"You are free."

Hai Lan held a sailor's knife in her hand and cut the chains of the cell, releasing all the slaves.

"Thank you..."

The released slaves were about to say some words of thanks, but when they saw Hailan’s face, they were shocked. .

The appearance of this man can't be seen clearly, as if there is a thick fog blocking him, this night, it looks a bit gloomy.

This is an auxiliary style-Aurora Mosaic developed after Hailan's computing power reaches level 10.

Using the influence of aurora on light, it can interfere with what the human eye sees, so as to achieve the purpose of hiding the truth.

Hai Lan guessed from this that if his computing power reached a higher Rank, he might be able to use the interference of aurora to light to achieve the effect of "stealth", but that is the future.

A slave boldly asked: "Dare to ask this adult, can you let us know your true identity? We can also remember your kindness."

" Forget it, I'm just a Bounty Hunter who is interested, and I don't need to be remembered by the world."

Hai Lan turned and left the castle of "Bull Bull" Kate, leaving only the slaves behind.

Most of the money Hailan looted by "Bull Bull" Kate did not touch. He only took away a few more expensive diamonds and other luxury accessories and "Bull Bull" Kate's head, because He now needs to play the role of "Bounty Hunter".

When the slaves could still see Hailan's silhouette, all of them held their breath and dared not say a word.

When Hailan's silhouette gradually disappeared from their sight, they finally cheered and released the depression that has been pressing on them like a mountain for so many years.

"Hurry up and inform everyone that Kate'Bull Bull' was killed by a Bounty Hunter!"


"Iron-legged water Master Piao is back, let's cheer!"

"Hurry up and bring out all those fine wines, take out the good fish and meat, let us celebrate with a banquet!"

Cook a sheep, kill a cow, whet the appetite, And make me, of three hundred bowls, one long drink!.

When Hailan returned to Wheat Island on the 2nd day, the whole village was boiling.

Not only the Wheat Island, but also the residents of other islands, after they heard the news of the destruction of Kate "Barbarian Bull" from the slaves who had regained their freedom, they also rushed and rushed to tell them. Residents on several islands have held banquets to celebrate the new life.


"Sago, don’t drink it."

"Lilith, leave me alone, I’m happy today, I want Get drunk and get drunk!"

Similu poured wine into her mouth, with a free and easy smile on her face, but tears were continuously pouring out of her eyes.

At this time, her emotions are very complicated. Only by buying drunk can she vent the sulking in her heart to the fullest.

"Sago, calm down!"

"Lilith, don't care about Sago, just let her vent and vent."


Under Ayin's persuasion, Lilith sighed and stopped forcibly preventing Sago.

Lilith looked towards Ai Yin and asked: "Where is Sensei? Where is he now?"

Ai Yin pointed in a direction: "He, he is with everyone Drinking."

"My lord, please allow me to toast you again!"


"My lord, you haven't drink with me yet One cup."



Lilith rushed over panting with rage.

"Don't drink Sensei."

The villagers laughed heartily and retorted to Lilith: "The friendship between men is all drunk in wine. The toast represents our respect for adults. How can this be drinking? Lilith, don’t talk nonsense."

Lilith doesn’t know how to refute them, and she doesn’t argue anymore, but Picked up a bottle of wine: "In that case, you have something to drink with me first.

If you can't pass my level, you must never toast to my Sensei!"

"You, this girl, are still enthusiastic. ."

"Why, look down on women?"

"Well...we are afraid of you..."

"Come on ..."

Lilith and several villagers put together a drink.

Seeing this scene, Hai Lan shook the head with a smile, clinked glasses with a villager, and drank it in one fell swoop.

Ain walked to Hailan’s side: "Why are you still drinking? Lilith will worry about you."

"So many people, Lilith alone I can't deal with it. I, a big man, can't let Lilith and a girl take all the pressure. Of course, I have to share some."

Hai Lan pushed the drunk beside him away. , The drunk man squatted his ass and lay on the ground.

"Ain, would you like to have a couple of drinks too?"

"I don't Hah!"

"I meant to drink with me."

"Then...well, just a cup."

"Of course."

The brightly lit atmosphere on Wheat Island is more active than ever A festival must be enthusiastic.

Only the village head of Wheat Island was a little unhappy.

Seeing the look of the villagers drunken stupor, he was a little worried.

"Kate'Bull Bull' was wiped out like this... Is this really a good thing?"

The sun rises and sets, rises and sets. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The time has come to the 3rd day evening, and the atmosphere of the banquet did not weaken at all.

"hahaha...Even the iron-legged water floater can't do it. Now we are the only ones left... continue to drink..."

"Bull Bull" The wine, food, and treasures in Kate’s Castle were all divided among the nearby villages, otherwise there would not be so many drinks to make the banquet last for three days.

And looking at the current atmosphere, it won’t be a problem even if it continues for three more days.


"bang! !"

Suddenly there was a huge roar from the port of Wheat Island.

It's the sound that a cannonball makes when it falls on the ground.

"No...it's not good, something has happened, there is Pirate!!"


" pa..."

In a panic, the bottles and jars broke to the ground.

"Let’s inform Master Iron-legged Water Drifter!"

"It's...it’s awful... Master Iron-legged Water Drifter is drunk by us. He is now I fell asleep."

"What did you say?"

The villagers suddenly shivered and woke up with alcohol.

"The village chief, the village chief, what should we do now?"

"You think of me now? I have told you not to play so crazy a long time ago, you just don’t Listen, you guys, it’s just too early to be happy.

Now, let’s find a way to hide, you quickly put the iron-legged water drifters and the drunk villagers all back into the forest. Go to the cellar of the village."


Along with a rumbling sound, another villager was released by Pirate: "The village... the head of the village, Pirate The leader wants you to talk to him, and he said otherwise...you have to...slaughter the village!"


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