Doflamingo stared into Hai Lan's eyes and was silent.

Hailan stared at Doflamingo's glasses without flinching.

It's a pity that Hailan can't see Doflamingo's eyes. Doflamingo's sunglasses have a strong interference with light. Even at such a close distance, Hailan can't observe Doflamingo's eyes through the sunglasses.

Doflamingo originally planned to plot against Hailan at this time, but unfortunately he did not expect Hailan to get a short burst of time to defeat the "drought" Jack by squeezing his own ability.

Hai Lan said that a warrior can have no long board, but it definitely cannot have a fatal short board like the "drought" Jack.

But this does not mean that Hailan does not have a long board.

In fact, Doflamingo is the balanced warrior without a long board.

The current Hailan singles cannot kill Doflamingo, while Doflamingo singles cannot kill the "drought" Jack, but Hailan can use her "long board" to kill Jack.

If you simply use mathematical symbols to express it, it is full of contradictions.

But in real battles, the situation changes rapidly. It's not like in the game, whoever is at a higher level is better.

In fact, even in a "turn-based" game, the outcome of the battle will be affected by the offensive strategies of both sides, rather than blindly determined by Rank, unless there is a clear gap between the strength of the two sides and Rank.

However, for Jack's failure to defeat Hailan or Hailan not exhausted to be slaughtered by others, Doflamingo can't be said to be a miscalculation.

Because he was originally gambling, and gambling means that there are losses and wins.

But Hailan doesn't care whether Doflamingo's gamble is winning or losing.

Since he wants to plot against himself, as long as Doflamingo is upset, Hailan will be upset.

Although Hailan could not observe Doflamingo's gaze through the sunglasses, seeing Doflamingo's frowning brow, Hailan knew that Doflamingo must be very upset at this time.

After a long silence, Doflamingo suddenly smiled gloomily, "What a young and unpleasant guy..."

Hai Lan said with a slight smile: " I'm not angry ...Is that still youngster?"

Hearing Hailan's words, Doflamingo smiled happily and made his voice louder, "Interesting, interesting!

If If you are not a Marine, I think we will definitely become friends. At least, it is very possible to be a mutually beneficial partner."

Hailan paused and said: "Now there is a great The opportunity lies in front of you. I hope you will not lose it until you regret it.

Being the King of Dressrosa, we may not have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Doflamingo He was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Then I am looking forward to the day of working with you."

Hai Lan said blankly, "I will leave it to the future. Okay, what about your sincerity?"

"Since you don't want money or women, then Devil Fruit is all right?"

"What kind of Devil Fruit?"


"Paramecia ・Shadow Shadow Fruit.


Hailan raised her eyebrows , "Just this one?"

"There are also a few Zoan's, they don’t have any special features. , They are all ordinary animals, do you want them too?"

"Why not?"

Doflamingo explained: "Hey, don't be too much, okay? You have to Leave me a way out, you beat the big idiot of Beasts Pirates like that, what if Kaido troubles me? I have to take something to protect Dressrosa, right?"

Hai Lan said indifferently: "Then you let him come to me, the wrongdoer, the debtor, you are afraid of him, I am not afraid of him!" In fact, Hailan had already guessed the "drought". The reason why Jack is here.

Doflamingo is Joker, the underground emperor of Underworld, Beasts Pirates will come to the poor country of Dressrosa, it must be for Joker's business.

Pirates, the overlord of New World, is definitely not short of money, and Kaido's dream is to build a Zoan Devil Fruit Ability User Legion. With so many clues connected, "Drought" Jack must be It's here to trade Devil Fruit.

As Marine, how could Hailan allow Pirates to strengthen himself?

So even if it is Zoan Devil Fruit whose abilities are not particularly outstanding, he will not let it go.

Doflamingo frowned and said, "Are you not afraid of Kaido's trouble with Marine?"

"Since being caught a few times, Kaido hasn't come to Marine Headquarters for a long time, just for trifling. A few Devil Fruits will fight Marine Headquarters? Beasts Pirates is not that stupid yet?

The so-called'immortal body' is just a reputation he pretended to be, if there is no way in the world to be able to Kill him, he has already jumped to'Holy Land' Mariejois to ensure that the whole world can admire him prostrate oneself in admiration.

So, whether it is Paramecia Devil Fruit or Zoan Devil Fruit, I want it all!"

Doflamingo said with a heavy tone: "I think you are also a lunatic..."

Hailan did not refute Doflamingo's words.

The so-called "madman" describes the powerhouse that pushes others to an unbearable level, but others use him helplessly.

The most obvious contrast is Kaido and Jack.

Kaido is a "lunatic" in the eyes of the world, while Jack is an "idiot" or "idiot".

"Is the contest between the Marine madman and the Pirate madman? Interesting...Since you insist on those Devil Fruits, then come with me!"

Doflamingo is more than just A Pirate, he is also a businessman.

The biggest feature of "businessmen" is not to be angry, but to pursue profit.

Hailan raised his hand, attracted by the electromagnetic force, O Wazamono, who was originally inserted on the stone wall, was sucked into his hand in a blink of an eye.

He used the Aurora Sword in the previous battle against "Drought" Jack, and Li Feng was his weapon of disguise.

As for being seen by the citizens of Dressrosa, there is no problem at all. After all, as long as they leave this island country, how many people will recognize his weapon?

"Hey, what the hell is going on? Why did the live broadcast disappear?"

"Who can tell, Pirate won or Marine won? Lord Doflamingo? Didn't he help that Marine?"

Walking on the streets of Dressrosa, there are endless talks everywhere.

That is the big sign of "Beasts Pirates"...Even citizens who rarely pay attention to the sea situation know the terrifying of "Beasts Pirates", and they are eager to know the result of this battle.


A golden rays of light flashed by, and an uncle wearing brown glasses appeared in the middle of the crowd, shocking everyone.


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