"Doflamingo...this is your attitude toward your allies?"

Hailan, who held "Raeche" in his hand, raised his sword and pointed at Doflamingo.

Doflamingo grinned Issho: "Hailan Vice Admiral, in fact, we can still sit down and talk about this matter slowly."

Hailan didn’t buy it and said: "If I say No?"

Doflamingo self-believes: "Hailan Vice Admiral never thinks that you can defeat the two of us one after another, right?"

Jack played a role in the battle with Hailan. Really desperate to die.

Hailan has also maintained a "violent and overloaded" state for a long time.

Relatively speaking, Doflamingo's previous fight with Jack was at best a small fight, and he was still very physically strong.

"Although I am impossible successive defeat you two, but do you think you can kill me yet?" Hoi lifted his state back to normal, chat Shi was still in a "violent and overloaded" state, and he couldn't bear it.

But even if the state has been lifted, Hailan is already gasped for breath at this time, and he feels that his internal organs are about to blow up.

He is trying to restrain his reaction, so as not to be found too many weak spots by Doflamingo.

Although the "drought" Jack lying on the ground is still alive, he has more air and less air.

Doflamingo yelled at Jack's men: "Hurry up and take your boss back to heal your wounds. Are you here to watch him wait for death?"

"Ah...yes ,

Yes, I see!"

Sipshead felt that happiness came too suddenly for the entire group.

At the moment Jack Lord fell, they all thought they were dead today.

I didn't expect to be rescued by Doflamingo.

"Quickly, quickly, come all over, move a bit faster!"

Hipshead hurriedly directed the crew, he just wanted to get the boss back to the ship as soon as possible .

The Marine on the opposite side... is too terrifying...

Until today I met Hailan, and Sipshead remembered that he was just a Pirate. Usually When the thief meets the soldiers, they all want to go first in two battles...

Hailan didn't stop the Sipshead entire group.

Because since he heard Doflamingo's order to cut off the signal of Den Den Mushi, he already knew that Doflamingo had killed himself.

In the original work, Doflamingo killed Sengoku's son Rosinante. Not only was he not sanctioned, he was promoted to Oka Shichibukai instead.

Although Hailan has not read the original work, he knew that after hearing the dialogue between Fleet Admiral Kong and Sengoku about "Doflamingo is Celestial Dragon", he knew that Doflamingo's code of conduct cannot be inferred by common sense.

If he really kills himself while he is weak, what can Marine Headquarters do with him?

Hailan no longer chases and kills "Drought" Jack now. It is not that he does not want to kill, but that he must retain his last physical strength against Doflamingo, at least to ensure that he has enough physical strength to escape when Doflamingo suddenly strikes.

Hailan sighed silently in her heart.

I really envy those crossed over who can beat a world by themselves. Those people may have charged the Space-Time Administration when they crossed over.

Doflamingo smiled sadly: "Allies, am I not for you? If you kill that idiot, what if Kaido of the Beasts chooses to retaliate?"

"Hehe...Do you think I would be afraid of him?"

"Beast" Kaido was still a mystery when Marine Headquarters pretended to be aggressive in his early years.

With Kaido fighting Whitebeard again and again in New World, his abilities have been exposed.

Now let Kaido try again. Anyway, that guy is a Devil Fruit Ability User. He tied him with Kairoski and pushed him into the sea. A Devil Fruit Ability User can also flip on the bottom of the sea. Come out of the waves?

Even if he doesn't starve to death, he can still die of loneliness.

The fishman clan's hands go down to save him?

Let's talk about Jinbe first.

Doflamingo spread his hands: "Well, you are not afraid, I am afraid of the head office?"

Hailan is also an Issho: "You still say afraid of words?"

"I don't care if I am alone. The main reason is that Dressrosa is scared."

Doflamingo said in a rare and serious manner, "If that lunatic comes to Dressrosa to make a fuss, this little boy I just saved The country is about to perish, and I’m already in good health now. Hailan Vice Admiral doesn’t want these enthusiastic citizens to be buried together, right?"

If Hailan was in the previous scene If he is defeated in the battle, even if the "drought" Jack does not kill him, Doflamingo will make up for it.

But now that Hailan has won, Doflamingo naturally has to show his "friendly" side.

"Are you threatening me?"

Hailan coldly said.

"How can this be called a threat?"

Doflamingo explained in his magnetic voice, "I'm just stating a fact, my ally."

"he he he he ...hahahaha ..."

Hailan suddenly laughed.

Doflamingo was flustered with a smile.

Hailan walked towards Doflamingo, "Since you said that the two of us are allies, I remember, you originally asked me to take action in this battle?"

" en? ”

“As an ally, now I have done my duty to help you defeat the Pirate of Beasts Pirates. So, what’s my reward?”

Doflamingo sneered: "Reward? Do you need to be paid to help allies?"

"Of course."

"It doesn't exist."

"Doflamingo, don't you Is this forcing me to investigate the real reason for the turmoil in this country? And why the big sign of Beasts Pirates appeared here, do you think I just think it is a coincidence?"

"...I don't know what you are talking about."

"So Crocodile is much smarter than you, but you are still paying attention to that Crocodile."

Doflamingo's face suddenly changed.

Being reminded by Hai Lan, he suddenly remembered.

The Crocodile, who was once invincible, seems to be much more honest now.

Damn, this Marine is the one who caused him to lose even Ope Ope no Mi. If you don’t know how to kill him on the spot, it’s better not to provoke him easily...

Doflamingo grinned Issho: "Just kidding.

Treasure, beauty, cash...what do you want?"

Hailan stared at Doflamingo's eyes: "Doflamingo , Show some sincerity, can’t I get the things you said from other Pirates?

Headquarter Vice Admiral All the generals above know that you are a joker, and Beasts Pirates is actually here for you. For some kind of transaction? Devil Fruit? Or some other good thing? Take it out."

Doflamingo's expression became cold, "What if I say no?"

"Then I am afraid that the truth about Dressrosa will be made public."

Gorosei forbids investigating the truth about Dressrosa.

Before officially breaking with Celestial Dragon, Hailan didn't want to get too involved with Celestial Dragon (Doflamingo).

But he struggled to defeat the "drought" Jack, so naturally he couldn't work in vain.

Doflamingo must pay for this.

Hailan is determined in his heart, UU reading www.uukanshu.comDoflamingo is absolutely afraid to take the truth about Dressrosa against him.

Hailan is now not afraid of the shadow crooked, even if he disobeys Gorosei's order, it will be a punishment at best.

But does Doflamingo dare to bet?

"So... are you threatening me?"

Doflamingo said what Hailan said to him before.

But Hailan’s answer is completely different from Doflamingo.

"Yes, it is a threat."


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