It is Sea Calendar 1510, and Reverie, once every four years, is in full swing.

Although the two major events of "Celestial Dragon being kidnapped by Beasts Pirates" and "Big Mom Pirates assault on the research department of the World Government" occurred during the period, under the operation of the World Government, the World Government has not lost its face. On the contrary, it also promoted the power of World Government and the new generation of Marine team.

Some things are obviously the same, but as long as you put it in another way, you will feel completely different.

For example, a female college student who stumbled.

If we say that she: a certain female college student even offered assistance at the expense of betraying her body in exchange for money, is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature? This incident is negative news.

But if you say: a girl who stumbled does not forget to study and struggle, and through her own efforts, she was finally admitted to the ideal university. After all, her heart still yearns for beauty - this has become an inspirational positive news.

The Old Fox World Government and the big news Morgans impossible do not understand this truth, so the above two things were rendered by them:

"The legend of light, sparkling aurora , Marine Headquarter Kizaru and Vice Admiral went deep into the country with trifling power, successfully rescued World Nobles and severely damaged the foundation of Beasts Pirates in the country."

and "Old Jifufu, frozen for thousands of miles" , Iron Fist and Black Arm, the two veterans and the new Admiral precognition pulling strongly against a crazy tide, repelling the fully armed Big Mom fleet"

So, two things should have ordered the World Government The scandalous incident turned out to be material to promote the majesty of the World Government.

As for Steel Bone Kong's unsuccessful defeat of Red the Aloof, of course, no one even mentioned it. The above two pieces of news plus the quadrennial Reverie are enough to attract the attention of the public.

World Government is happy, but Zephyr and Koala of Marine Headquarters are a little worried.

Kizaru has returned to Sabaody Archipelago with the Celestial Dragon Mississippi family, but where has Hailan gone?

Outside of Kizaru’s office, Zephyr’s voice is getting closer and closer: “Borsalino’s brat hasn’t come back yet?”

Kizaru’s Lieutenant Commander hurriedly reported: “That ...Zephyr-sensei...Borsalino Admiral said that Celestial Dragon is inviting him to dinner, and he will not be able to come back for a while."

"Kneel down to see Celestial Dragon" This is a As everyone knows, it’s a hard and fast rule, but Marine Headquarters don’t have to kneel down.

There is no other reason, only strength.

Zephyr cursed: "This bastard!"

Zephyr is just a little emotional, and the truth is still understood, so he didn't mess around here.

In the park of the Marine Medical Clinic, Koala, who caught a cold and had a fever, is more than half healed. At this time, she is recovering her physical fitness through exercise.

Although she is not very old, her physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people. Even more how is not a bacterial or viral disease. Under the care of medical staff, it usually takes less than a day. recover.

A man wearing a robe and shaking a feather fan said: "Oh, little girl is very energetic!"

Kong Ming, a man who has been deeply hurt by Pirate. For men, Kong Ming still cares for Koala, who has similar experiences with him.

However, this is only a bonus item. What really caught Kong Ming's attention to Koala was the ability that Koala demonstrated in the defense battle of the Marine Research Department. She was the key to turning that battle.

Otherwise, even if Marine repulses the Big Mom fleet, as long as the scientist is kidnapped, it still means Marine has lost the finale.

Koala turned around, smiled and said hello to Kong Ming: "Kong Ming uncle!"

Kong Ming said with a smile: "Your this girl has already started exercising. Your body is almost fine, right?"

"I'm all well!"

Koala did a few "muscle show" movements like Commodore Shuzo , Marines in the park were all amused by the cute look of the little girl.

Koala and Kong Ming sat side by side on a bench,

Koala's eyes suddenly darkened: "Kong Ming there any news about Hailan?"

Kong Ming Shaking the feather fan lightly: "I'm here to talk about this."

Koala eyes shined: "Hailan is back?"




Kong Ming laughed heartily, "but don't worry, Hailan will definitely not be in danger."

Koala asked again: "Why?"

Kong Ming is confident: "If something happens to Hailan, Beasts Pirates will definitely make a lot of publicity. Now Beasts Pirates has nothing to do with it. No, this means that they have suffered unspeakable bitter suffering, that is, they have not taken Hailan at all.

As for Hailan, he has not come back yet, I think he should have encountered it temporarily. Let’s go to other things."

Koala nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

"I wanted to talk to Zephyr so that he wouldn’t think about it, but I If you don’t see him, you can convey this reasoning if you have a chance."


Although Kong Ming is younger than Zephyr, he is not a student of Zephyr. So you can call it by name.


"Uncle you say."

"Your Chopper can translate animal languages, right?"

"That's right."

"And you can let the school of fish serve you, right?"


" Then uncle, please have one thing, you It shouldn't be rejected?"

"You said."

"You know, collect information on the bottom of the sea, and draw the bottom of the sea Charts have always been a very difficult thing, and there are too few Fishman soldiers, an utterly inadequate measure...So I want your fish school to help us to improve our Marine chart data... "


Koala is speechless.

Not because of anything else, but purely because the workload of this matter is huge.

Looking at Koala looking regretful, Kong Ming hurriedly packed his tickets and said: "From now on, you, Chopper, and the electric duck..."

"It's Pikachu!!!"

"Yes, yes, that's the skin...Pikachu, you three Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki cultivation, I will guide you through the whole process!"

"This is what you said, not allowed Do you regret it?"

"Do you think I, Kong Ming, Vice Admiral, is like the kind of shameless shameless who speaks no words?"

Koala's gloomy face finally cleared up: "Then Let’s go now!"

Kong Ming Busoshoku Haki is extremely plastic and flexible. Although its strength is not as good as Garp and Zephyr, it is purely because Kong Ming’s physique is not comparable to those two metamorphosis, not The lack of skills.

If you simply discuss the skills, you can even say that Kong Ming's attainments on Double Haki are better than those of Garp and Zephyr.

It would be weird if Koala, who can get the guidance of Kong Ming, is unhappy.


At the same time, something happened on Fishman Island.

Although Fishman Fisher Tiger has been turned into a toy by Hailan, his arson case at Mariejois still exists. For this reason, the World Government even banned Fishman Island from participating in Reverie at this time.

Queen Otohime of Fishman Island, Queen Otohime did not give up fighting for the welfare of Fishman Island because of this. She taught children day after day to learn knowledge on land, lobbyed the people, collected signatures to show the Fishman to the World Government Island prays for harmony and equality.

The effect is minimal.

Because the people are very curious, where did the Fishman called "Fisher Tiger" go?

He once set fire in Mariejois, he once released the slave of Celestial Dragon, he is a well-deserved hero!

What about others?

But why doesn’t everyone remember who he is?

He has not been assassinated by the World Government, right?

This greatly deepens the resentment of the people of Fishman Island towards humans.

Hai Lan has changed some things, but some things cannot be changed.

Different routes to the same destination, Queen Otohime can only release the pressure by buying drunk.

"Report...Report to the princess! I caught it! I caught it!!!"

"What caught it?"

"The group of assassinations The assassination team of the nationals who donated blood to mankind was caught!"

"Take me to see..."

"You damn thing!"



The gray fist hit a Fishman's abdomen like a steel fist, spitting out the other's stomach acid on the spot.

"Brother Arlong, stop fighting, this...this is too cruel..."

"Shut up, this damned bastard should be beaten! He even dared to assassinate Compatriots!"

The one who was violently beaten by Fishman Arlong was a Fishman named "Hodie Jones". He hated humans as much as Arlong, but unlike Arlong, he hated not just humans. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is all the existence that opposes his views.

At this time, Arlong has become the "hero" of Fishman Island-Arlong joined Jinbe's guerrillas to fight against the traffickers who captured Fishman and mermaid. In addition, Arlong cared for his compatriots. Gained the worship of a large number of compatriots and the fear of mankind.

Arlong enjoys this feeling very much, and Jinbe is very low-key, so Arlong has become the "hero" of Fishman Island, Jinbe is more admired like a general.

Hodie Jones is not Arlong's opponent at all, at least not now.

As soon as he was about to be beaten up by Arlong, he was out of breath, and a "stop" saved his life.

"Master Otohime?"

"Arlong, we will move them with love and kindness."

"Master Otohime, I don’t like it the least This thing is your theory! This thing will become a scourge sooner or later by keeping him. The love and kindness that the Dragon God gives us are used to care for our compatriots. Things like this kind of harm to our compatriots are worthy of the Dragon God’s love and love. Merciful?"

Fishman Island worships the Dragon God, which is the huge dragon god statue on the Dragon Palace.

Queen Otohime stubbornly said: "But he is also our compatriot."


You put your kind compatriots in danger I don’t care, but I have to worry about getting the murderer to reform!

Queen Otohime, I’m so disappointed in you!

Brothers, let’s go!"

"Arlong! Arlong!!!"

Otohime yelled Arlong's name, but Arlong ignored her and left without looking back.

Otohime sighed, trying to help Hodie Jones who was beaten to death by Arlong, but unexpectedly Hodie slapped her hands away and hurried into the alley. .


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