Kizaru fainted? ? ?

Hailan hurriedly probed the perception of the Kenbunshoku electric field to Kizaru's location.

He didn't consider the possibility of Kizaru being beaten to death by Red the Aloof, because it was impossible.

But even if it just passed out, it was a terrifying thing.

What is the concept of knocking Kizaru out in one stroke?

That's a candidate for Marine Headquarters Admiral.

Such an enemy simply can't fight.

When Hailan detected the location of Kizaru, he could clearly feel that Kizaru had not fainted.

Even he could hear Kizaru's thick gasp.

Fortunately...Red the Aloof is not so invincible...

But Kizaru old iron, you should come out quickly, don’t you just find an excuse to quit Is the battlefield out?

"It's your turn!"

Hearing the voice of Red the Aloof, Hailan no longer pays attention to Kizaru, but instead concentrates all his attention on Red the Aloof Body.

The speed of Hailan is indeed fast, and the race will definitely crush Red the Aloof.

But the speed of movement does not mean the speed of combat. If he meets force with force with Red the Aloof, he can't keep up with the rhythm of Red the Aloof.

Red the Aloof, like Garp, is a powerhouse that relies purely on body refinement!


This is a player who even Kizaru avoids. How could Hailan ever be able to play?

"It's really troublesome..."

Red the Aloof knew that he couldn't chase Shanghai Lan, so he took out a pile of leaves and a paintbrush from his arms, shua~ shua ~ shua~ The ground is painted again.


Kizaru, Hailan, Hawk Eyes, Golden Lion, "world destroyer" Byrnndi ・Wapol and more... as long as they can play a role in air combat Or the powerhouse that has the ability to interfere with flying enemies, all outlined by Red the Aloof.

"This won't work..."

A serious look flashed across Kizaru's face in the ruins.

He pretended to be defeated before, but he was actually planning to look for a chance to sneak attack Red the Aloof, because he knew that he and Hailan would also be impossible to defeat Red the Aloof head-on.

Just didn't expect, Red the Aloof now seems to be killing Hailan.

Kizaru's justice is indeed "justice for clocking in at work". If you let him go to work, he will never work overtime.

But again, since it is at work, it must look like it is at work. Kizaru will not ignore his work during work hours.

Just like the time of the top war, Kizaru seems to be paddling, but he cooperates with Onigumo to use the Kairoseki handcuffs to limit Marco's ability and greatly weaken Whitebeard Pirates.

Precognition broke the arm of "Diamond" Jozu.

The first, second, and third Captains of Whitebeard Pirates were planted in the hands of three Marine Headquarters, but in the end, Blackbeard took Whitebeard's life.

And Kizaru's job at Chambord this time is to fight Red the Aloof.

The reason why he let go of Akagami and other Supernova was only because those jobs belonged to "overtime".

"Eight Inch Mirror!"

A golden light path suddenly formed from the ground and extended to the front of Red the Aloof.

Red the Aloof grinned Issho: "I have been waiting for you..."

Then he threw a leaf to the end of the light path.

The natural and powerful Kenbunshoku Haki made Red the Aloof aware that Kizaru was not injured at all.

When Kizaru appeared in front of Red the Aloof, the leaves had already appeared in human form.

Kizaru's mouth twitched: "This..."

"Whitebeard" heartily Issho, carrying a shocking fist blasted towards Kizaru...


"Now, you can't run anymore, can you?"

Red the Aloof stepping on "Phoenix" appeared in front of Hailan, and Hai Lan, has been surrounded heavily.

"Pat, come out and breathe."

"Hey! Boss!"

As Hailan watched, Red the Aloof's brush changed It became a little civet cat and fell in his arms, and then climbed onto his shoulders.

"Is this this brush..."

Looking at Red the Aloof gently stroking Pat's forehead,

Hailan looking thoughtful.

"Sun Fist!"

The dazzling aurora immediately wrapped Red the Aloof and the surrounding clones in it.

Even the people in other mangrove areas of Sabaody Archipelago were stunned by the sudden bright light in the sky, just like seeing a small sun.

"Boss, Boss, I can't see it anymore!"

Pat yelled anxiously.

The clones of Hailan and Kizaru were not affected, but when they wanted to support, it was too late.


A rough and powerful hand firmly grasped Hailan's wrist.

"Young Marine...I finally know why the old ghost of Golden Lion lost to you, because you are so shameless..."

Red the Aloof's Kenbunshoku Haki has not yet reached the realm of "foreseeing the future", but at the moment when Hailan's body just emits rays of light, he has already closed his eyes.

"Even Pirate...we defeated the opponent first, and then counted the spoils of war."

The Pirate mentioned by Red the Aloof certainly refers to He doesn't bother paying attention to the Peak powerhouses of Whitebeard, Roger, and ordinary Pirate.

So he simply has never seen a player like Hailan.


Hai Lan doesn't care about this at all.

In his opinion, battle is not a game, and should be won by all means.

Charity does not control soldiers, righteousness does not control wealth.

For the generals to pursue the fairness of the warring parties in the war is the greatest unfairness to their own camp.

The angry Red the Aloof broke Hailan's right hand directly.

Then he hit Hailan's abdomen with a knee.

Hai Lan bowed her waist to relieve her strength and lifted her left arm to block.

Red the Aloof hit Hailan's back with another punch, knocking Hailan down from the air to the ground.


Just like a meteor, Hai Lan hit a deep hole on the ground.

His left hand is sticking to the ground, one-knee kneels is in the pit, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Red the Aloof was ready to continue, but unexpectedly a coin hit the back of his head with the whistling wind.


Red the Aloof took the coin in his hand and felt a little pain.

That's the coin that Garp is going to buy donuts.

"pu hahaha...Ryder, don't bully the juniors, come and compete with me!"


Red the Aloof's face was solemn.

"Mr. are still really fast..."

Precognition rode a Bicycle to catch up.

"Aiya...what a trouble..."

Kizaru also appeared in the air after killing the copy of Whitebeard.

He looked a little embarrassed, but it was just a little dusty and he was not injured.

"It's really an honor...didn't expect Marine to have so many people here..."

Step on the back of "Phoenix", UU read www.uukanshu . com Red the Aloof has raised its height.

"Although this young Marine has some problems with his personality, he has not fainted so far, indicating that he is really good.

...If you still want to continue to find me If so, let's see you in New World!"

"Phoenix" flew away with Red the Aloof, and the remaining copy people were also blown up one by one by the Garp three.

Seeing Hailan's appearance, Garp was surprised and said: "Hailan, your arm is broken? This damn guy..."

"It's okay, it's almost. ..."

Having endured the pain, Hailan's right arm gradually returned to its original form.

Garp scratched his back of the head: "Hey?"

Precognition reminded: "Seimei Kikan and Kami-e's skills, right?"

Garp is a Steel Muscles Iron Bones and rarely uses this technique, but as a Logia Ability User, precognition has already mastered it proficiently.

Hailan nodded: "Kuzan senior is right."

Seimei Kikan combined with Kami-e's skills, has saved Hailan twice.

Although his right arm is not broken, the pain in his left arm and back is no more relaxed than his right arm.

Red the Aloof's attack momentum is big, power is deep.

Even with the dual protection of "Electromagnetic Field" and "Busoshoku Haki", the gap in absolute strength still makes Hailan's mouth overflowing with blood.

Hai Lan feels that her body is about to fall apart...

"Waiting for us in New World..."

Hai Lan turned around, Looking at the sea, "In the first half of the Grand Line, there is no longer a battlefield where I can continue to temper me... It seems that it's time to go to New World to explore."

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