"What the hell is this?"

Seeing the completely motionless "drought" Jack in front of him, Doflamingo was surprised.

He has almost used all his styles, but he still failed to cause effective damage to this monster.

Only the "Super Strike Whip" broke Jack's Busoshoku Haki and his defenses, but to Doflamingo's shock, it didn't take long for this perverted body injury to be completely healed.

"Zoan Devil Fruit Ability User is capable of awakening..."

Through intelligence, Doflamingo has learned that the "drought" Jack is actually Zoan ・far ancient seed ・xiangxiang fruit・The Mammoth Fruit Ability User, the Zoan Devil Fruit from the ancient seed has more powerful strength and resilience than the ordinary Zoan Ability User.

And his "drought" title does not describe some of his abilities, but his brutal character.

Jack went on the expedition, wherever he went, barren, the original rich land would end up as desolate as a drought broke out, so he was called "drought".

These are the information that Doflamingo investigated.

But if it was just that, Jack shouldn't have such a strong resilience.

To be able to casually ignore his own attacks, even if it is Zoan's ancient seed Ability User, I am afraid that only if I reach the level of Marine Headquarters can I have such terrifying resilience.

Doflamingo frowned, so Jack’s secret is...

One of the top officials of the Donquixote Family, Pica has been stunned by the battle before him: "Really... It’s terrifying, even Doffy can’t beat him..."

Unlike Pica, Vergo is an extremely calm person. He quickly came to Doflamingo’s side: "Doffy, look at that guy’s head Do the two horns on the top resemble Dellinger?"

"You mean..."

Authoritative fans.

When Vergo was reminded, Doflamingo suddenly felt Satori: "so that's how it is...no wonder I always feel that his strength does not match his strength. It turns out that he still has Fishman's bloodline. This It's not his'half beast' form at all, now he is just an'normal' form!"

Fishman's physique is inherently ten times higher than that of Ranked humans, both in terms of resilience and strength.

Fishman Arlong can not only lift a house easily, but his teeth can regenerate unlimitedly. Drought Jack’s strong resilience is partly derived from his Fishman bloodline.

"You are all a little farther away... isn't Devil Fruit awakening? What's so great about Zoan, let him see Paramecia's ability!"

Since seeing "cheat" After the formidable power of Smith Gold-Gold Fruit's awakening, Doflamingo has been painstakingly researching the awakening ability of the line fruit.

He has now touched the threshold of awakening. Although he has not mastered it proficiently, he can already be applied to actual combat.

What Doflamingo did not expect was that when he used this move for the first time, he faced his potential allies.

"Awakening... is it really that amazing?"

" Hailan ?!!!"

A voice sounded behind Doflamingo,

p> Without even turning his head, Doflamingo guessed the identity of the person who came.

He will not forget this person's voice for the rest of his life, this man who stopped him repeatedly and made him lose money again and again.

"Vergo, are you there too? That cake...is it delicious?"


Vergo was silent .

Listening to this, my undercover agent was found to have something to do with this Hailan Vice Admiral?

"Idiot... I told you to get rid of this problem... Do you think you are Trebol?"

"Less...Young Master..."

Doflamingo looked towards Vergo coldly, and the latter trembled with fright. He didn't even dare to say "Doffy".

" Hurry up and find out what's going on?"


Of course Vergo knows what Doflamingo means.

Why does Marine Vice Admiral appear here but the family has not received any information?

This is the negligence of myself and the Red Heart Army who is responsible for intelligence!

Doflamingo looked back towards Hai Lan: "Why, are you awakened too?"

"Awakening...is that important?"

In Hailan's view, Devil Fruit's awakening is nothing more than a few brand new attack methods for the Ability User, which has little impact on the Ability User's strength. The most important thing is to lay a solid foundation for its strength.

This is like in the game, the normal ability is the Level 5 style, and the awakening is the Level 10 style. Let a Level 10 player use the awakening style against a second Level 10 player using the normal style. Mostly it will be cold.

Besides, Hailan is a Logia Ability User. The effect of awakening is to permanently change the natural environment, which is of little significance. This is the natural advantage of Logia Ability User.

The Zoan Ability User who needs awakening the most is actually, because Zoan Devil Fruit's role is to enhance the power and physique of the Ability User, and awakening will maximize this effect.

Jack in the distance was planning to continue fighting with Doflamingo for three hundred rounds, but unexpectedly, someone flew in and chatted with Doflamingo.

Jack, who was ignored, was extremely angry.

"Asshole Joker, is this your helper? I really look down on you more and more!"

Hailan is not wearing a military uniform, Jack naturally does not know that he is Marine .

"Damn idiot..."

Doflamingo cursed secretly, an idea suddenly came to his mind, he grinned Issho: "Hai Lan, this Pirate has a special ability. Even I can't beat him. It looks at the face of our allies. You can help me teach him."

It's not true that Jack can't beat him. If they fight for ten days and nights, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com It’s hard to say who wins and who loses.

The reason why formidable persons are formidable persons is not only because of their personal strength, but also because they are brains.

People like Kaido, no one says that he is a formidable person, only that he is a lunatic, that is a demon.

"Please help me, then you beg me?"

Hailan naturally saw Doflamingo's mind, and he deliberately stimulated.


The word "beg" will not come out of Doflamingo's mouth.

Just as he was thinking about how to convince Hailan, a man helped him solve this headache.

"It seems you worse than the Joker, I'll kill you!" probably, perhaps, could listen to understand the dialogue and Hoi Doflamingo of "drought" Jack Wielding two Ethiopian scimitars, he cut Hailan's top of the head straight.

Hailan flew into the sky instantly.

"Dare to little demon, don't run!"

"Hehe...I will clean up you later..."

Hailan in midair looked towards the mountain in the distance.

There, Buggy has taken a team of younger brothers to set up the image Den Den Mushi.


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