New World, Cocoa Island.

A sturdy girl with long pink hair and a double pony tail is dumbstruck watching a battle in front of her.

Oh no, that can no longer be called a battle, but a unilateral sling.

Because the one person is as strong as a bear.

It is the "tyrant" Bartholomew Bear.

Just like slapped a mosquito, one slap, "whiz whiz whiz whiz sou sou...", one after another shock waves that broke the sound barrier flew to the distant sky in all directions, and those who didn’t know thought that This is a missile launch base.

Cocoa Island, an island rich in cocoa beans.

The island is not rich, but some Pirates came to this island with curiosity when they heard that it was also called "Koala Island".

Coincidentally, Bartholomew Bear, who likes sweets, lives here, so he has the unilateral sling.

Not only Pirate, but even Pirate Ship was slapped by the bear and I don’t know where it flew.

"The big bear is great!"

The villagers watching the battle in the distance and the girl with two ponytails ran over and couldn't help but cheer for the bear.

They didn't even know that this honest man named "Big Bear" in front of him was actually a "tyrant" who made countless people become terror-stricken at the news.

They only know that this strong man who calls himself a "big bear" has a very good temper. He is not only kind, but also often helps the villagers carry water and wood. The only two hobby are sweets and his The weird book, over time, the villagers regarded him as a simple man. ①

They don't know how powerful this man is, let alone what the name "Big Bear" means.

"I remember it!"

Just as people praised the strength of the bear, a voice suddenly rang in the crowd.

It is the girl with the pink double ponytail: "Big bear, go wherever you want!

You are the Great Pirate'tyrant' Bartholomew ・Bear!"

The poorly informed villagers are puzzled: "Laura, Bartholomew ・Who is the bear?"

"It's the Great Pirate with bounty 296 million Beli!"

"Impossible, the big bear is so good, how could he be Pirate?"

"I can't remember wrong, I heard information about the big bear from Mama.

Paramecia ・Meatball Fruit Ability User, right?

Bartholomew ・Bear, Big Bear, the names are all the same."

I didn’t realize the bear’s mood changes. Laura admired: "My favorite is your free Pirate, big bear, can you sign a name for me?"

The bear squeezed out a word between his teeth: "Fuck... ."

Laura was taken aback: "Huh?"

The villagers laughed awkwardly: "Even Pirate, isn't Big Bear a bad guy?"

"That is, what a good person the big bear is."

The smile on the bear's face disappeared, replaced by a kind of terrifying coercion, only the voice still has the charming magnetism as always: "If you reveal the news that I am here, you all people don't even want to live."




The bear shot a deep hole in the ground with a pressure cannon, and cold sweat began to drop on the villagers' foreheads.

"Prepare a boat for me, I will go out to sea, and prepare ten kilograms of cocoa beans for me. Give you three hours, or I will kill you."

The villagers are a bit unfathomable mystery, how can this person use the most dangerous threat to say the simplest request?

Don't say three hours, this can be done in ten minutes?

However, due to the strong strength of the bear and the threat of life, no one dared to ask more.

It didn't take long for the bear to go out to sea carrying a small sack.

The villagers complained: "Laura blames you, or the bear won’t be like that."

"Can’t say that either, fortunately Laura reminded us otherwise. Living with a Great Pirate with a bounty of nearly 300 million, I don’t know when my life will be lost.


"Hey...Pirate really doesn't have a good thing."

deck, Bartholomew Bear sits on the ground, looking at the sea ahead, a little confused about the future.

A silhouette wearing a dark green cloak suddenly fell behind the bear.

Xiong became vigilant.

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to catch you, I’m just a little curious about one question.”

The bear who has confidence in his own strength still looks into the distance: “Then you ask Right."

"Why did you say that to the villagers just now? I can feel that you are not as described on the bounty order."

Not happy The bear looks gloomy: "Because they don’t say that, they might think that there are actually a lot of good people in Pirate."

The ones who really talk about good people are actually two Pirates, Red Hair Pirates. Regiment and Pirates of Rumba.

Roger used to wipe out a country’s army because someone said bad things about his companions. Zeff’s chef Pirates didn’t kill but robbed money. Although Straw Hat Pirates was not bad, it couldn’t hold Luffy from being a Brat...


After a moment of silence, the person under the hood suddenly grinned Issho: "When we first met, my name is Monkey·D·Dorag."

Until then, Xiong finally stood up and looked towards the man who was much shorter than him: "...Bartholomew Bear."



Coco Island, UU Reading, a girl with a double ponytail sitting on the beach by the sea, looking at the sailing boat that the big bear is going away, could not help but sighed.

Her full name is Charlotte ・Laura, and she is the biological daughter of Big Mom Charlotte Linlin. She fell in love at first sight by Prince Loki of Elbaf (Giant Race), the world's most powerful country.

Charlotte Linlin is very happy, because then Elbaf can be used for himself through "political marriage". Because of childhood impressions, Charlotte Linlin has always been eager for the power of Giant Race.

In order to pursue free love, Laura resisted this kind of arranged marriage and chose to flee without hesitation.

Born in the Pirate family, Laura naturally wanted to form her own Pirates, but what happened today made her a little unhappy.

Is Pirate that annoying?

"Huh? What is this..."

Something seems to be floating on the sea, Laura ran over in three or two steps, and hurriedly picked it up: "This is ...A body protection symbol? It’s so beautiful!”

The Hailan in the body protection symbol is in a deep sleep state. Can recover on their own.

However, in order to prevent others from picking up the body protection symbol, Hailan has used an aurora barrier to close the entrance of the castle. Even if someone finds it, the castle function of the body protection symbol cannot be used.

"Who would drop this? No matter what, just treat it as Pirate lost in the battle!"

Laura wipes the body protection symbol clean and happily removes it The body protection symbol was worn toward his neck.

Then she was unhappy because her neck was too thick to wear...


Note①: Adaptation is not random , Xiong Pi Chai’s personality and simple character can refer to Xiong’s childhood photos.


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