"cough cough...unscientific..."

Hai Lan couldn't stop coughing, and spots of blood bloomed in the air. With great strength, he finally reluctantly readjusted his breathing.

"Didn’t Baccarat say that I have more luck? How come I can’t feel good luck anymore? Is that woman lying to me?"

"hehe...Me too Crazy, what science to talk about Devil Fruit's ability..."

It's too late to wipe the blood on his face. Hailan puts up a posture and concentrates on guarding against the enemy besieging him in the distance. It is a matter of life and death. During the battle, any slight loss of consciousness may lead to the failure of the entire battle.

Thanks to Hailan's super computing power, while he promises not to show any weak spots, he can also separate a part of his mind to use the ability called "soul stripping".

"Soul stripping" can not only make Hailan temporarily lose the Devil Fruit ability and turn back into an ordinary people, its essence is actually to remove any foreign existence attached to the soul. The devil power of Devil Fruit belongs to Foreign things, the "Heavenly Dog Fire" that can burn the soul of the "Bing" is also a foreign thing. The "Bing" absolutely could not foresee that the "Heavenly Dog Fire" that he thought could severely inflict a heavy damage to the day tiger was actually already destroyed by the sea. Lan's special ability was removed.

"Don't give him a chance to breathe, let's go together!"

loudly shouts, the "soldier" of Muramasa with the demon knife took the lead and quickly killed Hailan, Kaido and "Front" follow closely from behind, the three of them encircled Hailan from three directions respectively, and "Xing" is ready to support his teammates at any time on the periphery. At this time, Hailan is like a blind spot forced by a hunter. With the prey to be slaughtered, any counterattack in the desperate situation seems to be a futile struggle.

It seems that this has already been acquiesced. Facing the three people getting closer, Hai Lan did not escape or counterattack, but silently closed his eyes.

"Have you given up resisting it?"

"Ping" could not help being frowned, and quickly denied this judgment. Even Red the Aloof can defeat Marine Headquarters. , How could it be so easy to admit defeat.

"Don't be careless, watch out for traps!!"

"Bing" loudly reminded him that he knew that Hailan's strength was deep and unmeasurable. The unlucky ghost first targeted by Hai Lan.

In this short moment when everyone hesitated, Hai Lan suddenly opened his eyes. There were small blue thunderbolt flashes in the dark pupils, and the blood vessels around the eyes burst, as if Hailan's brain was suddenly under some kind of great pressure.

An invisible wave like a sea billows in all directions like a wave. The wind screams for it, and the thunderbolt dances for him. This kind of imposing manner that seems to be enough to make the world acknowledge allegiance. , It is the "Haoshoku Haki" that everyone talks about on the sea!

"This impossible..."

"Bing" was shocked, and he had noticed the moment the alienation occurred. This should be Haoshoku Haki of Hiruto. However, this thing about Haoshoku Haki seems to only be able to clear away the miscellaneous soldiers. In the expert duel, there is no meaning at all except to show the force. It's just that, why is this Haoshoku Haki so powerful? Even his brain suddenly stabbed, as if Kaido used his wolf fang club sneak attack to attack his back of the head.

Using the influence of the aurora fruit on electromagnetic waves, Hailan has already developed the ability to combine Haoshoku Haki with electromagnetic waves to affect the electrical signals in organisms. At that time, Hailan named this move "brain "Death", because this move can directly interrupt the thinking of the weak, causing the brain of the miscellaneous soldier to die instantly.

As Hailan’s fruit ability develops to the "awakened" realm, the effect of "brain death" has naturally also been greatly improved. Now Hailan’s Haoshoku Haki has even become The style that can have a substantial impact in the expert duel, and the advanced version of "brain death", Hailan named it "psychic storm".

"What's going on? Akagami's little demon is impossible to achieve this level!!"

Kaido's mind was also suddenly blank,

in a trance , Worrying that Hailan would take the opportunity to sneak attack himself, Kaido's wolf fang club danced all over his body, and a tornado storm was formed with him as the center.

Hai Lan’s target is not actually any of them. Taking advantage of this short gap, a stream of light has shone close to the side of the "Jin", Hai Lan turned into a sword, the aurora element and Busoshoku Haki Interweave, take directly the fruit of Formation Ability User.

"shua! !"

Sword light flashed by, but Hailan was slightly frowned.

Zero, which is far away from him, was less affected by the "psychic storm". He paid a return visit in time and used the "line cloud" to open the "array" and successfully saved the "array". .

It’s just that Hailan’s assault was not in vain. One arm of the "array" and half of his shoulder were cut off on the spot by him. The blood blossoms exploded like fireworks, leaving a trail in the air. A poignant afterimage.


Until the influence of "Psychic Storm" receded, the "Array" finally came back to his senses, and the nerve circuit transmitted the pain of the broken arm to In her mind, "Jin" let out a piercing scream.


Hai Lan, who was seriously injured, was wearing rough air, and the high-intensity assault affected his original wounds. Hai Lan's physical strength is now Rapid loss.

Rescuing the "Zero" of the "array" is also not good. A momentary shot almost killed his life. Michael almost slashed against his scalp with a sword, and looked messy. Can no longer be as personable as before.


Hai Lan couldn't help being astonished. Seeing the look of zero disheveled hair and good looks, Hai Lan always felt that he did not look like a man.

If it was in the past, Hailan dared to pat his chest and said that he could definitely see through any "cross-dresser", but with the development of the times, Hailan has not dared to say that anymore, because some men It was almost more enchanting than a woman, Hai Lan was really not sure whether Zero was a man or a woman.

This idea just flashed through Hailan’s mind, because now there is no extra time wasted on this kind of thing. Whether he is a male or a female, it’s just the enemy. .


The translucent barrier that blocks this area is flickering and flickering, UU reading www. uukanshu.com's severe pain stimulated the brain of "Zheng", the injury of the broken arm caused a lot of loss of physical strength, and she did not have enough energy to maintain a solid Formation.

After a frantic flash, all the Formation barriers finally disappeared completely.

But Hailan did not fly away immediately, but turned around and waved the right hand, because he had already felt the approach of the "soldier", and elemental transformation would only become a living target.


The Demon Great Heavenly Dog transformed by Ghost Qi slashed at Hailan with a sword, but it seemed that it had smashed on some hard object." "Bing" and the big Heavenly Dog were stopped by Hailan in the air.

The dense aurora energy formed an illusory sword shadow in front of Hailan, which was held in her hand by Hailan. The "soldier" browses tightly frowns, how could this thing stop his own sword.

"Do you know why someone outside called me the Purple Devil?"

Hai Lan's voice lightly sounded, and countless purple debris filled the outline of the Phantom Sword, the Aurora Phantom Gradually consolidating, a long sword with an entity appeared in the pupils of the "soldier".

"This is..."

The pupils of "Bing" couldn't help but shrank. It has been too long since Zhouhu had used the demon sword. He almost forgot it. In fact, it was his He also has a demon sword in his hand. The name of the demon sword seems to be called, "...Soul Sorrow?"

"You know a lot..."

Hailan grasped the soul that had fully manifested itself, and purple Qi surged all over his body. Even the Demon Great Heavenly Dog couldn't help being stunned. Obviously, the demon spirit of Muramasa had already sensed that the demon sword in the opponent's hand was his natural enemy.

"……Soul Severing Slash!!!"

"ka! !"

The purple sword glow flashed, and a blood line arrogant Heavenly Dog appeared on the eyebrows , Muramasa broke off.


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