Thank you for your support this month. December is coming soon. This single chapter is issued to tell you that the guaranteed monthly pass for next month...I don’t want it. haha

That’s right, other people are asking for monthly tickets when they issue bills. Lizhi doesn’t want monthly tickets when issuing bills. It’s so different~


In fact, this is the case. In fact, even Li Zhi himself can’t remember how many chapters broke out this month. Starting from next month, he will return to the first day of 2 updates, so I don’t rely on today’s 5 to deceive everyone 12 The end of the month’s monthly pass is guaranteed, praise me, and see how honest and kind I am~

So many consecutive days of explosions have also made Li Zhi feel that he and those genius writing gods really can’t do it By comparison, people can take into account both quality and quantity at the same time, but Lizhi is somewhat powerless.

Everyone should have clearly felt that during the period of time, Lizhi’s style of writing has become more and more rough... There is no way, the workload is too much, there is When I stepped on the accelerator, I couldn’t stop. When I wrote, Li Zhi still felt very passionate, but it may be a bit embarrassing for some book friends...

Hai Lan is after all A soldier rather than a counselor, impossible will always have the same planning strategies as Guo Jia Zhuge Liang, especially when his title is "tiger", and he has a moment of enthusiasm.

Yesterday when he wrote the last chapter "Fucking His Wife", Li Zhi thought of Li Yunlong. It felt very Haki and passionate.

...not much to say.

Starting from next month, the update speed will slow down, and Lizhi will gradually recover the more delicate style of writing before. Let’s wait and see.

Also, although the monthly pass for Lizhi is no longer needed, you can’t confiscated the subscription together. It’s no fun if the watery lychees are hungry and become dried fruits.

I hope that friends who watch piracy can still come to the starting point to subscribe as much as possible. It is only 2 cents a day, which is really not expensive, and it is cheaper than eating Xingazhongga high calcium tablets.

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