c_t(); "This is the fourth demon incident since this month."

"The murderer can now be locked, and it is undoubtedly the'bloodfiend' Foster Bu Rad."

"But the question is, how should I arrest this Brad?"

Marine Headquarters, in the Conference Hall.

Everyone is analyzing the current problem with each other.

"The Devil Incident": The originally quiet and peaceful village, regardless of age, sex, will become a little old man with a withered face and haggard body overnight.

The civilians who did not understand the complete truth called this "devil's curse", so the name "devil incident" came up.

Marines certainly don't believe in any devil, they know that this must be the operation of a certain Devil Fruit Ability User.

But there are too many Devil Fruits that can achieve similar results. Age fruit, Suna Suna no Mi...no one can confirm who is attacking civilians.

It wasn't until "Tokikake" plus Vice Admiral met the young "bloodfiend" Foster Brad on the sea that Marine Headquarters finally locked the identity of the suspect.

"I feel that Brad's strength has not yet recovered to the peak period, otherwise I may not insist on Borsalino Admiral to come and support."

Tokikake said his Judging, he didn't feel ashamed of losing to Brad, he was a pragmatic man.

"Zoan ・Bat Fruit ・Mythical Type ・vampire form."

A purple Devil Fruit is displayed on the big screen.

Kong Ming continued: “According to the information, this Devil Fruit can restore the Ability User’s physical strength, injuries and even youth by sucking the blood of other humans.

For unknown reasons, Only human blood can have this effect. Animals are ineffective."

Kizaru held his chin and suddenly said: "What if an animal ate this Devil Fruit?"

Kong understood Kizaru with a glance, lightly coughed: "Precisely speaking, this effect should only be achieved by smoking the same kind of blood."

Kizaru is really just curious,

but his The expression always gives people a feeling that he wants to deliberately mess up...

After an episode, Kong Ming continued to introduce: "This vampire fruit seems invincible, but in fact it is also very restrictive. With Brad's strength, I want to To restore Peak, I’m afraid I’ll have to suck the blood of thousands of people.” (This paragraph is a private setting, and it’s a bug for Oda Sensei-otherwise there is no way to explain why the restoration of the young Red Earl would lose to Luffy)

"That's why he created that many'devil incidents'!"

Dauberman said: "Kong Ming, you said this, what on earth should we do to catch that? Where's Brad?"

This can stop Kong Ming from asking.

In the vast ocean, I want to catch a Mythical Type ・vampire Ability User. It’s just a dream.

"bloodfiend" Foster Brad is extremely strong, although not comparable to Whitebeard, but also not a character that can be defeated casually.

"Mythical Type ・vampire fruit" also gave Brad the ability to fly, allowing him to ignore any terrain.

"Powerful" and "Flying", none of these characteristics are enough for Marine to have such a headache, but when they appear on the same person at the same time, it is enough to stir the wind and the rain on the sea The terrifying existence is gone.

Kong Ming shook the lupin and thought: "Brad’s goal should be to suck enough blood to regain his youth and restore his peak strength. Ordinary people can replenish too little energy and want to be as fast as possible. To recover, we must suck the blood of powerhouse. According to his purpose, we can design an enemy trap."

Fleet Admiral Sengoku put forward his own idea: "This idea is good, but Brad is You won’t be fooled."

Kong Ming started to be stern again: "Oh? What is your opinion of Fleet Admiral?"

Sengoku explained: "Brad is very cautious. Whether it’s the Three Great Admirals or the three Admiral alternates, using them as bait, Brad can definitely see that this is a trap, and he will definitely not be fooled.

If you change to another Vice Admiral In the face of Brad’s strong strength, I am worried that I will not have time to support."

"Fleet Admiral, I have considered your concerns."

Kong Ming's face" Sure enough," the expression, "So the bait I said, only one person can do it."

The generals discuss spiritedly: "Who would this be?"

Kong Ming stroked it. Beard: "Crane Staff Officer, I heard that there is a female soldier named Ai Yin in your army. She is Paramecia's "Regressive Fruit" Ability User, right?"

Crane folded his hands together to support Holding his chin: "Do you want Ayin to be a bait?"


Kong Ming is confident: "If I remember correctly, this Ayin has a lot of potential Yes, Mr. Zephyr will have her position in the next elite training camp. With this strength, if there is an opportunity, Brad will not let it go easily.

The most important It's her ability to regress the fruit. Others may fear Brad's ability, but the eternal youth Ayin will definitely not be aged by the vampire fruit? So she is the most suitable and unique and unmatched bait."

Some generals nodded and agreed: "It seems to make sense..."

"There is a ghost!"

Hailan expressed opposition," The regressive fruit is only the skin. When life comes to an end, no matter how beautiful the appearance is, Ayin will Damn, Kong Ming, you didn't do your homework. "

Kong Ming's face was full of embarrassment: "Anything else? "

There is no mention on Devil Fruit's picture book.

Hailan didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Kong Ming, Kong Ming, it is better to have a letter than without a book, and you will meet again in the future. When it comes to similar problems, you should try it yourself. "

The biggest function of Devil Fruit's Illustrated Book lies in the description of Devil Fruit's appearance and the record of basic abilities. As for the deeper abilities... there is no hair.

For example, "Gomu" -Gomu No Mi", only the body can be stretched and contracted like rubber, and can be immune to round bullets, restraining Goro Goro no Mi Ability-User.

As for the "second gear" and "third gear" , "Fourth gear" or something, I didn’t even mention it.

There are even some rare Devil Fruits that are not in the illustrated book.

After all, this thing is based on the predecessors. It’s not the book of truth that God has left behind. Sengoku lightly coughed: "If you don’t have any better suggestions, today’s meeting will be. ..Um? Hailan Vice Admiral, do you have something to say? "

"The trick to lure the enemy does not necessarily have to use a living person as bait?" "

"How do you say?" "

Hailan Issho, said his thoughts, the generals in the Conference Hall were a little commotion, and even the gazes looking towards Hailan became weird.

Kong Ming The staff refreshed: "Okay, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is good! This strategy is wonderful! Hailan Vice Admiral, you taught me a lesson today! "

Sengoku glanced at the crane staff and saw that the latter was nodded, so he announced: "If you have no other opinions, then do as Hailan Vice Admiral said, and the meeting is over!" "

2nd day.

Red the Aloof, who was drifting in the sea on a bamboo raft, took a newspaper from Newsbird and glanced at it, "pu chi" laughed out.

["Hero of the Marines", "Warrior of the Sea" Solayo and "bloodfiend" Foster Brad fought on the top of the Red Line continent.. .

...The following is Sola’s challenge statement to bloodfiend: There is nothing to say, I just have a word, whoever does not come is equal to whoever admits that he is bastard!]

" Such a detrimental strategy must have been devised by that day tiger, right? Brad is the most face-conscious lunatic...Brad, Brad, how do you take this move? ”

..m. (=)

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