On the Pirate Ship.

Ya Que is silent.

All Pirate were stunned by the incredible scene before them.

This bearded body, which is taller than Katakuri, exudes an imposing manner like Monarch Overlooking The Whole World (the effect of Haoshoku Haki), this person gives them an intuitive feeling, It seems that they are not losing to "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate.

Who is Big Mom?

That is a woman with dozens of husbands.

But Charlotte Linlin seems to eat the "Black Widow" of male spiders. Most of her former husbands have disappeared.

The entire Big Mom Pirates, even many of Charlotte Linlin’s biological children, don’t know who their father is.

Does this bearded man say he is the father of Lord Katakuri?

Looking at the height of the two of them and the contrast in the imposing manner, it is not impossible.

"What's the situation?"

Charlotte Cracker, one of the "Four Commanders" jumped over from another Pirate Ship.

The beard looked towards Cracker and laughed and said: "Oh, isn't this Cracker little demon? Back then, I gave you urine before we broke up with Linlin. Linlin used to eat soda biscuits cutely, so She gave you such a name, I don’t know whether she likes it or not.

You brat, you just look too rough, unlike your father, but it’s the same as your Mama. It's very imposing manner."

Hearing the bearded screaming "Linlin" so kindly, everyone on the Pirate Ship was also stunned.

He should be Katakuri-sama’s biological father, right?

Katakuri glanced at Cracker: "He said he was my father."

Cracker laughed: "oh?"

The two looked at The beard glanced, and then took the beard from the deck, Cracker said with a smile: "Then what should I call you? Uncle? Uncle?"

"Uh...you can Call me..."

Hailan startedled in her heart.

The brain hole came too fast like a tornado, and I forgot to name it in advance. What a failure!

But when I think of Charlotte Family, many people are named after "eating", such as Katakuri = mountain mushroom, Cracker = soda cake, Smoothie = milkshake, Owen = oven...

So Hailan thought of divine light flashed and thought of a certain musical instrument family.

Okay, that’s the name, I’ll call it "Piccolo Great Demon King".

But Hailan’s words have not been said yet. Katakuri and Cracker, who had already used eye contact to communicate with each other, suddenly joined forces in a surprise attack. Two heavy punches covering Busoshoku Haki fiercely struck the bearded chest. , The beard was beaten out on the spot.

The bearded man furiously said: "Asshole, Katakuri, I am your father!"

Katakuri no longer pretends when he hits his hand, gloomy face said: "My dad too ! according to play. " other side of the sea Lan sighed:"!! unfilial ah, really unfilial ah seems Linlin really put you to teach bad ah " Cracker withdrawn The big sword slashed towards Hailan, and the big knife in Hailan's hand made a crisp crash: "You old bastard, don't pretend to be garlic. Who are you and why are you pretending to be the father of the Katakuri big brother?"

Hailan, who blocked the Cracker's attack, stepped back two steps and pulled away, and his mind was full of doubts: Has he exposed? Shouldn't it? Even if you can't deceive Katakuri, you shouldn't be exposed so quickly?

Karl's knowledge of Charlotte Family is limited to the information provided by the Marine Intelligence Section. In fact, both Katakuri and Cracker have their own secrets.

Charlotte Katakuri always uses a scarf to surround his mouth. It's not that he has to be handsome, but his mouth and teeth are as scary as wild beasts.

Charlotte Cracker is not a rough look, the bounty order is just the camouflage armor he made with "Bisu Bisu no Mi".

Katakuri knows that his father will definitely not be a normal-looking human, and the bearded man’s evaluation of Cracker is wrong, so there is no need to think about it. This must be a liar.

So after the two brothers made eye contact, they used a seamless attack.

It’s just that Katakuri is surprised that why this bearded man’s breath is not weakened at all after being hit by himself and Cracker?

In fact, this bearded man is already over six meters tall. Hailan himself is not so tall. Katakuri and Cracker hit the bearded chest, which is actually a layer of Aurora armor. Hailan himself was not harmed at all.

Hailan has many thoughts and is thinking about what kind of tactics should be adopted next.

Katakuri, who doesn't know who the enemy is, is not in a hurry to make a move, so he stares at the beard quietly.

Suddenly, Katakuri roared: "He is the Vice Admiral Day Tiger of Marine Headquarters!"

Although Katakuri has no mind-reading skills, he can predict the future for a short while, in one of the futures. , The beard showed his true face, so he recognized the day tiger who had defeated the Golden Lion, who had already been collected by him.

"Damn it, did you make a mistake in the calculation?"

Since her identity has been found out, Hai Lan no longer pretends.

The size of the bearded man instantly shrank, and the sword in his hand turned into Aurora Sword "Raech", and the sound of "Dang" held the Trident stabbed by Katakuri.


On Corn Island.

"Ms. Ai Yin, is what you said is true? We really can't live in this place anymore?"

"I can Lie?"

"But... but where are we going to escape? We simply don't have enough ships to leave here."

"No need to use a boat."

"But how can you sail on the sea without a boat?"

When asked by the villagers, Ai Yin also hesitated.

Yes, how can sail on the sea without a boat?

Although I couldn't understand the purpose of the big net in my hand, out of trust in Hailan, Ai Yin still managed to gather the villagers to the beach. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

After opening the "buoyancy net", the villagers were extremely disappointed when they saw the big net made of unknown material floating on the surface of the sea: " Ayin, are you stupefied by Pirate?

Even if the fishing net you brought is special and can float on the sea, it will be completely different if people step on it again. It will sink.

Even a boat, if it is overweight, it will sink."

Ai Yin wants to convince the villagers, but she will be unconditional Believe Hailan, just joking about his life.

Ai Yin was anxious: "What should I do..."

There is really no good way. Ai Yin clenched the teeth and jumped directly to the buoyancy net.

A string of exclamations came from behind: "Miss Ai Yin, don't do stupid things, you are Devil Fruit Ability User..."

Please remember this Book's first domain name: .. m.

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