"He was originally a kind child."

"In his childhood, there was a miserable experience that ordinary people could not bear."

"He changed and started Become selfish, become indifferent, become decisive..."

"He killed Pirate of the enemy ship, he killed Marine, he even killed civilians... "

" but he was not such a person, is the childhood experiences before the formation of his now this character, wrong is this World. "

" in the past he everyone is very gentle, and now this gentle, he only left his younger sister. "

" in fact, this is a pair of very poor, distressed siblings do. "


No matter how evil a criminal is, no matter how many bad things he has done.

As long as he can tell his own story and make a few pitiful expressions, it will be easy for passers-by to ignore the crimes he has committed, and passers-by feel that all of this is actually true. Excusable.

If this criminal can be more handsome/beautiful, the effect of "whitewashing" will be even more significant.

This is a kind of "sympathetic psychology" derived from the depths of human genes.

There is a fundamental difference between humans and other animals.

Human beings will hate the rich, but not the poor; humans will have higher requirements for academic tyrants, but the standard for scumbags is "this is already pretty good."

When the criminal shows a pitiful appearance and even adds some stories, humans will always feel that the criminal is actually quite distressing, so it is better to take it lightly.

Objectively speaking, this is very unfair.

But this is the unique psychology engraved on the sequence of human genes.

In the animal kingdom, there is no so-called "sympathy".

When a person sees an injured little bunny, even if it is implemented in reality, the overwhelming majority may be indifferent, but in their deep in one's heart, they must have had "help this little bunny" "Emotions.

But if an animal sees this little bunny, in addition to herbivores, other animals will definitely treat this little bunny as a ration given to them by God.

The difference between humans and other animals, apart from their super wisdom, is this kind of sympathy that goes against the laws of existence in nature, and this is the so-called human nature; of course, human nature is actually very complicated. , Only one point is involved here.

A soldier should control his sensibility to the maximum and deal with the events he faces with absolute rationality.

Pirate Belén’s character, origin, past story, and relationship with his younger sister are not important.

He is Pirate, he has killed civilians, and his younger sister killed 26 Marines... As a Marine general, you only need to know this, and then, they are to be brought to justice. Law.

The curvature of the corners of Belem's mouth before his death made Hai Lan surprised for a moment, but that was all.

Killing him, Hai Lan has no mood swings at all.

As for the story behind Belem, Hailan is not interested, and there is no need to do an in-depth understanding.

If there is anything to be aware of,

it is to see if there is a fish that escaped the net to inform Whitebeard Pirates.


"Hey... I can let you run 99 steps first!!"

A Pirate was blocked by a team of Marines.

The headed Buggy stretched out his tongue and licked the dagger in his hand, triumphantly.

The other soldier was stopped by him.


That Pirate half-believed and ran out . Amidst the restless eyes of the Seaman, Buggy raised his hand and held his right hand. Holding the dagger, it was shot out like a mechanical arm.

"...Look at my Hundred Step Throwing Knife!"

The eyes of the other Marine soldiers have all turned into peas, only a gap is left. Watching Buggy playing tricks.

puci ...

Buggy stabbed the escaped Pirate to the ground.

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop...

There was applause.

Marine soldiers have no expressions on their faces: "Amazing, amazing."

"Hey...Can you not deal with things like this? You have to have emotions, you have to have emotions. !"

In Buggy's vivacity, the last Pirate finally closed his eyes.

Jonathan Vice Admiral issho heartily: "What a vigorous youngster..."

The special operations forces he led did not find Pirate's ambush, but met by chance. Buggy squad made dumplings for Pirate who had fled.

Jonathan Vice Admiral looked up towards Skyrim: "It’s Hailan Vice Admiral who is back. It looks like it’s all over."

Harbor, five burning ships The Pirate Ship had already slowly sunk into the sea, and the raging flames that soared into the sky, like a lighthouse, pointed out the direction for Hailan to return.

" Where is Pirate?"

When I saw Hailan, Akainu couldn't wait to ask.

He didn't ask Hailan if he was injured, but first asked Pirate's condition.

Akainu is one such person.

"Successful crusade."

"Very good!"

Akainu did not doubt Hailan's answer, but shouted at the Marines behind him: "Hurry up and clean up the battlefield and get me busy!"


Under Akainu's order, no soldier dared to be lazy, and no soldier dared to complain.

But the interesting thing is that every soldier is full of energy.

At the very least, with Akainu's side, life is at least guaranteed.

Taking off the Marine cap, Akainu tidyed up her flowing hairstyle, "It's really different from Zephyr-sensei, but you are more comfortable with this World."

Hailan is the only one beside Akainu, so Hailan knows that Akainu is talking about herself.

Hailan asked: "Do you have any opinion on him?"

" Yes ."

Akainu made no secrets, "He is too kind , Pirate will be let go every time. If it weren’t for his principle of “don’t kill”, you wouldn’t take a trip in Gates of Hell, and the master would never die."

For Zephyr, UU Reading www. After getting along with uukanshu.com for so many years, Hailan still has a lot of affection.

As for the mother who has never met before, she doesn't feel it at all.

So when Akainu said this, Hailan hardly responded.

But in Akainu's eyes, Hailan's attitude has turned into excellent qualities such as "not disturbing" and "tenacious."

On the contrary, when referring to the tragedy of Zephyr, Akainu's tone appeared a little wave, even his skin became a little red, but soon returned to its original state.

"I like Zephyr-sensei very much, but I don't like his principle of'not killing'. Since he is unwilling to kill Pirate, then Sakazuki will personally let those Pirates let go by him. Destroy!"

Perhaps because Pirate was completely wiped out, Akainu was in a good mood, so even the usually taciturn he said a few more words.

"Do you think it was a bit too much for me to kill the girl thief directly before ?

Have you seen those busy soldiers ?"

Akainu Pointed to Marine who was cleaning the battlefield.

"When you can still see them active on the playground today, but you can only see them in the cemetery tomorrow, I think your choice may be the same as mine."


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