A calm voice sounded, and at the same time, a powerful hand grasped the void, and then forcefully broke the thread that Doflamingo used to control the doll.

Doflamingo didn't dare to be angry, because this man couldn't afford to offend at all, and he would be beaten if he provokes him.

Tian Yaksha sneered, and said: "Commander Kong, didn't expect you to be interested in discussing world events with us?"

The commander-in-chief of the World Government "steel skeleton" is empty.

With a Mohican hairstyle, the head-in-chief Kong, who has explosive muscles on his arms larger than his head, sat in the chair position and stared at Doflamingo, who was sitting cross-legged on the table with a bad face.

Doflamingo used to be Celestial Dragon, and now he is the Dark Emperor of Underground World. The two identities are added together. As long as he doesn't do anything outrageous, Sora will not do anything to him.

"Before the meeting officially starts, the old man must give you a piece of advice."

Sora glanced at the kings, "For the stability of your country, it is best for you to manage Regardless of the active Pirate in the country, otherwise when the time comes, it will cause trouble and be careful not to close the scene."

When speaking, Sora also focused more on several kings such as Doflamingo and the King of Flower Country. A few glances.

Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku has not formally submitted an application for resignation, but he has already mentioned this matter to his Oldest Big Brother Air Commander once.

For The Resourceful General like Sengoku, Sora is trying his best to keep it. In Sengoku's view, Sengoku is the perfect candidate to succeed him as the commander-in-chief of the army.

But no matter how Sora earns and well-meant advised to persuade, knows that he is moved by emotion and reasoned, Sengoku is determined to resign, and he can't be moved.

Realizing that Sengoku might have seen something through, in desperation, Sora had no choice but to retreat, hoping that Sengoku could retreat to the second line and continue to serve Marine.

Actually, in order to ensure that Marine can achieve upward and downward effects, Sengoku also proposed the idea of ​​establishing a supervisory department before, so the post of "Marine Supervisor" was born during the discussion between the two.

Sengoku strongly recommends Kuzan as the next Marine Fleet Admiral, but it is clear from the heart that this is basically impossible, because Gorosei has long unanimously identified Sakazuki as their in-minded candidate.

There is no other reason, because Sakazuki is more "obedient" than Kuzan.

When the unconventional summoning order, or Buster Call, was executed against West Blue O’Hara, Kuzan privately let go of Nico Robin. Gorosei was clear about this, if it was not due to the talents at the time. Scarce, Kuzan doesn’t even use Marine Headquarters.

Gorosei doesn't like Kuzan who has independent thinking to be Marine Fleet Admiral.

Sakazuki is the exact opposite of Kuzan. Not only did he not let go of one person, he even bombarded the "refuge ship" that Gorosei decided to transport civilians because of public opinion. He did all the dirty work like him. Which leader doesn't like his subordinates?

Although this is just a coincidence, Sakazuki was only trying to implement his "complete justice" back then, and he never thought of cursing Gorosei...

Life is like this, full of accidents everywhere. , Maybe even Sakazuki doesn't know why Gorosei likes herself so much.

Gorosei doesn't know Akainu, but Sora knows very well.

Sakazuki and Kuzan are both excellent Marines from his generations. They were not brought out by him. In terms of emotions, he would not be biased towards which one. From Sora's point of view, it is the same as who is Marine Fleet Admiral.

It’s just that if Sakazuki really became the Marine Fleet Admiral as Gorosei wanted, and I’m afraid the sea is going to change, so he gave these kings a piece of advice. It's time for the country's methods to converge.


In a peaceful park in Mariejois, Hailan is lying on a bench and basking in the sun, relaxing and relaxing.

Marine Headquarter can come here at any time. There is no such thing as kneeling down to Celestial Dragon. This is almost the back garden of Marine Headquarter’s home. You can even call chefs serving Celestial Dragon to cook for yourself. Food, strength is king.

Hai Lan, whose military rank is still Vice Admiral, has long enjoyed this privilege in advance.

Take advantage of Reverie’s opportunity to come to Mariejois. Begapunk, who hopes to exchange scientific knowledge with the participating countries, can’t help but sigh when he sees Hailan’s chic appearance: "Everyone is busy protecting the franchise. fleet, only Vice Admiral, you can enjoy the sun and relax here."

"It’s a good time to work hard, and it’s always good to eat."

Hai Lan invites Bei Gapunk took his seat, "Besides, I'm not idle. Isn't this protecting World Nobles?"


Begapunk sat with a smile "But your credit is really big enough. I know a guy who is very difficult to deal with. That guy heard that you defeated Red the Aloof and shut down."

Hai Lan thinks this The person is quite interesting, and smiled and responded: "Autistic?"


Begapunk nodded, said: "He said, he wants to secluded cultivation, determined I won't eat for three years."


Hai Lan was choked. If that person is not bragging, this ability is indeed a good beer, and Hai Lan is willing to go downhill.

The stronger the people, the more food they consume, because they need more energy.

Hai Lan is even more curious: "What Devil Fruit ability is he?"

Subconsciously, Hai Lan already subjectively thinks this person is a Devil Fruit Ability User, Bega Punk's answer can be regarded as a side confirmation of his judgment.

Begapunk said with a smile: "I won't tell you."


"But I can tell you His abilities are related to green. He doesn’t need to eat, he can live by drinking water. For him, eating is just enjoying delicious food."

Hai Lan wanted to guess whether this person is a Devil Fruit of the plant system. , Photosynthesis can be carried out, but if you think about it carefully, there is no plant-based Devil Fruit at all.

"Flower fruit" refers to the body that can bloom in any position like a flower. "Lush fruit" manipulates plants and catalyzes plant growth, so these two are classified as "Paramecia" Devil Fruit.

If it is forced to divide, it can barely be regarded as a plant series. However, in this way, "Diamond Fruit" and "Gold-Gold Fruit" will be classified as "Minerals", so it's a mess Too far.

The Devil Fruit that can transform Ability User into a plant does not exist at all, such as "poplar fruit", "thorn flower fruit", "tomato fruit" and so on. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

So Hailan swallowed back when she reached her mouth, and changed her words: "Could it be Zoan?"

See Vegapunk's eyes move slightly Hailan boldly speculated: "Green, you can live by drinking water. I don't need to eat. I know a qualified ability."

"Let’s talk about it?"

"Zoan ・Alien species ・Human-Human Fruit ・Nami nemesis human form."

To Hailan's surprise, Begapunk was not surprised at all, but a face seriously said:" The beautiful nemesis you mentioned...Which galaxy is it in?"

Scientists’ curiosity is too strong, but it’s boring...

Hai Lan is embarrassed "I’m just kidding... I’m Hu Zou..."

Begapunk took it more seriously, "No, since you can come up with this concept, there must be a reason. The cosmic pirates have been beaten down by you. Perhaps some illusory legends are actually true."

Hai Lan said helplessly and irresponsibly, "Then you should study it yourself...I just I've heard of this name."

Begapunk nodded: "Well, that's right, after all, you don't know much."

Hai Lan didn't know whether to cry or laugh ……Are scientists speaking so straightforwardly?

Hai Lan refused to accept, "At least I know more about the development of Devil Fruit than you do."

Begapunk's face showed a caring and illiterate expression, "Really? "


"You all agree that the Logia Suna Suna no Mi Ability User named Crocodile is very useless in capacity development, right?"

"That's it."


Vegapunk said seriously, "In fact, his innate talent in terms of intensity is a little worse than you!

On the contrary, his knowledge of Devil Fruit is actually more thorough than each of you!"

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