Strawberry Vice Admiral’s hair rises up into the sky like a chimney, and it must be more than a meter tall, to say nothing .

Chief Instructor Zephyr can train these problematic children and killer nobles into Marine Vice Admiral, it’s really not easy...

"Get out! .."

Strawberry Vice Admiral caught Caesar Courant who was stuck on his face, ah no, Frog Courant.

Unfortunately, he grabbed an empty hand, because Caesar is Logia Gas Fruit Ability User.

Strawberry, who came back to his senses, wrapped Busoshoku Haki around his hands, but the frog’s natural vigilance made Caesar leave Strawberry’s attack range long before Strawberry started.

As a Logia Ability User who can make "Luffy two years later" have a headache, Caesar is full of efficiency under the effect of the frog nature. Douberman and Strawberry, the two Vice Admiral, actually took him for a while. There is no way...

"What's going on here? Don't you know the time is urgent? Why haven't you gotten it right? Oh my sucks..."


Zephyr, who had been waiting outside for a long time, pushed the door in, and was pushed out by a stink...


Tighten Then, a strange creature with green body and two horns on its head, like a little draconian, rushed out.

Zephyr thought that a monster had been researched in the laboratory, and was about to do it, when he saw the green monster jump up high with a croak.


There was a muffled noise in the air, and Caesar the Frog fell to the ground instantly, dazed, and fainted happily.

"Garp! I haven't figured out the situation yet, why did you suddenly do it?"

"Whether he is a what the hell thing, let's have a fight!"



Zephyr sighed helplessly.

But he had to admit that Garp's behavior... was indeed effective, and the world was quiet immediately.

Kong Ming Vice Admiral shook the feather fan, pinched his fingers, and slightly frowned: "How could such a strange thing happen? This is a great omen!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy! Attack!!!"

As if to verify Kong Ming Vice Admiral's guess, the voices of the guards in charge of guarding the sentry suddenly came and went one after another.


Marine Vice Admiral rushed to the south of the island. As far as they could see, there were countless Pirate fleets on the Calm Belt. The dark cloud carrying the black pressure hurried to the Marine Scientific Research Department.

"Big Mom" ​​Charlotte Linlin is Paramecia ・Soru Soru no Mi Ability User, she can give her own soul or the soul deprived of other creatures to any dead thing, making the dead thing become autonomous The living creature is driven by Big Mom himself.

In the sky, the dark clouds that follow the Big Mom fleet are not some of the stunts of the underworld, but the rain clouds created by Big Mom using the ability of the fruit, which can blow out a lot of strong winds to drive the sailboat, making Big The Mom fleet can crossed over Calm Belt.

"It's still a step late after all..."

Kong Ming Vice Admiral no longer shakes the lupins, the lupins in his hands are covered by the pitch-black Busoshoku Haki, condensed into the real Busoshoku Haki It was stretched and extended like an element. In a blink of an eye, the feather fan in Kong Ming's hand turned into a pitch-black sword!

Big Mom Pirates is approaching the Marine Research Department at a speed that can be discerned by naked eye. At this time, any strategy is pale and weak. What Marine Vice Admiral needs to do is to withstand the surprise attack of the Big Mom fleet.

The main ship of the Big Mom fleet, the "Queen Mama Anthem" has long been infused with a lot of vitality by Big Mom, and it has become a living battleship.

This battleship is bigger than any Marine Battleship and Whitebeard Pirates’ main ship "Moby Dick". It is like a castle floating on the sea.

At this time, the "Queen Mama Anthem" is singing indulgently, as if praising the victory of Big Mom Pirates.

"Ah...hateful Marine...Thundercloud Zeus,

use the lightning attack!"

Under the order of Big Mom, a dark cloud appeared in the small Over the island, "click", lightning flashes and thunder rolls, a purple thunder instantly struck the area where Marine officers and soldiers concentrated.

Lightning has become purple, indicating that its power has reached a fairly terrifying realm.

The ordinary Vice Admiral who are present have no way to resist this purple thunderbolt. Busoshoku Haki can indeed defend against elemental attacks, but there is still a strong or weak judgment.

A silhouette flew into the sky suddenly like a cannonball.

"zi zi ..."

Black's Iron Fist collided with purple's thunderbolt, and the dazzling rays of light appeared in midair.

Katakuri on the deck is slightly frowned because he has predicted the outcome of the confrontation.


Purple's thunderbolt was crushed by Garp's Iron Fist, and turned into countless electric arcs and sprinkled on the ground.

However, the energy of the split arc is very small, and it is no longer enough to cause damage to Marine.


Big Mom smiled at the corners of his mouth and angry at the corners of his eyes, "Prometheus, use the fire from the sky!"

One The Fireball, which looked like a small sun, landed not far from the ground, forming an angry expression on the sun, and the infinite flames landed on the ground like a meteor shower.

In the dazzling rays of light of Prometheus, everyone can vaguely see a pair of black wrists blasting towards this little sun-like Fireball.

"It's Zephyr-sensei!"

"It's Chief Instructor Zephyr!"

Before everyone was happy, the surprise soon changed to surprise: "How... how is it possible? No effect at all?"

"Chief Instructor Zephyr is an expert who is proficient in Busoshoku Haki!"

"It would be great if the precognition Admiral was here. ..."

Garp on the ground can't help but frown. What is going on?

Has this foodie Pirate developed a style that is not afraid of Busoshoku Haki?

Sun Prometheus is the product of Big Mom using Soru Soru no Mi’s ability to inject his powerful soul into the flame. It is different from the principle of Logia Ability User elemental transformation. The flame is The ontology of Prometheus.

There is no entity, how does Busoshoku Haki catch it?

I have been roasted by flames, UU reading www. Zephyr can't stand it either.

Felling to the ground, looking towards Big Mom grinning in the distance, Zephyr thought for a moment, and plunged into the sea.

"hahahaha...what Black Arm Zephyr, it is clearly a little demon, ah..."

"What qualifications do you have to laugh at Black Arm Zephyr?"


On the deck, a Pirate was executed on the spot by Big Mom.

Garp and Zephyr used to be veterans against Rocks Pirates. They are the powerhouse recognized by Big Mom. This mindless Pirate mocks Zephyr indiscriminately. In Big Mom’s view, this is also mocking himself. Taunt Rocks.

"It's water!"

On the deck, Katakuri's voice just fell.

In the sea, a turbulent current suddenly rose to the sky.

"The heart of the water. The sea flows over the shoulder!"


The sea surface bursts instantly, and the concentrated seawater moves across the air like a shock wave A graceful parabola blasted accurately at the sun Prometheus in midair.

This move was naturally learned by Zephyr from Jinbe.

Prometheus was shocked, the original arrogant color disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Prometheus, who was unable to dodge, was soaked by the sea water, drooping his eyelids, looking like a chicken.

Zephyr shook off his drenched shirt, revealing a strong muscle.

Garp also ditched his coat, pulled off his tie, and a black suit. He is also a handsome old man.


Before the island, facing the Big Mom fleet, Black Arm collided with Iron Fist. It was obviously the silhouette of two old men, but Marine was ignited. Infinite blood in the hearts of the soldiers.

"Charlotte Linlin, don't underestimate the Marine veteran!"


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