"You...how did you just do it?"

Neptune felt like he had a dream.

A wolf fang club that even struggled to pull himself up flew into Dragon Palace City without warning, and flew to the hard shell tower where his baby daughter was.

There is no doubt that this must be the damn pervert, the weapon that Van der Deeken IX used to summon his cursed power.

In the entire Fishman Island, no one except Mr. Jinbe can stop this kind of misfortune.

Even if you change to yourself, if you go to resist the wolf fang club head-on, you will be seriously injured.

But what did I just see?

The human Marine stopped the wolf fang club from flying just by gently raising his hand. He just made a gentle gesture, and the wolf fang club fell down obediently like his pet. On the ground, even the floor was not broken.

No wonder Jinbe would recommend him to call for help from this human Marine. The power he possesses is indeed magical and powerful. Is this power from the gods?

Neptune sat back in his seat again, his look towards Hai Lan changed Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

If Hailan knew what Neptune was thinking in his heart, he would surely be shocked-I'm sorry for what you said...

Actually, I can't blame Neptune.

Although Neptune is the king of Fishman Island, he has lived for so many years and has not been to land several times. Even if he is described as "a frog in well", it is not too much.

His knowledge is incomparable to Hailan and Koala.

Relying only on Jinbe's description, Koala inferred that Van der Deyken IX is most likely to be Paramecia • Target Fruit Ability User.

But Neptune has always believed that Van der Deeken IX was subject to a "target curse". This curse gave him the ability to throw any item remotely, and also made him at the same time Lost the ability to swim.

This is of course not Neptune's own fantasy, but Van der Deeken IX personally said, and as a king, Neptune believed so.

A person is stupid, not necessarily because he has a problem with his IQ, it is more likely that his knowledge is too shallow.

"Don't worry about how I did it. You just need to know that I can help you eliminate Van der Deyken IX. Isn't this the most important thing? "

Seeing that Neptune is so ignorant, Hailan is also a rare "spirit stick".


Neptune looked towards Jinbe with his help-seeking gaze.

Jinbe smiled: "Lord King, don’t worry, Hailan Sir, he definitely has a way to help Shirahoshi Princess solve this problem. He never makes uncertain promises!"

Actually, Jinbe is more inclined to Fishman Island if he is concerned about his heart.

Including the reason why he joined Marine is also to better protect Fishman Island.

But now Jinbe is also a Marine after all. Of course he has to think about Marine. Even more how Hailan didn’t do anything to harm Fishman Island. He naturally wanted to help Hailan say something. talk.


Just when Neptune was in a dilemma, Koala made another knife without warning: "Really, Shirahoshi has a father like you and it is her fate. Suffering, one side is the formula of ES potion, and the other is the safety and happiness of your daughter. I don’t know if you are a dad you have to hesitate!"

"Koala, don't talk nonsense, pay attention to politeness."

"It is, I just can't understand parents like him!"

After Jinbe describes Shirahoshi's experience, Koala still sympathizes with Shirahoshi. She has long wanted to eliminate that The pervert that harassed Shirahoshi.

If Hailan wanted to use this time to ask for some ES potions, Koala would have already acted with Pikachu.

Now she is anxious.

One is anxious about what happened to Shirahoshi. She can see the wolf fang club that flew up just now. Jinbe said that there is this thing every day. No one can stand it.

Secondly, I am also anxious because Shirahoshi has such a bad father. Why do you hesitate at this time?

That's why Koala criticized Neptune coldly.

However, Koala's short words awakened Neptune: "Yes, this kid is right, I'm really confused, hey, what's the concern of those ES potions? , Mr. Hailan, as long as you can save my daughter, you can take as many ES potions as you want!"

Koala panting with rage mumbled: "This is pretty much the same."

Neptune laughed: "Thanks to this kid who woke me up."

"I'm not a kid, my name is Koala!"

"Good good... Thank you, Miss Koala."

Hailan got up: "Since everything has been said, then take me to see Shirahoshi first."

Neptune also stood up. "Please."

"Since Van der Deyken IX began to throw weapons at Shirahoshi, I have transferred her to the hard shell tower."

"Hard-shell tower? What is that?"

Neptune sighed, "That is a shelter specially built to protect Shirahoshi. After all, we are impossible to guard Shirahoshi's side, so this can resist Any hard shell tower attacked by weapons becomes Shirahoshi’s shelter for life."

Hailan followed Neptune to the hard shell tower. From a distance, you can see that there is a Many of the weapons thrown by Van der Deyken IX, and the countless scars on the gate and on the walls show that Shirahoshi was harassed far more than what he saw on the surface.

Seeing this scene, Koala clenched her small fist tightly: "This is too much."


The door was opened by the soldier, and Hailan people walked in one after another.

"Yeah! Who are you?"

When Shirahoshi heard the sound, Shirahoshi hid behind the cabinet in fright.

Shirahoshi is now underage, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but his body is about five or six meters, but this can't conceal Shirahoshi's lovely face and the invisibly weak breath.

As long as one glance, both men and women will spontaneously develop a desire for protection.

Koala was even more surprised by Shirahoshi's appearance.

Before coming to Dragon Palace, Koala had been imagining what the mermaid Princess would look like.

Seeing is better than hearing, the legendary mermaid Princess really did not disappoint her, it is simply too cute.

"Don't be afraid, Shirahoshi, these adults are here to help us."

"Royal Father?"

Shirahoshi leaned forward, he looked There is Lord Jinbe, a handsome human Big Brother, a cute little yellow duck, and a petite little human girl.

"Hello Shirahoshi, my name is Koala, can I be friends with you."

The little human girl smiled to herself.

For some reason, Shirahoshi felt an unwarranted intimacy in her body, just like an old friend who had not seen her for many years.

Shirahoshi boldly stretched out her white palm, and Koala jumped straight up, and Shirahoshi finally clasped fist next to her face: "Well...are you really willing to make friends with me?"

"Of course!"

Koala reached out a little hand and touched Shirahoshi's face, as if he was wiping something.

Because of the difference in body shape, she could see Shirahoshi's tears at a glance. It was obvious that Shirahoshi had just cried.

"Hateful Van der Deeken IX...I will definitely not let you be abnormal!"

Worried about frightening Shirahoshi, Koala's face kept All tried to maintain a warm smile.

But a bunch of anger has been burning in her heart.

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