"Boss, I just saw a team of human Marines following the Sea King army and Brother Jinbe to Dragon Palace. I think these human Marines should be brought by Jinbe to deal with you?"

Inside Noah's Ark on Fishman Street, a Japanese shark Fishman is reporting what he has seen and heard to Van der Deyken IX.

His name is "Jio".

Due to the characteristics of its own fish species, this Japanese shark Fishman can combine its body color with the surrounding environment, just like a chameleon.

Because he is not a Japanese whisker shark, but a Japanese whisker shark Fishman, he can even become "invisible" after his ability is further enlarged, just like the "Paramecia ・Color Fruit" Ability User.

The Fishman gangsters on Fishman Street usually rely on the ability of this Japanese shark Fishman to conduct investigations. Therefore, his status is relatively high in Van der Deyken IX.

"That must be the bastard Jinbe who invited me to target me!"

Unlike the other Fishman who respectfully calls "Big Brother Jinbe", Van der Deyken IX yelled at Jinbe: "Jio, how many times have I told you that Jinbe's spineless trash will serve as a henchman for the human Marine. He is not worthy of the name'Jinbe Brother'.

According to me Look, the hero Fisher Tiger who saved thousands of slaves was betrayed to death by Jinbe, etc. Tiger? I remember it!"

"I remember it too!"

The Fishman in Noah's Ark put down their work one after another, and everyone's face was filled with astonishment.

"The damn humans really killed Master Tiger!"

"Master Tiger was once the captain of the Sun Pirates group. Brother Arlong and Brother Jinbe were both Sun Pirates before. Members of the group, is it really the Tiger who killed Jinbe?"

Van der Deyken IX yelled: "I have said so many times, don’t call Jinbe again. That bastard is the eldest brother. !"

Without the existence of "Hordy Jones", the only people who can convince these Fishman gangsters on Fishman Street are the "heritage of the ancestors" Van der Deyken IX and "Drunk Slash Human Demon", "Fishman Island No. 1 Swordsman" Leopard Zang.

It happens that Leopard Zang is another person who doesn't like to be a big brother, so he loves money to death.

In this way, Van der Deyken IX became the boss of Fishman Street. He naturally didn't like his men calling Arlong and Jinbe big brothers.

Tiger has changed back to human form, Fishman’s memory of Tiger was accidentally awakened, and the resentment of being pressed the pause button a few years ago was replayed in this brief moment, and the entire cabin was full The fire of anger and hatred medicinal smell.

After a brief shock, Van der Deyken IX was the first to sobered up.

Although he is a Fishman, Van der Deyken IX has no feeling of admiration for Tiger and Jinbe.

As the orthodox heir of the Van der family, Van der Deyken IX realized that now is a great opportunity for him to buy people's hearts.

After all, angry people are always irrational.

"Have you seen it? Whether it is Jinbe or the Sea King army, they are now trying to please mankind. If this continues, Fishman Island will sooner or later become a slave breeding ground for mankind. Is this Do you want to see the future?"


"Humans and everything will die!"

Van der Deyken The Ninth King was very satisfied with the reaction of his compatriots. He continued to instigate: "You have all seen how huge a fleet and strength my ancestors once had, and I also inherited their divine force. Now only I can fight. Despicable humans!"

"Yes! So we have to protect Van der Deyken Boss."

"I no longer have any hope for those damn Sea King troops Now!"

With the power of Devil Fruit, Van der Deyken IX bluffed these unseen Fishman for a while.

"My compatriots, as long as I marry Shirahoshi and seize the power of the Dragon Palace, I, Van der Deyken IX, swear here that I will lead everyone to counterattack the ground and destroy mankind! "

"Counter-attack the ground and destroy mankind!"

"Counter-attack the ground and destroy mankind!"

Some people can become the spiritual leader of the masses, not necessarily Because he is really charming.

The people's heads dazzled by anger and deep-rooted ignorance can promote the success of brainwashing.


An unharmonious voice lightly sounded in the crowd.

The sound was not loud, but like an infectious virus, the roar of the Fishman was gradually subdued.

"Leopard Zang, do you have any opinion on me?"

Van der Deyken IX walked to the side of a blue circle Octopus Fishman, his face a little unhappy.

"Just rely on your hiccups to be sure that you have beaten those human Marines?"

"Don't you plan to support me?"


Leopard Zang burped again, "I only support money!"

Van der Deeken IX laughed heartily: "I have money, but Leopard Zang, you have Can you take your fate?"

Van der Deeken IX has hidden meaning. In fact, he simply didn't expect this group of Fishman gangsters to make waves.

Once as Pirate, he understands the power of human beings.

As long as he can marry Shirahoshi Princess and start Noah's Ark, he will kick away this bunch of useless waste.

"It's just a few despicable humans and there are already some great hiccups"

Leopard Zang's voice is full of disdain: "See my eight knives Hiccup, one, one, one, two, I’ll kill"


The ceiling of the cabin suddenly erupted with a deafening noise, and then there seemed to be four A black figure jumped down.

"Who? Dare to break into the headquarters of our flying Pirates?"

"bang bang bang bang slap"

is the crispness of the fish tail whipping on the face ring.

A shark with a bubble ring around its waist that looked like a swimming ring drew the shouting Fishman away.

It is Shirahoshi's pet, or partner, named "Megaluo", Shirahoshi's only confidant during the Hard Shell Pagoda.

Megalo opened his mouth, revealing Shirahoshi's nervous little head. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Koala encouraged by the side: "Shirahoshi, come out soon, no one can bully you!"


Shirahoshi had just leaned out half of his body, and was frightened back by a silhouette.

Van der Deeken IX, who was about to sneak away, was so immortal that Shirahoshi happened to see him in his eyes.

"You bastard"

Koala had seen the arrest warrant issued by the Sea King's army to Van der Deeken IX, and she recognized this man at a glance.

"Scared my family, Shirahoshi wants to run?"

leg raised, Koala kicked Van der Deyken IX in an instant, and the latter smashed the partition on the spot and lay down. Into another cabin.

The other Fishman rushed to Koala frantically, and Pikachu had already turned the group of hooligans to the ground without Hailan's action.


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