" ?? "

The lithe and graceful woman named Mary was stunned.

What the hell?

Is it a mistake?

The unbelieving Mary rubbed her eyes vigorously again, expecting that the scene just now was her own illusion.

So when she opened her eyes again...


That's right, it's clear and clear, it's definitely not an illusion!

Especially the amount of the ticket is also bolded and underlined.

Do you want to be so excessive?

Even if you are expecting wrong, even if you have not become the heroine in the love story, don’t treat yourself like that...

The ticket... punish your sister. ...

When does Happy Street have to pay a ticket?

Never heard of it!


Holding the ticket in her hand, Mary trembling little finger pointed to Hai Lan.

But at this time, Hai Lan no longer paid attention to her, but stood up abruptly.

"Police! Don't move! They squat in the corner with their hands on their heads! Fight against vulgar industries!"


This time is not just Mary , A series of question marks floated in the minds of everyone in the bar.

Strike...What is the strike...?

This is a mental disorder, right?

This is how it is.

Whether such a romantic place like Happy Street can be regarded as illegal and disorderly behavior is completely related to the laws of different countries, different cultures, and different periods.

Far away,

Even in ancient times, "brothel" was a legal existence, even an elegant place.

Even many scholars feel honored to go to brothel.

In this Pirate King's world, "Happy Street" is just as serious as a "barber shop", and there is no legal claim to attack this industry.

So when Hailan shouted the slogan, most people's reaction was: This is probably a drunk who is drunk.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ..."

Until Hailan pulled out the gun from her waist and pulled the trigger, the people in the bar came back to his senses .

Is this going to be real?

hehe ...

The guns are all out, don't worry about the other party's plans, anyway...run first!

Just like a student who heard the bell rushing to the cafeteria after class, shuaa~ a large group of people hurried out from the door.

"Damn it won't scare me a problem in the future..."

There were also some disheveled guests who jumped out of the window and escaped, looking extremely embarrassed. ..

"Mary, did you make this gentleman angry?"

The Lady Boss at the bar didn't expect things to suddenly become like this.

"Look, how can you blame me?"

Mary panting with rage handed the "ticket" to Lady Boss.

Yesterday, she had a fight with Hailan all night about the landlord. Mary was not ashamed to tell Lady Boss that she only reported it to the operator.

After all, my most proud charm has been ignored by men. How shameful it is to say this.

So when Lady Boss saw Hailan, she thought she was a repeat customer, but who knows she came up with such a moth.

"Big...sir, this is a legitimate business...how can we hit us?"

Lady Boss courageously walked to Hailan and asked cautiously road.

Hailan picked up the official accent: "If you are just doing business normally, I really can't control your head.

But you dare to send someone to openly yòu huò A Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral made a mistake. This is your problem. Who will you fight if you don’t attack?"

Dressrosa does not have an official mission, and Hailan doesn’t need to be a pretender at all times. identity.

Even if he reveals his identity, at best he will attract Doflamingo's attention, and he is not afraid of Doflamingo.

Lady Boss anxiously said: "Ouch...this this...this we don't know you are Marine Vice Admiral..."

Hailan said brutally:" Refusal to plead guilty, add one more crime. This Mary Xiaojie said she knows who I am!"

Mary is a person transferred from other countries by Streisey, so her personality is similar to Dressrosa. The local women are a little different.

And because of this, even Lady Boss dare not get angry with Mary.

In the end, he had no choice but to move out of the identity of Queen Streisey behind him, hoping that Hailan would be able to save face.

"This grown-up, the small shop is Master Stracy, which is the chain store of Queen of the Pleasure District. For the face of my queen, please spare us once."

Lady Boss only knows that Stracy has a backstage in the world zhèng fǔ, she has no idea of ​​her cP0 identity.

She doesn't even know that it's okay not to say this, but she seems to make the Vice Admiral even more angry.

"Strressy? Is she worthy of me to give her face?

Tell your queen, that Vice Admiral Hailan of Marine Headquarters will order her today Compensation, this ticket, no one will be accommodating!"

There are various open strife and veiled struggles between Marine and cipher Pol, and now cPplot against Hailan, how can Hailan be possible? Just let it go.

"Tomorrow at noon, I want to see the same amount of cash as on the ticket. If there is no cash, I can use the treasure to pay for it. Don’t worry, if the standard is not met, I will not open your store. But if you go back and tell Strisy, I will find her head office and ask her to pay compensation!"

"This, this..."

"What is this? Didn't you understand?"

Lady Boss hurriedly apologized: "Understand, understand..."

Mary who was hiding by the side suddenly wanted to understand.

It's not this Marine Vice Admiral mental disorder, but the other person doesn't care about themselves at first, and the target that people in mind want to attack is simply the talent of Stracy.


A loud noise like heaven falls and earth rends suddenly came from above the bar.

"Oh my God..."

Buggy, who was leading a few newly-acquired brothers on the street, saw a building that was covered by thousands of people from a distance. The long whip that swept from meters away was cut off!

This force... is it someone fighting Doflamingo?


In the bar, the roof was instantly smashed by the half-building that fell from the sky.

Yingying and Yanyan fell to the ground in the chaos.

Mary feels that her heartbeat has stopped.

"Hey, don't be silly, run out!"

A man's voice suddenly came from my ear.

Mary who opened her eyes happily said: "I...I'm not dead?"

Looking up, Mary was surprised to find that the roof fell from the sky and collapsed. The boulder was actually carried in the air by a translucent barrier!

Unlike the "barrier fruit" that does not require any leverage, Hailan's "Aurora Barrier" looks more like a table at this time. In addition to blocking half of the building, it also There are several supporting points like pillars.

"Too...so handsome..."

Some girls with hot personality couldn't help but admire them.

"What are you doing in a daze? I don't want to run out quickly, I want to be smashed into meatloaf here!"

Yingying and Yanyan hurriedly backed out: "Ah. .. Yes, yes, thank you sir!"

Mary, who got up, gritted her teeth and asked: "Why do you want to save me? Don't you hate me?"

Hailan Replied without looking back: "Protecting civilians is our Marine's duty."


Recalling a fight with myself last night The landlord didn't touch the man who hadn't touched herself. Mary suddenly felt that this man who didn't follow the routine of doing things didn't seem to be that annoying.

The reason why he treated himself that way before was actually because he had plotted against him, right? If you get along sincerely at first, UU reading www.uukanshu.com even if your fantasies are unrealistic, at least it's okay to be a friend, right?

So does the problem actually lie with you?

Seeing his reassuring silhouette supporting half of the building by the strength of oneself today, in Mary’s mind, Hailan’s image has grown gradually tall.



"Are you not hurt?"

"It's okay!"

Hailan looked back towards Mary. For some reason, he always felt that Mary's smile at this time was much more comfortable than the previous drink.

"After you escape, tell Lady Boss, I will never finish the ticket with Strisi!"


"Ahhh ...A man or something is so annoying!!"

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