"What did you say?"

Hearing another piece of information from the intelligence officer, Sengoku's slightly calm face was once again shocked color.

It's just like the sentence "a man has tears and he doesn't flick, just because he hasn't reached the point of sadness".

There has never been a person in this world who can remain absolutely calm forever. A person can still remain calm because everything he faces is under his control.

When things gradually deviate from the track he can control, and moved towards the direction that the person does not want to see begins to develop, any normal person will show a "not calm enough" state.

The news reported by the intelligence officer just now-"Kaido appeared on the site of Big Mom two days ago" is already a very important thing for Sengoku, even Gorosei An emergency meeting will be held specifically because of the contact between the "two emperors".

In normally, the actions of the three emperors Pirates, Whitebeard, Beasts, and Kaido, are closely monitored by the "monitoring ship" set up by Marine.

As long as the two three emperors Pirates contact each other, intelligence will be immediately transmitted to the World Government and Marine Headquarters, because the three emperors’ every move may affect the evolution of the New World structure.

But this time is different.

Kaido's "Beasts Pirates" is still stationed in the "Country of Harmony" in New World. On the surface, it looks calm and tranquil, without any unusual moves.

After successfully deceiving the agents of the World Government, Kaido of the Beasts went to Big Mom's territory alone.

The reason Beasts Pirates can do this is because Kaido... can fly, he can be transformed into a dragon.

In addition, it is not an easy task for the undercover agent of the World Government to transmit the information, so the information of "Kaido of the Beasts appeared on the site of Big Mom" ​​is only two days behind. .

Kizaru's expression became serious when he heard this information: "The Kaido and Linlin teamed up...Are they trying to challenge the World Government? Mr. Sengoku, this matter is getting more and more serious. It's complicated. Whitebeard Pirates doesn't want to get involved too, right?"

After a brief shock, Sengoku quickly calmed down thanks to his excellent psychological quality.

"Whitebeard Pirates will not intervene. There are many contradictions between them and Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates. And most importantly, I understand the character of Whitebeard. An arrogant guy who works with anyone.

Now it seems that you and Hailan had better not act rashly. We need to make a more robust plan."

Hailan reminded: "Then Gorosei...?"

Sengoku replied calmly: "If you have any more calls, let Garp answer, saying that I'm arranging and I can't get out of it!"

Hai Lan: "..."

Kizaru: "..."


Sengoku ordered one after another orderly and went out. The Marine executives gathered soon came to the highest Conference Hall of Marine Headquarters.

"Everyone, this is the First Stage battle that old man has faced since he took over as Marine Fleet Admiral. Once, so we now need a victory to show our abilities and demonstrate Marine’s military might!"

Only one Marine Headquarter from Kizaru attended the meeting, followed by Crane, Kong Ming, Garp, Hailan, Momousagi , Tokikake and many other Vice Admiral and Chief Instructor Zephyr.

As Akainu is still guarding Marine's New World G1 branch, it is a video teleconference that connects him.

The G1 branch is Marine’s important military base in New World, the gateway to the equivalent to Marine, and its status is second only to Marine Headquarters.

If the G1 branch is captured by Pirate, it means that Marine has lost the initiative in the New World, so Admiral Akainu's placement in the G1 branch is not an overkill. On the contrary, it is more important to him.

Kizaru’s character and abilities make him more suitable for supporting the Celestial Dragon of Bafang and protecting the Sabaody Archipelago.

Precognition is wandering around the sea on a Bicycle every day, with extremely high power to act cheaply, unexpectedly hitting Pirate and the dark forces on the sea.

At this time, the precognition that received the order is still on the way to ride Bicycle.

"Sakazuki, you and Jonathan should act accordingly. We must protect the steam steel plant on the iron ore island. We must not allow Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates to steal our steam technology. !"

Beasts Pirates has a precedent for invading a steam steel plant, so I have to guard against it.


Akainu's deep voice replied on the other side of the screen.

"Kuzan, you don't need to go back to Marine Headquarters, go directly to Sabaody Archipelago, beware of Pirates sneak attack on Celestial Dragon."

"Ah la la...it's really troublesome.. ."

The precognition in Den Den Mushi complained and rushed to the shampoo ground without stopping.

"Gion and Jiaji, you two go to the G1 branch first and wait for follow-up orders."


"Zephyr, you the past few days first Don’t train new students, stay in the headquarters with Garp and beware of Pirate’s raids."


"Borsalino, Hailan..."

At the end of the arrangement, Sengoku looked towards the two light systems Logia Devil Fruit Ability User.

"The mission of rescuing the Celestial Dragon Mississippi family, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can only be handed over to you two. Remember, act according to circumstances."

In other words, to the point where things can't be done, don't fight for your life for Celestial Dragon.

Some things can't be said too blatantly, Sengoku only hopes that Kizaru and Hailan can realize it by themselves.

After all, Sengoku was reluctant to lose two lords in order to rescue a few wastes.

But Sengoku is not really worried.

He knows very well in his heart that Kizaru and Hailan these two people...are the kind of ghosts and ghosts. Even without his hint, it is estimated that they will not be for Celestial Dragon. Desperately.

"But the question is how to rescue Celestial Dragon?"

Kong Ming Vice Admiral (staff) suddenly asked a difficult question.

Hai Lan’s eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking of what the hell idea: "Don’t worry, Kaido can’t withstand the excitement. Say a few words to excite him, and he will definitely find a way to save Celestial Dragon. "

Kong Ming Vice Admiral has some doubts: "How can we retreat from the enemy only by a few words in front of the battle?" One of the knives is called a banknote, and the other is called a language."


At the same time, the Red Hair Pirates group that has left East Blue is heading to Sabaody Archipelago 、On the way back to New World.

"hong long!"

"Well! Is it hitting the rocks?!!!"

A large number of Red Hair Pirates groups immediately gathered on the deck Pirate.

"It's not hitting the rocks. I don't know why a solid ice zone is blocking the route in the Sea Territory ahead."

"What the hell is this?"

Looking at a white icy road not far away, the entire Red Hair Pirates group is confused...


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