Hai Lan ran all the way in front, Kaido chased all the way behind.

Kaido, who was successfully ridiculed by Hailan to the point of being angry, did not notice at all. The chase at this time was not because he chased Hailan and escaped in embarrassment without fighting back.

On the contrary, the scene at this time is just like the "Dragon Dance" performance during the Chinese New Year. Where Hailan appears, Kaido’s dragon head will chase there, followed by Kaido’s long Body.

Kaido was accidentally brought to life by Hailan.

Under the leadership of Hailan, the "dragon dancer", Kaido, who is soar into the clouds and mount the mists, flies freely in the flower city, and the building of the flower city is in front of Kaido’s immortal body It was more fragile than tofu dregs. It didn't take long before a large area of ​​ruins appeared under the destruction of Kaido.

"The dragon's heat breathes!"

"Super-electromagnetic gun!"

Only when Kaido displayed the ultra-long-range shock wave of this move, Hailan Will release a "super-electromagnetic gun" to resist Kaido's attack and avoid being affected by a large-scale explosion.

The medium of the "Super Electromagnetic Gun" has long been replaced by Hailan with various Tekkai. The energy that a small coin can explode is no longer enough to counter the "heat" of Kaido.

These Tekkais are drawn by Hailan in the Capital of Flowers by using "electromagnetic force", and every time Hailan releases the "super-electromagnetic gun", it seems easy and freehand, in fact, every time his electromagnetic force Will be driven to the maximum power, because his opponent at this time, but Kaido of the Beasts.

Wyvern Kaido flying in the sky is like an alien battleship that invaded Earth. His "main gun" is like an extinct dragon, which is like no money, one shot after another. Hailan.

Hai Lan inhaled casually, and a nearby Tekkai was sucked into his hand.

"The weighing mound??"

The heat of Kaido was close to my eyes, and it was too late to replace it. Hailan had to brace oneself to urge the electromagnetic force to bounce the weighing mound in the direction of the heat. .

Although the scale has been covered with Busoshoku Haki, the scale still heats up and melts and loses a lot of energy in the ultra-high speed of several Machs and air friction. This is the fundamental reason why you cannot use coins against Kaido. .

The inventor of the "Super-Electromagnetic Cannon" will bounce coins into the sky every time she uses this move, making this move look like a skill that requires "time to read".

In fact, "Super Electromagnetic Cannon" is an instant skill. Sister Cannon did it just to be handsome. Hailan faced Kaido at this time, but she didn't dare to be handsome.


The "Super Electromagnetic Gun" and the "Dragon Heat Breath" collided together, and there was a thunderous explosion.

Unfortunately, due to the insufficient energy carried by the "Super Electromagnetic Gun", Kaido was not able to beat Kaido this time, so Hailan had to use Fleshy body to take over Kaido's "Dragon Heat Breath".


The heat of the dragon hit the ground. With a deafening roar, the buildings in that area were completely disappeared, and even the ground was blown out. Deep pit.

The dazzling aurora combined into a phantom not far away, and the phantom gradually solidified, forming the appearance of Hailan.

"Um...Kaido of the Beasts, is it possible that only Godzilla can fight him?"

Hailan spits out one mouthful of impure air , Gasping for breath because of the severe pain in his body.

The passive ability of Logia Ability User "elemental transformation" relies on the "pain" effect of the human body.

Pain is a warning signal for the organism to protect itself. When a certain part of the body is affected and may cause harm, the brain will produce a "pain" signal. At the same time, Logia Ability User will Elemental transformation of the area of ​​pain.

In other words, Logia Devil Fruit can only make Ability User immune to physical attacks, not pain.

This is the reason why Logia Ability Users are prone to anger after being attacked, because they feel the real pain.

Just imagine, if Logia Ability User can't perceive pain, then it will certainly not perceive other sensations... And a person who has lost the perception ability... How boring to live-the comfort of a hot spring ,

The temptation of food... All of this will have nothing to do with him.

"Don't fight anymore!"

Just as Kaido and Hailan were getting closer and closer, at the moment with swords drawn and bows bent, a voice rang abruptly .

Divine Dragon Kaido's eyes glanced at a monster with several snake heads: "Kurozumi Orochi! What do you mean?"

In order to prevent Kaido from injuring himself, Shogun returned to the battlefield. Orochi has transformed himself into the form of Yaki Orochi in advance.

Kurozumi Orochi spit out the snake letter while explaining: "Kaido-sama, you got caught again."


"You look back Take a look, what our flower capital has been destroyed by you! This hateful Marine is to completely anger you and use your powerful strength to destroy our Impenetrable Defense Wano country!"

Kurozumi Orochi's words succeeded in cooling Kaido of the Beasts' hot mind like a basin of ice water.

Calm down, it seems that this is really the case.

But the anger in Kaido of the Beasts who wants to understand this is getting more and more vigorous.

This hateful Marine, is he playing like a fool?

"Asshole, you guys will join me, I have to catch him today! What about people...???"

I was talking with Kurozumi Orochi at Kaido of the Beasts In a short moment, Hailan’s silhouette has disappeared again at some unknown time.


Grand Line, first half, Marine Research Department.

Since Ai Yin passed the information to Kong Ming Vice Admiral, after Kong Ming Vice Admiral discussed with Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Crane staff, the three judged that whether this news is true or not, they need to be prepared in advance.

For this reason, Marine decided to temporarily transfer the scientists from the scientific research department to Marine Headquarters, but... a headache suddenly appeared...

"gu ! "

"Who knows what's going on?"


For some reason, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Caesar Courant Academician suddenly fell on the ground as if he had practiced Toad Style, and yelled "gu gu". ①

"Why did this guy become a frog? Hurry up and catch him!"


When Marine tried to control Caesar At that time, Caesar avoided the Marine soldier flexibly, and by the way, they moved towards Marine and put a fart. The particularly smelly one stunned a few soldiers on the spot.

Caesar Courant is Logia "Gas Fruit" Ability User, and the formidable power of his fart can be imagined.

I can only say one thing, Caesar’s fart, really awesome...

Shiruluk lose one's head out of fear and said: "This, this... this is eating It’s a symptom that only appeared after I failed to develop a potion. How could he become like this?"

Now Caesar not only behaves like a frog, but his skin has turned green.

Begapunk Academician hate iron for not becoming steel scolded: "This idiot must have stolen your potion!"

"Waste, even a scientist caught Don't stop!"

Doberman Vice Admiral screamed, geared up, and rushed to Caesar.


The nimble Caesar jumped and kicked, stepping on Dauberman's head and easily avoiding the leaping Dauberman.

In fact, Caesar's strength is not weak, but his courage is too young to appear to be very trash. At this time, the flexibility of the frog made Marine Vice Admiral a little off guard.

"What's the matter, why is this coming at me?"

The Strawberry Vice Admiral, who was silent on the side, lay down inexplicably, and Caesar threw directly on his face and stretched out him. "Xiu Barium slander hires a new stupid dog, Pa Shuo Liao...

Perhaps it is because Strawberry's hairstyle is so eye-catching...


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