has a rare seriousness, "The forces involved at this time are really a bit complicated, and we can't participate in it. Anyway...hurry up and sail!"


Wait when all his men got busy, Doflamingo looked at the place where Kaido and Hailan fell into the water in the distance.

The evil smile climbed up on his cheeks again: "No matter what the result is, this sea I’m afraid it’s going to change the sky, Jie Yi’s neon shellfish pokes the Japanese sho Ping Lu Yi Xiao Ping reeling and rushing tax!


Several days passed in a flash, Except for the Donquixote Family and the Golden Emperor, the futile battle that broke out over the unnamed Sea Territory is almost unknown.

At that time, a considerable number of people in Golden City saw the Marine Headquarter and Pirate Emperor Kaido. There was a battle, but they only saw the beginning, and knew nothing about the process and results in the middle.

No matter whether it was Beasts Pirates or the World Government, no “official” news flowed out, and in Underworld, countless news It has spread rapidly like a plague.

Marine Headquarters, in the office of Admiral "Day Tiger".


Lieutenant Commander Ai Yin stacked the last document on the thick pile and exhaled a long breath.

"Finally processed, we can post it here, we have to wait for Hailan to come back. Signed by him himself. "

While holding a cup of coffee, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Ai Yin walked to the window and looked at the sky in the distance.

"Didn’t you mean to look for Doflamingo?" Hailan is also true that he hasn't come back. He doesn't answer the phone call, and he doesn't return a message by himself. After he comes back, I must teach him a lesson! "

"bang! ! "

The coffee that Ayin brought to her lips couldn't help but froze, and the office door was slammed open.

The intelligence agent gasped for breath, with a face full of horror: "No... it's not good, Miss Ai Yin! ! "

"What happened?" Why are you so flustered? "

"Day...You should watch it yourself!" "

Looking at the document handed over by the intelligence agent, Ai Yin frowned slightly, she put down the coffee, and took the file from the intelligence agent with doubts on her face.

Intelligence The clerk swallowed his saliva, he could see clearly, Ai Yin Sir's gaze scanned faster and faster, and his eyebrows wrinkled deeper and deeper.

"Where did you get these things? Rumors? "

"The source is absolutely reliable. Fleet Admiral is already preparing for an emergency meeting. "


Ain’s eyes suddenly went black, and there was a short blank in her mind. She staggered back two steps and almost fell over. He barely stood still.

The intelligence agent was a little worried. He saw Ayin Sir’s body trembling uncontrollably, his breathing became more and more rapid, and the documents had been tightly held by her. It was crushed in her hand, and even her own palm was pierced with bloodshot by her nails.

"Miss Ai Yin? "

"Ah! ! ! "

A sorrowful cry sounded in the Marine Headquarters office building, horrified almost all Marine generals, Ai Yin knelt on the ground weakly, holding her chest with her arms, letting her waterfall-like long hair mess The ground fell on the ground, tears bursting like springs.


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