"He he he... It's rare, Sakazuki would be in the mood to say so much? Hailan Vice Admiral, you still have face..."

With a hearty smile Voice, Jonathan Vice Admiral also appeared in front of Hailan and Akainu.

Hailan said with a smile: "Why? Doesn't even Jonathan Vice Admiral seldom communicate with Sakazuki Vice Admiral?"

Jonathan used the back of his hand to block it Half of his mouth muttered to Hai Lan, "You don't know... Sakazuki is actually a proud..."

This is a world that ranks seniors regardless of wealth and strength.

In terms of qualifications, Hailan is just the Junior Brother after the thirteenth term of Akainu. He is not qualified to talk to Akainu and Jonathan at all.

But Hailan is now Vice Admiral at the headquarter by virtue of strength, so in the eyes of Akainu and Jonathan, Hailan is on the same level with them.

Akainu went into a rage: "What do you bastard say, Jonathan? What do you think you are a big idler in my G1 branch? Don't you go to the Iron Ore Island to report on your work? What if there is Pirate invaded there? Get out!"

Although Akainu has a hot temper, not everyone is afraid of him.

Even when he became Fleet Admiral, Sengoku often hid behind the door and teased him...

Jonathan’s military force is not as good as Akainu, he can sit The position of Vice Admiral relies on good military force and superior wisdom.

Before going to investigate whether Pirate had an ambush, Jonathan had already consulted the situation of the "Iron Mine Island", and he suspected that Pirate was lured the tiger away from the mountain.

It turns out that he just thinks too much... This Pirate attack is extraordinarily simple.

Jonathan slowly replied: "I'm not going to help you clean the battlefield..."

"Get out!!!"

Of course, Hai Lan, who was near the two, saw the truth clearly.

But the soldiers in the distance are different...

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral is really terrifying... even Jonathan Vice Admiral dare to train... ."

"Shhh...work at work, I will die if Sakazuki Vice Admiral hears it..."


After the G1 branch rested for two days, Jonathan Vice Admiral finally went to the "Iron Mine Island" and started his petty bourgeoisie life, while Hai Lan went to Dressrosa with Buggy.

Buggy used to follow Roger to New World, he has personal experience, but he is much more practical than a sailing guide.

But this time Hailan did not take Buggy directly to take off, but took the merchant ship to Dressrosa with him.

Marine's identity is particularly inconvenient, Hailan has started his old line of disguising identity again.

And this time, he disguised himself as a "Paramecia. Electromagnetic Fruit" Ability User.

"It's your turn, stinky... stinky..."

On the merchant ship, Buggy called out a name, weird Extremely.

The "Smelly" sitting opposite Buggy is naturally the alias of Hailan after coming to New World...

Akagami’s name is "Shanks",

p>The English alphabet is Shanks. Hailan spoofs the "xiang" in Akagami's name as "stinky", which translates into English as Showks.

In fact, when locals read it, the name is nothing special.

Only Hailan, a person who understands "Chinese", can understand the meaning...

"I'm sorry for A? I'm sorry!"

Hai Lan closed the cards in his hand and looked towards a beautiful and alluring woman beside him.

This woman has a full chest, enchanting figure, long hair like a waterfall, and a beautiful face. No matter how she looks, she is not inferior to Boa Hancock.

It’s just that... his temperament is a bit broken, calm as a virgin, and moving like a madman...

"Damn the bird's feathers, "Fighting the Landlord" is too difficult. Right? Stop playing!"

The woman spread the cards in her hand, got up and left.

There is no elegance that women possess between gestures, but rather like a rough man.

This so-called "Fight Landlord" is naturally a direct copy of Hailan according to the previous life memory, otherwise there is no landlord in Pirate's world.

Looking at the back of the woman leaving, Hailan shook the head: "It's really a pity...Who dares to marry such a woman? It's a pity that she has a good skin..."

"You don't understand this, right?"

Buggy Issho, "Some men like this tune..."

"Being a woman is good. It’s just that some things are really troublesome... I would not join the "Okama" camp if I knew it... But for the little elder sisters of Dressrosa... I will bear it!"

To ensure that no important information was missed, Hailan’s "Kenbunshoku Electric Field" was always on, but suddenly I heard such a sentence.

Fortunately, he didn't drink water...otherwise he would spray on the spot...

This fuck is a demon, is it from Taoise Island?

Thinking of Buggy's wretched look, Hailan probed: "Such as...what if that woman is a man?"

Buggy was taken aback for a while, and then he smiled more. It's thicker: "Isn't that more exciting...?"

Hailan almost drew over on the spot, "Buggy...don't you?"

Buggy hastily Put his hands on the ground: "no no no...I'm a normal person, I, Buggy, always like women!"

"Uh...Buggy, shuffle the cards..."


Hailan just heard that a Monster King turned the residents of Peach Island into a ladyboy. He thought they were all women's ladies, but didn't expect that Monster King can do that.

If this is on Earth, "hormonal fruit" might be the first place on the "Most Popular Devil Fruit" Ranking List.

I have a chance to meet that person Monster King in the future. I don't know if Begapunk can crack his Devil Fruit ability.


"This is Dressrosa..."

A few days later, Hailan and Buggy came to the seat called "Love and Passion" The country of fairies".

Without the assistance of sugar, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Doflamingo has lost the means to turn this place into a country of toys.

In the original work, Doflamingo's management methods are extremely simple and rude.

Those who support him will be protected by him, and those who oppose him will directly turn sugar into toys, and then throw them into toy factories as coolies. Anyway, those who are recruited will be forgotten, as long as sugar If there is no problem, Dressrosa will have no problem.

And now, Doflamingo wants to manage this country well, but it takes a lot of thought.

"Hello, this is the first time I have come to Dressrosa. Can anyone help me take a tour of this country? Stinky man, go away, do you want to take advantage of others?"

The woman who originally looked like a man-in-law has become a little elder sister who sells germs since she came to Dressrosa. Seeing Hailan can't help but shudder, she really feels like a chill.

A woman greeted the ladyboy: "Welcome to this enthusiastic country, but our country has just gone through a war and is still under construction, please don't mind."

"It's okay."

The ladyboy gave the woman a warm hug and took advantage.

He is not "Okama", because the real "Okama", from appearance to heart... is a ladyboy...


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