With one sword, the Demon Great Heavenly Dog in the Muramasa sword was killed by the soul on the spot.

The evolution of Soulshang has long been close to bottleneck, and the souls that have slashed the powerhouse can no longer continue tempering Soulshang. If you want Soulshang to evolve, you can only sacrifice the Demon Sword, and it must be a high-level Demon Sword.

A low-grade demon sword will only be regarded as broken by the souls of broken copper and iron. Obviously, the Murasaki sword is definitely a high-grade demon sword.

The great Heavenly Dog killed by the soulshang did not directly dissipate and annihilate, but turned into a dark purple energy that was absorbed by the soulshang into the sword edge, just like the previous soulshang Greedy to absorb Seven Stars Sword's cursed treasure.

It was not only Muramasa, but also "Bing" himself was cut open by Hailan when he was caught off guard.

If it weren't for the "soldier" to use Seimei Kikan to seal the wound in time, the intestines and other internal organs would inevitably bleed blood from the wound on the waist and abdomen.


The soldier spewed out a large amount of blood, which stained Hailan's clothes in front of him.

It is worthy of being the only two experts in CipherPol. After suffering this level of severe damage, the "pawn" still has plenty of power. Not only did he not fall on the spot, but instead used half of the village to be stabbed in an instant. If Hailan hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would also be stabbed in the heart by the "soldier".

"Bing" stretched out his hands and clamped Hailan's body firmly, and the other half of the village was slowly falling downwards. "Bing" could clearly feel that the village had lost the demon spirit. The sword has become a pile of scrap iron.


Hai Lan couldn't help but be surprised, as if returning to the light, the strength of the "soldier" turned out to be so powerful that he couldn't get rid of it in a short time.

"Soldier" gnashing teeth, the teeth are bright red, and the pain of the soul hurts his expression, which makes him look like a demon. "Even if you die, I must drag you to hell together!! "

Hai Lan and "Bing" both suffered severe injuries, and these sword wounds also came from each other, but the injuries of "Bing" were obviously more serious.

Neither of them can burst out the power of pinnacle, but if the stalemate continues, Hailan will definitely become the final winner, but unfortunately this is not a one-to-one duel, glare like a tiger Kaido and "Qian" who are watching his prey are fast approaching.

"Is there no hope?"

Hai Lan's heart also sank to the bottom.


I don't know why, "Bing"'s eyes suddenly widened, Hailan could clearly feel that "Bing" held her hands The intensity dropped sharply.

"Is this... luck?"

Without time to think about it, Hai Lan made a decisive decision, and instantly pierced the "Bing" into the chest of "Bing" and pierced the opponent's. heart.

Soul Cut is a demon knife with Soul Cut attribute. It is so strong that it may not be an exaggeration to say that Soul Cut is a "Demon Sword". This is not a cultivation world, and there are not too many unimaginable ones. Magical ability, pierced by the soul by the soul, will die.


As Hailan pierced the heart of "Bing", Kaido's wolf fang club also slammed on Hailan’s head, a huge The intensity made Hailan dizzy and his head burst into blood, falling down like a meteor like a meteor, almost losing consciousness on the spot.

The "pawn" whose life was quickly lost also slowly fell downward, but disappeared in the next second. It turned out that the "pawn" was transferred to the arms of the "array". The "pawn" is very important, if If possible, even the corpse must be brought back to Mariejois.

"Zero" and "Bing" are Celestial Dragon. Except for each other, the other agents don't even know what their names are.

"Be careful... and... (there is an enemy)"


Leave a half sentence, "Pawn" is in the "array" With one arm wrapped around him, he died of breathlessness. Before he died, he hadn't figured out who sneak attacked him. Could it be Doflamingo on the sea in the distance?


Hai Lan cursed secretly.

He originally wanted to use the speed of the fall to quickly get out of the battle, but unexpectedly, he was "line" teleported back to the center of the battlefield.

I have to say that the ability to "act" can play a big role in team battles.

He gritted his teeth and pulled out the half of the village's sword inserted in his shoulder and threw it away. Hai Lan shook his head slightly, the injuries were continuously superimposed, and he felt that his consciousness was almost unclear.

This is physical weakness caused by blood loss, and has nothing to do with thinking and will.

"Zero, Qian, Kaido...At least three others can pose a threat to me..."

Hai Lan thought silently in her heart, no matter how he calculated, he couldn’t find one. The feasible way to break through, because of the weakness of the body, even with Michael is not as strong as before.

"Let it die and live...Fight!!"

Hai Lan and Michael moved at the same time, instead of attacking the enemy, they flew towards Each other.

"Okay, stop them!!"

Before, Michael almost killed himself, and now Jiuhu has killed the "Ping", and "Zero" can't be like before. Facing the death of "Zhe" and "Shan" calmly like that, the voice has begun to carry emotion.

"Xing" is preparing to activate the ability to transfer Michael, and soon he has followed in the same footsteps as "Bing", UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly strikes with a huge force. In his mind, his skills were instantly interrupted.

Fortunately, "Xing" was not injured before this, and his physical strength was still in a sufficient state. The powerful body and pure Busoshoku Haki saved his life.

"Xing" touched the back of his head, gritted his teeth and pulled out the unknown object stuck in it by Seimei Kikan and Tekkai, "Is this... a bullet?"

"Okay, what are you doing?"


When the "OK" came back to his senses, Hailan and Michael have merged into One.

Hai Lan’s whole body is shining with rays of light. Even people who don’t understand Kenbunshoku Haki can definitely feel the energetic energy from Hai Lan in this brief moment, the imposing manner, and the imposing manner. people.

"Solar storm. Helium flash!!!"

Zero, who was approaching Hailan, suddenly stagnated, turning around and running without the slightest hesitation. With fear.

"He is crazy!! Escape!!!"

"It's too late!!!"

At this moment, the third bullet was approaching "Zero" next to him.


Baby-5 on the Flamingo Pirate Ship could not help but scream in pain, and other members are no exception, even Doflamingo with sunglasses I couldn't help covering my eyes and even used Busoshoku Haki.

In the distance, as if a small-yield peace bomb exploded in midair, the billowing energy surged in all directions, the scorching light pierced people to open their eyes, the sound, no one The sound can be heard, even Doflamingo and Tesoro have only "weng weng" tinnitus in their minds.

Clutching his teeth tightly, Doflamingo muttered to himself, with a trembling voice full of disbelief: "That lunatic...he is self-destructed??"


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