With the recovery function of the treasure of the earth, coupled with Seimei Kikan's own cell adjustment, when the soldiers who annihilated the rebels came to Hailan's side, he could already stand up again.

Hailan’s chest was still violently ups and downs. He held back his breath and asked calmly: "How about the casualties?"

Wagner Exchange reported: "23 people were slightly injured and 7 people were seriously injured. , No one died."

"Very good."

Hailan gently nodded, this result was completely in his expectation.

The rebels have two "high-end battle strengths", Gaspard and Nides, and the Marines also have Wagner, Gerrard, and Clark. The soldier’s military quality in the army is not a rank. With the addition of Koala, Pikachu, and Chopper, the battlefield support trio, it is not surprising that Marine can have this record.

A team of soldier came over with a few prisoners: "Report to Vice Admiral, we caught a few live openings on the steamship'Samanto Snake'. They claim to be the shipbuilders of Shipbuilding Island. , Was caught by Gaspard to operate the steam engine."

All the prisoners lowered their heads and dared not look directly at Hai Lan, but their temperaments were obviously different. One of them was an old man. It was very calm, and the bodies of several others were shaking slightly.



"Let’s take a look, is there your old acquaintance?"

Clark understood, walked up to the prisoner, and looked carefully.

There will be results soon.

"Report to Vice Admiral, except this old man, everyone else is a rebel who once followed Gaspard!"

Clark used to be a member of Gaspard's army Lieutenant Commander, none of the soldiers in the team is unknown to him.

"pu tong!"

As soon as Clark's voice fell, the rebels whose identities had been dismantled knelt on the ground, crying and begging for mercy.

"Is there anyone in the team who hasn't killed anyone? Get out!"

Hailan yelled, a few soldiers stood up in doubt.

"A soldier who has never seen blood can never be regarded as a real soldier,

I order you to execute a shooting execution on these traitors! Wagner Rear Admiral, you will host it next! "


Several traitors were taken down, Hai Lan walked to the old man's side: "Senior, do you know steam technology?"

"The old man is just a boiler."

"This steam ship will definitely not return to the shipbuilding island. You have to know that the steam ship technology is banned by the World Government in order to prevent Pirate mastered it and created a more chaotic situation."

"The old man doesn't care about this, as long as the old man can accompany the child (steam engine), the old man will be content in this life."


"Would you like to continue working on this steamship?"

"Of course."

"Also, what's your name?"



The gunshots sounded, and the crying rebels closed their mouths forever.

The Little Old Man, named Biella, had a calm expression and was not in the slightest frightened by the sudden gunshots.


Shipbuilding Island.

Clark is wearing a brand new military uniform and is standing among the densely packed tombstones.

Here, buried are the Marines who rose up to resist when Gaspard suddenly rebelled.

Wearing brand new epaulettes on his shoulders, Clark will complete a standard standing and salute every time he walks over a tombstone.

He is now a Captain of Marine Headquarters.

At the suggestion of Hailan, Fleet Admiral Sengoku has approved the establishment of a Marine branch base on the shipbuilding island.

Because of the economic value of the shipbuilding island, the World Government officials did not object.

The Marine base here is of course just an ordinary Marine base. Branch bases that start with "g" must have a headquarter Vice Admiral oversee, each of which is fortress level.

Even so, this is enough for the residents of Shipbuilding Island.

The establishment of a Marine base means that this place has been sheltered by Marine, and it is no longer the same civilian area that was bullied.

Clark's cemetery now is a newly built Marine Martyrs Cemetery.

In the chaotic world, life is like weeds.

To transport the dead Marines back to the headquarters for burial is simply a dream.

Everyday all in this sea is staged a farewell to life and death. In many cases, an entire Marine of the Battleship will be lost in the sea and become the food of the Sea Beasts.

Most Marines can only dig a pit on the spot to bury their dead comrades.

Only Hailan was doing this kind of behavior, which seemed to be "excessive" in the eyes of others, and buried the martyrs in the cemetery.

Because Hailan, who stands on the shoulders of countless historical giants, knows that a strong and vigorous army must come from the people, only to let the people see that you really treat them as living people instead of Consumables, they are willing to contribute real power to you.


You are all heroes.

In your battle, nearly a hundred lives have survived.

The little girl named Adele also found her big brother Shola, and they have joined us.

Gaspard and his followers , Those traitors, those scumbags, none of them escaped the sanctions of justice, you... can finally rest in peace.

In this land under your desperate protection, a brand new Marine The base has been established, and I will grow with it.

Sooner or later, it will be restored to its former prosperity, and you will eventually be remembered by the owners of this land."

Once again At the end of the ceremony, Clark placed a flower in front of the last tombstone, and he put on his military cap: "Then goodbye, my brothers.

I hope I will bring you when I come again next time. There will be good news."

Clark of Lieutenant Commander became a senior Sir for the first time, and his mentality has completely changed during this time.

There is also an extra saber around his waist. This famous sword is called "Sakura Ten".


Dahai, the first half of the Grand Line.

A Pirate Ship is drifting slowly. In the tail section of the Pirate Ship, there is a coffin-like boat tied to it.

On the deck, a man with a pair of Hawk Eyes is looking at a group of old Pirates on the boat who are going to die, browse tightly frowns.

"Why did you become like this?"

"It sucks... vampire sucks our lives...cough cough..."

"vampire? What kind of vampire?"

"A very terrifying vampire... He just looked at us, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and we can't move."

This should be Haoshoku Haki, right?

Hawk Eyes shook the head, I feel like I can't ask these old Pirates about anything.

"It's strange to say that the vampire didn't snatch the treasure, he just snatched a record pointer."

"Where did the record pointer go?"

"It seems to be... Aska Island?"

"Is there anything special about Aska Island?"

"The legendary Seven Stars Sword is there On the island."

"Seven Stars Sword?"

Hawk Eyes' pupils shrunk, squinting his eyes slightly, interest has flooded his heart. (=)

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