Before Shanks’ reputation as "Emperor Pirate", there were three emperors Pirate on the sea, namely "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, "Beasts" Kaido, "Big mom" Charlotte Linlin.

Obviously challenging anyone to become famous, the "Red Hair Pirates Group" only focused on Kaido. Although they had a lot of friction with Whitebeard Pirates and big mom Pirates, they looked for Beasts Pirates. Find the most faults.

Analyzed from a rational point of view, Shanks’ decision seems to be a very silly behavior. After all, Kaido is the most difficult emperor Pirate to deal with, but he has an "Immortal Body."

Let humans stay sensible forever, it was originally a luxury-in fact, Shanks set the target as Beasts Pirates and part of the reason is because of Roger Pirates' companions.

Kozuki Oden, the father of Daimyo and Kozuki Hiyori from Wano Country was a member of Roger Pirates a long time ago, and was dug away by Roger from Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard wants to accept Roger’s "daughter" as his child. In fact, part of the reason is that he wants to avenge Roger's digging the wall...Of course, this is just some careful thoughts. Whitebeard said to "Ellie" His feelings are still very sincere.

But if he knew that Garp asked Roger's child to call him grandfather...

Shanks was once a trainee sailor of Roger Pirates. Kozuki Oden was just like Rayleigh and Gaban. It can be said that he is the senior of Shanks.

Even Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, who were young at the time and Oden's men joined Roger Pirates with him, are like Buggy, and are considered Shanks' best friends.

Kaido killed the Oden family in the country of peace, how could Shanks not be touched at all, and he was not determined to withdraw from the arena like Rayleigh did. On the contrary, he needs to justify his name and step on Senior Pirate was in the position, and many factors combined, Shanks naturally regarded Kaido as the most important target.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the battle between Kaido and Marine, Shanks quickly invaded the country of Japan, disrupted Kaido’s industry into Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and took away Kaido’s "red Poneglyph".

Shanks does not allow the historical relics that Captain Roger found after suffering untold hardships to fall into the hands of people like Kaido. And after controlling a piece of red Poneglyph, he will have more say in front of Gorosei.

During the surprise attack on the Kingdom of Japan, Shanks also rescued Oden Uncle's descendants-Kozuki Hiyori.

In the original book, the top war "Hiken" Ace was captured. Rayleigh and Akagami were indifferent because Ace had given up the identity of Roger's son and joined Whitebeard Pirates. The Ace who made this choice is no longer considered Roger Pirates's People, the two of them don't have much personal friendship with Ace, so naturally they won't make a stand for Ace.

Hiyori is different from Ace. She has always been proud of being a warrior's daughter, and Shanks naturally wants to help her.

"I wish I could find Nekomamushi and Inuarashi soon."

Hearing Hiyori's voice, Shanks slightly frowned and said, "The fur clan lives on the back of the giant Zou elephant. , This is not an island. It can’t be reached by recording pointers. I can only use the life card to guide the direction. Unfortunately, we separated too suddenly. I didn’t have the life card of both of them in my hand. There was only one for your father. I wanted to find it. They can only fight for luck in this vast sea."

Seeing Hiyori’s eyes were a little dim, Shanks smiled and comforted, "But it’s okay. We are not afraid of Beasts Pirates at all. You stay here with us very much. Be safe, and don’t worry about causing us trouble. Everyone will be happy to appear a musician on the boat."

What Shanks said is not empty talk. "Red Hair Pirates Group" can be said to be the strongest Yonko Pirates. Not too much, because the only captain of the other Pirates is the Peak powerhouse on the sea. This kind of powerhouse has a Ben Beckman in addition to Shanks himself in the Red Hair Pirates group.

The position of "first mate",

is not something that anyone can be, even if it is the prestigious Charlotte Katakuri of big·momPirates, he is just a "ace". , Not the real "first mate".

After the death of Whitebeard, the Whitebeard remnant party led by "Phoenix" Marco and still had more than a dozen Pirates under its control was easily defeated by the newly emerged Blackbeard Pirates regiment in the general battle. From then on, Marco could only return home. This shows that " How big is the gap between "Ace" and "Captain" and "Deputy Captain".

"Thank you Lord Shanks."

Hiyori said softly, "But after all, you are just a friend of my father's father. If you can save the little girl, the little girl is already grateful, why? Can you involve you in the dispute between us and the country?"

On the surface, Shanks looks like a big nerve, but in fact, he is not stupid at all. He has understood Hiyori’s suggestion that this is a Very ambitious woman, she would not be willing to just drift in the sea like this, UU reading, her meaning is very obvious, she will return to the country sooner or later.

Shanks is not surprised, this is the daughter of Oden uncle, he said with a smile: "Anyway, the door of the Red Hair Pirates group will always be open for you."

"Thank you."

Hiyori leaned slightly to thank you.

In fact, there is one thing she didn't say. She was in trouble with a Marine named Hailan a long time ago.

After staying in Red Hair Pirates for a few days, Hiyori has learned about the power of Hailan through the news and the crew's narration. If he knew that he had joined the Red Hair Pirates group, he might give Shanks Your lord is in trouble.

"After I find Nekomamushi and them, I have to find a way to find Master Hailan."

Looking at the distant sea, Kozuki Hiyori silently made up his mind.


Mariejois, the main participating countries have arrived. Officials of the World Government are in charge of receptions, meetings and many other matters.

In the largest Conference Hall, Cobra, King of Flower Kingdom, Doflamingo, Wapol Wave...those are important because of vast territory and abundant resources, or because the king is powerful, or possesses some special knowledge. All the kings of the franchise countries are here.

The boring Doflamingo jumped directly to the conference table and sat down cross-legged, manipulating a king to fight with another king. He is the strongest king here. Everyone is in danger. This time , Even Cobra, who has always been tough, didn't dare to criticize Doflamingo.

"You bastard, why are you attacking me? Do you want to go to war with our country?"

", my body is out of control! Who can help? Help me?!"

The controlled king attacked another king frantically. After a few rounds, the sword in his hand seemed to pierce the opponent's heart.

"Let’s stop here."

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