
The cold and hot elements collide, and a dull sound erupts. Even the few fearless poison qi still exist The weird creatures of Punk Hazard were also frightened by the sudden eruption on the island and fleeing around.

Pheasant bird versus vicious dog, ice and magma contest, huge forces impacted each other, large tracts of crushed ice and magma splashed behind precognition and Akainu.

At the position where the pheasant bird competed with the vicious dog, the ice was instantly evaporated by the magma, and a large white mist evaporated; the magma was also frozen by the ice, and the solidified rock fell continuously like a broken mountain. ground.

Akainu has no reservations as soon as Akainu makes a move. The precognition provoked by Akainu is also spare no effort. The duel between the two Marine Headquarters kicked off in a fruitless debate.

"That's it? I can do it too."

On the high mountains in the distance, Enel, who was watching Hailan, sneeered disdainfully: "Sure enough, the thunder of the gods is Invincible."

Hai Lan looked down on the battlefield below and said: "Look, if you really want your abilities to be even better, you must never miss this duel. Any detail of "Then I will believe you once, and see how capable they are."

Put the shiny golden light stick on your shoulders, Enel Sitting cross-legged on the ground, no more words.

In the battlefield.

A large amount of magma gathered on Akainu’s right arm. In just a moment, the red and hot magma formed a giant arm on Akainu’s right arm, and Akainu swung this violently in the direction of precognition. The huge arm, high-concentration compressed magma suddenly erupted on Akainu's right arm, like an erupting volcano, instantly forming a huge magma Iron Fist in front of Akainu.

"Dai Funka!!"

Akainu loudly shouted, seeming to vent the anger in his heart.

This is a battle of ideas. He wants to carry out the ideas he sticks to. Even if his opponent is his comrade-in-arms and his Junior Brother, Akainu will not hesitate in the slightest, or he will not fight. , If you want to fight, you must fight thoroughly.

Akainu’s this fist is enough to smash an Iceburg, even if there is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses ahead, it will only be mourned in an instant.

But precognition is also the Peak powerhouse on this sea. He and Akainu’s Devil Fruit abilities restrained each other. Facing Akainu’s fierce blow, the precognition complexion remained unchanged, without the slightest panic.


Precognition thick lips open and close up and down, lightly spit the name of style.

The cold air billowed from the body of the precognition, completely covering the place where the precognition was located, and the whiteness was like the Immortal Realm in the myth.

Large tracts of land, vegetation, and rocks were frozen by the air-conditioning of the precognition. In an instant, the precognition created an ice crystal world, and the ice ridges even reflected gleaming light.

The cold air from all directions wrapped Akainu's magma giant fist in the middle, like a hunter encircling a beast. The cold air and the hot magma eroded each other, and suddenly magma gained an advantage. Suddenly, the cold air pressure restrained the magma.

Suddenly, just like finding a wild beast with a breakthrough mouth, Akainu’s magma fist actually broke through the air of precognition, like a hot knife through butter, and made a strong breakthrough.

"No! Kuzan impossible just like this ability!!"

The alert Akainu's heart sank, and sure enough, a dangerous aura had approached him from the side.


What arrives faster than sound is the icy lance generated out of thin air in the air. The air-conditioning of the precognition has long condensed into the cold ice of the entity, which is countless. The ice crystal weapon was ruthlessly killed towards Akainu like the treasure of the king.

The precognition does not entangle Busoshoku Haki, nor does it require any Busoshoku Haki. "Ice-Ice Fruit" and "Magma Fruit" are originally mutually reinforcing, and simply relying on elemental power, both parties can attack each other’s entities. If Use Busoshoku Haki now, it's just a waste of extra energy.

The fight from fist to meat consumes the most energy,

followed by the contest between Haki and Haki, and the pure Devil Fruit style is the most energy-saving.

A strong sense of crisis enveloped Akainu's heart, making his nerves tight.

This is not fear, but powerhouse's keen perception of danger.

Once you are hit by the precognition's ice crystal treasure head-on, it will be truly heart-warming, and you will be seriously injured if you are not dead.

Without the slightest hesitation, Akainu promptly used Magma Fruit's awakening ability.

"Scorched Earth Hell!!"

magma suddenly erupted around Akainu without warning, as if the entire Punk Hazard turned into an active volcanic island, everywhere soaring into the sky The pillar of fire and the ruthless magma ignited and annihilated everything around in an instant.

The ice treasure of precognition disappeared into the sea of ​​fire of Akainu in an instant. This is not over yet. The gurgling crimson magma is billowing forward like a rushing river. UU read www.uukanshu.com An extremely terrifying speed spreads towards the feet of the precognition. In front of thousands of degrees of magma, any life appears to be so small and fragile.

Akainu's strongest style ever was "Meteor Volcano". The magma fists shot into the sky from his arms one after another were like meteor showers from space. It fell on the ground as a cannonball, Akainu One person is a heavy artillery force.

But obviously, that trick is only suitable for large-scale positional warfare. There is no way to give full play to the advantage in one-on-one contests, and only a waste of energy.

Deeply aware of his own disadvantages, after awakening, Akainu finally developed this style called "Jiao Di Hell" after countless day and night efforts.

With Akainu as the center, the eruption of magma is rapidly expanding. Even if there is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, Akainu is helpless. It will only increase the number of dead, and this move will only increase the number of dead. It works equally well for an enemy.

The pupils of the precognition shrank suddenly. He is a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User. Of course he understands the terrifying of Akainu this move.

But intuitive fear does not mean rational fear. Precognition even simply doesn't take Akainu's move into consideration.



The blue and white ice suddenly spread in all directions under the feet of the precognition. Behind the precognition, a few kilometers instantly turned into an ice world, and it was still spreading far away.

Akainu is awakened, and precognition is also awakened.

In the past, his ice age could only spread dozens of kilometers on the sea. Now it is no longer necessary to consider the external environment. Any ground can be covered by ice.

The blue and white ice surface and the crimson gurgling magma are in contact with each other, sometimes advancing, sometimes retreating, eroding each other, and the two sides are continuously robbing the realm of awakening.

This is a feast of awakening to awakening.

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