In Hailan’s view, the "Sea Train" is a great invention of epoch-making significance.

But where is he great?

Is the speed much faster than that of a sea-going ship?

No fear of howling wind and torrential rain?

The application of steam technology?

Or is it sonic technology that drives away marine life?

No, these are not.

In Hailan’s eyes, Fishman Tom’s greatest invention is actually "rail suspension technology".

This is simply a black technology, even if it is a magic technology, it is not too much.

Maybe it is because this World does not have Newton, so Newton's laws are not completely applicable.

The track of the sea train is a kind of steel essence track, which can not only resist ordinary shelling, but also immune to the corrosion of sea water, and can even float on the surface of the sea like fluttering goose feathers.

The most terrifying thing is that even if there is a steel train sailing on the track, even if it is full of people, the track will not sink even a tiny bit.

With this technique, even Begapunk has to call Tom father.

Hailan fell in love with this technology from the first day he saw the sea train.

In his initial conception, it was not a "buoyancy net" but a "floating island fortress."

The most important factor that Marine is unable to do with the Pirates of New World is that Marine has no foothold in New World.

There are three Pirate emperors, Whitebeard, Baiju, and Big Mom. Even if Marine lays a certain site in New World, they will be taken away instantly. If there is no site to provide sufficient resources, Marine has no way to defeat any of the Sovereign level Pirates.

So the idea of ​​"floating island fortress" was formed in Hailan's mind. When the time comes, Tom's technology can be used to create a mobile Marine Headquarters.

The concept of "Floating Island Fortress" is different from the "Dark King" battleship, one of the three ancient weapons.

Dark King is a strategic super weapon that can destroy an island with a single shot.

The "Floating Island Fortress" is a mobile fortress. The two have different purposes, so the "Floating Island Fortress" It is not an invention of inhuman.

It's a pity that Begapunk and Tom jointly speculated that "Floating Island Fortress" is not a concept that can be completed in a short time.

So under the derivation of the concept of "floating island fortress", there was the "buoyancy net" this naval battle auxiliary invention.

Convenient to carry, it can be used as "land" in an instant.

The only disadvantage is that it will float up and down with the surging of the sea. People who are seasick should not be able to bear it.

But this is not important-what is seasickness Marine...

"Miss Ai Yin, calm down, don't forget that you are Devil Fruit Ability User... " shore and many elderly women have been close your eyes and could not stand.

Why is Ai Yin so easily impulsive now? She used to be very calm. What happened to make her like this?

Some gay men roll up their sleeves and are ready to save the beauty.

"Ba Da".

Ai Yin's feet stepped on two splashes of water, and his body shook slightly with the surging buoyancy net, and then steadily straightened up her waist and straightened her chest.

A smile bloomed on Ai Yin's face, he really didn't fool himself.

The gay men on the shore were stunned, and some of them had their calves submerged by the sea.

"Stand...Stand up...?!"

The old people and women who felt the noise in their ears calmed down were also surprised when they opened their eyes. The mouth opened wide: "Gosh...I saw a miracle..."

Actually, it's not just them.

Even when Sea Lan saw the sea train for the first time, there were similar waves in her heart. This is too subversive.

Even now, Hai Lan still sighs in her heart for the black technology of "levitation track".

"Long live!"

After the silence and shock, there was an emotional outburst of cheers from the villagers.

Just now, Miss Ain’s dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety verified the existence of miracles for them.

Now, they have to personally experience this miracle of real existence in the world.


"It’s really tricky to fight against such an enemy..."

Although Katakuri can foresee a short future, even so he He is also a man who brings his own spoilers in battle.

Hailan’s combat style is that Myriad Transformations wins and kills the enemy by surprise. If everything is foreseen by the enemy in advance, this will seriously weaken Hailan’s combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, Hailan’s fighting style is only due to his character, not because he takes the initiative to be lazy to seize every opportunity.

Rokushiki, sword technique, Haki, Seimei Kikan...Unlike Hawk Eyes professionals who specialize in sword techniques, Hailan is already "proficient" in any of these skills. The existence of levels.

So today's Hailan...

Well, he resorted to another elusive way of fighting.

Hailan loudly shouted to Katakuri's side: "Ittoryu. Break the army and rise the dragon!"

Katakuri has stabbed his Trident, but soon he became frowned and lifting Own knees.


The two shins wrapped around Busoshoku Haki hit each other, and a dull sound erupted.

"Rokushiki .Rankyaku!"

Hailan yelled again, but before his words fell, an orange light had blasted towards the main mast of Pirate Ship, which was a super-electromagnetic gun.

Katakuri hurriedly stopped in midair and blasted the super-electromagnetic gun with the sticky fist covered by Busoshoku Haki.

Cracker took his big sword and came to help: "Why are you making a mess?"

"Because of the serious style I'm afraid you won't be able to catch it!"


Lei Che in Hailan's hands suddenly became red and turned into a "monster".

both of his hands holding the monster sword and slashing at Cracker’s forehead, Cracker confidently lifted his cookie shield: "Impenetrable Defense!"

"ka ! "

A flash of red glow flashed, Cracker’s biscuit shield that could withstand Katakuri Trident’s stabbing was hit by Hailan with a single sword, split directly from the middle, and the incision even ignited blazingly. flame. UU Reading

Before Cracker was surprised, the angle of the monster snake in Hailan's hand changed, just like a poisonous snake ejected, biting into Cracker's neck.

Cracker lifting a big sword in his hand to block, but his big sword was like a piece of paper sticking out a hole on the sword blade by Hai Lan on the spot.

"What the hell is going on?"

The frightened Cracker backed away again and again.

Hailan deliberately taunted: "Aren't you just a biscuit, what's so arrogant."

The ingredient of the biscuit is puffed starch, and it is rich in fat and flammable. ...And the characteristic of Aurora Sword "Demon Snake" is high temperature, so Cracker's biscuit armor and biscuit weapon are just like paper in front of the monster.

Hailan continued to stimulate Cracker's nerves: "It seems that I have admitted the wrong person before, so you should call me father!"

. m.

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