On the sea, a white silk thread is continuing forward at an incredible speed, just like the waterline behind the torpedo.

Hero of the Marines, Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral Garp the Fist is using the "Geppo" technique to walk across the sea, all the way to Sabaody Archipelago.

Pirate, which was making trouble in Champagne at this time, is different from the past. It is Red the Aloof, which is enough to "one man into an army".

After receiving a call from Kizaru to confirm that Red the Aloof is on the island, the headquarter hurriedly sent Garp and precognition over.

Garp walks on the sea.

Precognition uses the Devil Fruit ability of its "Ice-Ice Fruit" to freeze the seawater below, opening up a small intestine path on the sea that is enough for him to ride a Bicycle.

At this time, the tall and strong precognition is like the same Bicycle hand, hunched down on the Bicycle under the feet.

The sound of the wind whistling in his ears made his bird's nest-like curly hair float.

The speed of wheel rotation is almost faster than that of a car.

If it hadn’t been because this was a Bicycle specially made by Marine Research Department for precognition, it would have been scattered into a pile of scrap iron at the speed of precognition superman.

"Boss... After being so engaged by Golden Lion, the coating on our boat broke. Now it is impossible to go to Fishman Island."

At sea, everyone in the Red Hair Pirates group is worrying about the next voyage.

Akagami scratched his hair anxiously: "No matter, stay away from this place of right and wrong. When this matter is over, we will come back to coat again."

Yasopp Suddenly reminded everyone: "Look, it looks like someone is running over on the ocean..."

"Running on the ocean?"

People in the Red Hair Pirates group looked at it. Towards the direction pointed by Yasopp.

I saw that the man shot straight at Akagami’s Pirate Ship like a torpedo.

"Quickly turn the rudder!"

"It's too late..."


A thunderstorm 'S voice suddenly exploded in the sea.

Garp's speed was only half a beat slower, and then he continued to run towards Sabaody Archipelago.

The Red Hair Pirates group is rather pitiful...

The Pirate Ship, which was already unable to withstand the toss, was hit by Garp and completely turned into scraps.. .

"It looks like Garp..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the silhouette who had just ran past, and Akagami recognized the identity of the person who came.

After all, it was Marine who chased Roger Pirates all over the world. Akagami will never forget that man.

Akagami was half-dead by Garp passing by: "Garp...you broke my Pirate Ship...we're never done with this..."

In fact, this It's not that Garp accidentally ran into Akagami's Pirate Ship.

When Garp saw the Pirate flag hung on the ship in the distance, Garp had already decided to kill the Pirates.

Otherwise, the previous white waterline will not extend straight to the Pirate Ship of Akagami...


"en?" Yes?"

Seeing Hailan kill his clone, Red the Aloof was taken aback.

The ability and strength of the cloner is not weaker than that of the person himself, so it stands to reason that it should not be simply killed.

shook the head, Red the Aloof self-comforted: It would be nice if the powerhouses drawn were as smart as they themselves...

In the final analysis, the biggest weakness of the cloner is IQ.

They are just thugs and puppets with no self-thinking one after another.

The meet force with force of the real thing may not be inferior, but as long as the living people use their brains in battle, the clones will inevitably be caught.

If even the IQ can be replicated, the World Government will try its best to grab this brush.

Because that can completely double the size of the World Government Research Department.

It's just that Red the Aloof guessed wrong this time.

Hailan’s clone was not a tactic of Hailan, but the clone’s computing power, that is, the reaction ability, did not match that of Shanghai Lan at all.

Seeing Hailan aiming at her,

The Kizaru copy has a "so scared" exaggerated expression on his face.

He hurriedly widened the distance between himself and Hailan, and continuously kicked one after another laser beam at Hailan, and even turned Kizaru's "Kusanagi" into his hands.

Red the Aloof knows everything about the abilities of the three Admiral candidates.

Hai Lan, who had caught up with the Kizaru copy, swept Kizaru's neck with a sword.

By killing his own clone just now, Hailan has discovered that Logia's clone does not have the passive ability of elemental transformation at all.

The Kizaru clone dare not underestimate Hailan’s sword. He hurriedly lifted Kusanagi to hold Hailan’s slash.



The two are slashing in midair continuously. Even if they are clones, the Kusanagi that Kizaru wields has tremendous power. The shock made Hailan's tiger's mouth astringent and numb.


The golden rays of light illuminate the brown sunglasses.

A laser beam suddenly shot out from outside the battlefield, instantly hitting the clone who was concentrating on Fu Hailan, and pierced it to the heart.


The hit clone turned into a cloud of smoke, and in the end only a leaf with a big hole was left.

Golden rays of light condensed, Kizaru appeared on the top of the tree of Yarukiman Mangrove: "Aiya... Hailan, you can persist in the surrounding of the two of us until I find a chance to shoot, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is really amazing, huh? Why does this sentence sound weird?"

Red the Aloof looked towards Kizaru: "Flashing little demon ..."

Hai Lan also looked towards Kizaru: "Borsalino senior, the Red Hair Pirates group was caught by you?"

"Uh...no...accidentally by them I ran away..."


I'll go... Are you nonsense?

How can you let them escape with your strength?

Although Hailan knows that Kizaru’s justice is translated as "justice for clocking in at work," he doesn’t have to be so foolish, right?

Or is the aura of Straw Hat brat too unsolvable?

Originally, Hailan was very happy to see Kizaru's support.

But he is a little scared now...

This monkey won't suddenly sell himself in battle, right?

The silhouette of Red the Aloof suddenly disappeared, but in the next moment, it appeared in front of Kizaru.

The pitch-black Busoshoku Haki covered the bat umbrella in his hand, like a hammer, Red the Aloof raised the bat umbrella and hit Kizaru.

Kizaru lifting both arms to block.


The umbrella covering Busoshoku Haki collided with Kizaru's arms, erupting a sonic boom.

It's like the game has dropped frames, and the time seems to pause for a second.

Then Kizaru's body turned into a golden streamer and hit the ground.


Kizaru hit the ground and even produced a violent explosion. The rubble collapsed and the smoke and dust rolled.

"It's your turn."

Kizaru's Red the Aloof looked towards Hailan, and a wicked smile like Doflamingo appeared on his face.

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