A bright moon hung in the sky, and the black screen was dotted with starlight.

Under the night, Enel stared at the battlefield below intently. He opened his mouth wide, as if he had dropped his chin on the ground and would not notice.

Enel, who initially dismissed the abilities of the two of them, had nothing but a deep shock on his face.

"These...these two people are really two monsters. They have been ten days and ten nights. Why haven’t they decided the winner?"

Even if you don’t mention the strength, single Speaking of the physical strength of these two people, Enel already felt deeply incredible.

It’s already hard to survive for ten days and ten nights without sleep, even more how is it in such a fierce duel?

If you replace one of them with yourself and the other with the "drought" Jack, surely you won't be able to hold on for so long, right?

Seizing the opportunity of Akainu and precognition to breathe and confront each other, Enel swept his gaze to other corners.

Enel swallowed his saliva: "Is this... the formidable power of Devil Fruit's awakening?"

The Punk Hazard now no longer has the thriving and lush vegetation of the past. It seems that the environment of the entire island has been completely changed due to the battle between the two Logia Devil Fruit Ability Users, and the Heaven and Earth turning upside down has taken place.

Precognition and Akainu stared at each other cautiously, panting heavily, and neither of them would take a step back.

Behind the precognition, the spreading ice froze half of Punk Hazard, and even the farther sea was frozen, as if the real "Ice Age" had arrived.

The same is true behind Akainu, the red and hot magma gurgling to the edge that can't be seen at a glance, half of the Punk Hazard has no more peaceful land, and it has been thoroughly washed by the ruthless magma.

Even the area where the precognition and Akainu are located is not immune. The ice and magma come and go, continuously fighting for control of this area, although now the ice is retreating and there is no magma. Take advantage of it, but this piece of land has long since completely died.

“It turns out that Thundergod Island really might have been typed out by Goro Goro no Mi Ability-User?”

Swallowing saliva, Enel looked thoughtful in his heart.

Before, when he heard Hailan talk about the origin of Thundergod Island, he was still a little unbelievable. Although he has been living in Thundergod Island cultivation for these years, deep in one's heart is actually doubtful.

Enel once called himself a "god". Even a god cannot permanently change the environment of nature. Can a mortal really do it?

Today, Enel finally confirmed the answer in his heart. He swears that after returning this time, he must redouble his efforts in cultivation.

Inadvertently glanced back, Enel's eyelids couldn't help but twitch-he saw frightened and flustered here, and murky heavens dark earth underneath, but Hailan? This guy actually lay on a stone bed and went to rest.



"You told me not to let go of every detail of this battle, why did you do it yourself? Relaxed?"

"I want you to watch it because I hope you can learn something. I don't watch it because I have nothing to learn. At least, I can't learn anything from them. "

"What do you mean?"

Enel was surprised, before he had time to ask, he only heard the sound of "sou" and didn't know where it came from. The lava bomb smashed towards the position of the two of them.

Enel raised his hand and was about to release a thunderbolt to shoot down this rude and offensive stray bullet, but he was surprised to find that for some reason, this meteor missile stopped abruptly in the air. middle.

The flame went out in a blink of an eye, and the magma turned into a rock. After another second, the rock was fragmented on the spot, like being lifted up by dust, flying under the night sky.

Enel looked towards behind him in surprise: "Is this...Is it made by Hailan?"

Hailan sat up on the cut stone bed and looked into the distance The grey dawn of the sea level rising: "With my eyes opened and closed, this day has passed again."


“Hoo...huh...you can’t do it anymore. Kuzan!"

Akainu arched her waist,

panting heavily, without forgetting to ridicule.

There have been large burn marks on the precognition in front of him, which have not been treated for a long time. These marks will be imprinted on the precognition forever.

"I think you are about to fall, Sakazuki!"

Precognition frowned and endured the fiery pain from her body, panting heavily, and speaking the same Taunting, the Akainu reflected in his pupils had already suffered extensive frostbite on his body, and the magma man could not stop shaking a little.

"This is the last fight!"

Akainu burst out suddenly, the right hand turned into a scarlet sharp claw, and grabbed the head fiercely of the precognition.


magma has the advantages of extremely high temperature and huge eruption power. These two attributes are superimposed together. Apart from Kaido, no one dares or has any One can resist Akainu's strongest single blow alone.

Precognition jumped a step back, a super shock wave was generated from his hand, and he blasted towards Akainu with a cold chill: "Frozen Time Capsule!!"

this move can instantly freeze the target into a bloated capsule.


The pupils of the precognition shrank suddenly, because Akainu didn’t evade, so he carried his style and killed him. He actually hurt him. The intention to change the injury.

So this is the last fight he said?

The crimson magma sharp claw is about to catch precognition's eyes. Precognition uses all his strength to make a thrilling side, reluctantly avoiding Akainu’s Meigo, and at the same time an ice saber is turned into his hand, backhand A slash slashed to Akainu's head.

"pu 呲!"

The ice saber plunged into the magma, and Akainu’s right ear and half of his face were cut open by precognition. The blood and magma were gurgling, and they couldn’t distinguish each other. Even the Marine cap on Akainu's head flew out during the fierce battle.

"Do I really want to kill Akainu?"

A doubt quietly climbed into precognition's mind, and immediately after precognition, he felt a tingling pain from his left leg. Come.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"


The fierce magma dog bit the precognition's leg fiercely , Precognition's center of gravity was unstable, and the whole person slowly fell backward.

"It's over."

The Hailan on the distant mountain did not know when he appeared behind Enel. From the moment he felt the breath of the two of them was greatly weakened, he Has been re-looked towards the battlefield.

He didn't rescue the precognition at the last minute, because this was a battle between precognition and Akainu, a battle of ideas between them, and no one should interfere.

"pu Tong!!"

The precognition fell heavily to the ground, beside him was a broken leg with blood gurgling from the wound.


Precognition was lying on the ground, panting heavily, he had given up resistance.

The strength of the two is almost on par. Losing a leg, there is no chance of winning. At this time, the precognition was just waiting quietly for death. He wanted to take a break at the last moment of this life.

Standing beside the precognition, Akainu looked down at the precognition quietly, silent, and did not move.

The scene of the past is continuously played back in Akainu's mind like a revolving lantern.

"Senior, my name is Kuzan."

"Hmph! Looks like a little demon with good potential."

"You are crazy Is that a refuge ship arranged by the World Government, you are a slaughter!"

"If there is a scholar hiding on the ship and getting out, do you know how much disaster it will bring to the world?"

"I blame you. If it weren't for your ice, how could the Pirates find a good opportunity to break into the battlefield!"

"You are so embarrassed to say me? If it wasn't mine Ice, what can you do to stop the initial tsunami? Do you rely on your magma?"



Staring at the precognition After a long while, Akainu turned around.

A voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Hey, Sakazuki."

Akainu's footsteps stopped, but he did not look back.

Turning your back to others is a kind of confidence in your own strength, but it is not a kind of trust in the person behind you.

Seeing Akainu stopped, precognition calmly said: "Don't you want me to hold the consciousness of mortal and mortal? Now I lose, so kill me."

Akainu implements justice, UU reading www.uukanshu. com will only kill people who are deemed guilty by him. Precognition is just different from his philosophy. It is not Pirate, but a Marine, Marine’s Admiral, and even his Junior Brother. Of course he will not kill. precognition.

But a man like Akainu will not show his feelings. He said solemnly: "Of course you must fight with the determination to kill your opponent in the battle, but now the battle is over. There is no point in killing you."

The precognition smiled bitterly and said: "What's wrong with you? Don't you want to implement thorough justice? Why don't you kill me? Are you sympathizing with me?"

Akainu did not answer the precognition question directly. Instead, he said: "Kuzan, you overestimate yourself. Do you really think you can kill me? If you don’t hesitate, this battle is only Will continue."

Akainu was cut half of his head by the ice saber that had entangled Busoshoku Haki by precognition. However, relying on Seimei Kikan and elemental transformation, Akainu avoided most of the damage. The precognition was just A gap was left in his right ear and cut his right cheek.

"Let me teach you the last lesson as a Senior, cough..."

Akainu coughed up a bit of black blood, the precognition looks terrible, Akainu It was also not much better. After the breath that was held during the duel was gone, his whole body was in severe pain, and he was a bit difficult to walk now.

I picked up the Marine cap on the ground and put it on top of my head. Akainu said solemnly: "If you hesitate, you will lose."


" I hope that after today, you can find your own way and be no longer confused."

Precognition stopped talking, he just lay on the ground and watched Akainu leave quietly.

Akainu walks towards the seashore. The morning sun climbs the sea level in the early morning. The sun shines on the ground, and the dawn shines on Akainu, stretching the shadow of Marine, who is struggling but firm forward, to a long distance.

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