"Holy Land" Mariejois, in the ancient city.

Gorosei is discussing something.

"As expected, the D clan will cause us trouble, this time on Reverie, let’s mention it directly. That Monkey·D·Dorag will surely become the biggest threat to the World Government in a few years."

If Hailan did not exist, this proposition should have been put forward at the next Reverie.

Because Hailan had a heart-to-heart talk with Dorag when he was in East Blue, and Shanghai Lan Huyou Celestial Dragon Chal Ross published "World Nobles Motto", which inadvertently promoted The process of Dorag’s revolution has made Dorag’s attention four years earlier than Lord Yim.

Some of Hailan’s unintentional operations are like the Amazon butterfly flapping its wings occasionally in the tropical rainforest, accidentally causing a storm on another sea.

He changed history.

"Fishman Island should be banned from attending Reverie!"

"Just because of that Fishman named Fisher Tiger? But why can't I remember who he is?"


"Data can never go wrong!"

After Fisher ・Tiger was turned into a toy by sugar, all creatures except Hailan have lost their memory of Tiger, but they have already The printed information, such as bounty order, files, etc., will not disappear.

According to the data, there was a Fishman named Fisher Tiger who set fire in Mariejois. In order to demonstrate the sacred Heavenly Might of Celestial Dragon, Gorosei decided to ban Fishman Island from participating in this edition of Reverie.

"Come in!"

A Gorosei suddenly said an unfathomable mystery.

Before the voice fell, a silhouette in a black suit flashed into the discussion hall.

Meanwhile, Marine Headquarters.

"Report...Admiral Sengoku, the big thing is not good!"

A Marine intelligence officer hurriedly broke into the Marine Supreme Conference Hall.

In the Conference Hall, Kizaru used a nail file to sharpen his nails and said leisurely: "Yo...I am Marine Headquarter..."

The intelligence officer hurriedly changed his words and corrected: "Report...Fleet Admiral Sengoku...big..."

"Okay, just tell me what's the matter."

Sengoku waved his hand for the intelligence officer to cut directly to the point.

Compared with Marine Headquarter's work, Marine Fleet Admiral's workload has increased exponentially.

Sengoku who has been an Admiral for more than ten years can do calm, and replace it with any Marine Fleet Admiral, which is promoted normally. In the few months since becoming Fleet Admiral, Too busy.

This is why Garp has always refused to be promoted to Admiral.

Headquarter Vice Admiral is definitely the most comfortable position of power and responsibility.

"What did you say? The Celestial Dragon Mississippi family was captured by Beasts Pirates? Is this information reliable?"

Even if it is as stable as Sengoku, after listening to the intelligence officer’s After the report, I felt shocked.

The intelligence officer with densely packed sweat beads on his forehead swallowed and replied: "Absolutely reliable. This is the information that CP0 shared with us. They also said that Gorosei's order should be soon Pass it over and tell us to prepare for rescue immediately!"

Sengoku suddenly felt a little brain pain.

Is there a "bad" word on his face?

It has only been a few days since I took up the post of Marine Fleet Admiral. How could I have caught up with such a mess? It is still a major event that has to be taken seriously.


Kizaru, who grew up with Sengoku, realized Sengoku’s thoughts when he was called by his name just now: "Mr. Sengoku, this Beasts Pirates is Very terrifying, you can't just ask me to go alone."

Sengoku frowned.

He knows very well that although this Kizaru is usually not serious, silly, terrifying one bite, one Supernova one foot...

But what he said this time makes sense. .

Kaido of the Beasts, who can be transformed into a dragon, is extremely fast. Racing is definitely not good, but the battle may not be slower than Kizaru.

Several decades, according to experience, Sengoku judges that Kaido and Linlin these two people are of the same level as destructive power and lethality and Marine Headquarter, but the destructive power and vitality of these two people are not. Extremely strong, Kizaru is definitely not Kaido's opponent.

Marine Headquarter is just taller than ordinary people.

Big Mom is a mutant. As for Kaido, it is hard to say whether he is a human or not.

Besides Beasts Pirates and the two big signs that can fight Marine Headquarters, the fire disaster and the plague, it is true that Kizaru cannot be sent alone, even if it is only to detect intelligence.

In case Kaido, flames and plagues work together to limit Kizaru, and Kizaru is lost to New World Marine, it will be a big loss.

Is this a trap?

hateful...the trap has to be jumped too!

The mobility of other people is too poor, so I have to...

"I will find Hailan to go with you in a while, and you two will take care of each other. Now, the problem shouldn't be big."

Kizaru old face Issho: "I feel more at ease with this."


Den Den Mushi, Gorosei's special line in the office called.

So fast? Marine is not ready yet!

Sengoku took a deep breath and connected the phone.

If you change to Akainu, you will definitely rant and hang up the phone with Gorosei, who has a bad attitude, but Sengoku's qi training is very strong, and he calmly ended the conversation with Gorosei. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Lieutenant Commander!"

"I have sent him to contact Hailan Vice Admiral, Mr. Sengoku, don't be impatient."

Sengoku nodded, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"What the hell is it?"

As soon as he entered the door, Hai Lan frowned and asked.

Due to the seriousness of the incident, Lieutenant Commander did not dare to explain to Hailan on the road.

Although Hailan has a general understanding of the situation by relying on electromagnetic waves, in Hailan’s view, his ability is just as a secret as System. No matter how trustworthy people can be exposed, it will definitely cause a series of Serious trouble.

After listening to Sengoku's account, Hailan is frowned: "Mr. Sengoku, I think this is a trap."

In public, Hailan will naturally no longer be called Uncle Sengoku.

"Of course this is a trap."

Sengoku sighed: "But it was Celestial Dragon that was kidnapped. Even if it is a trap, we Marine can only jump, so I hope You and Borsalino can take care of each other, just in case."

Hai Lan further analyzed: "I mean, I always feel that it seems a bit tricky, because the kidnapping of Celestial Dragon does not affect Beasts Pirates. A little bit of benefit, it will offend the World Government. What is their picture? Ambushed the newly appointed Marine Headquarter?"

"You mean..."

Sengoku was suddenly reminded by Hailan to Satori.

It's not that he could not think of this. When Hailan and Kizaru leave, let him calm down for a while, "The Resourceful General" Sengoku will definitely be able to analyze the problem.

He was just in a daze in a hurry.

Sengoku squinted his eyes: "Could it be...lured the tiger away from the mountain?"

"Report, according to the undercover information, Kaido appeared two days ago On the site of Big Mom!"


The genius remembers the site address in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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