In fact, with Hailan’s current strength, he only needs to rely on himself to kill the five major gangs in West Blue one by one.

But if you just adopt this simple and rude method, let alone whether you can completely wipe out the Mafia forces, even if you wipe it out, it will be a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure.

The ultimate goal of the war is to seize the land after all.

Just like the ancient Imperial Court crusade against Mountain Bandit.

If you just kill the Mountain Bandit and cannot control the mountain, after a period of silence, another force will seize the mountain and become the new Mountain Bandit. This is to occupy the mountain as king. .

If you want to completely eliminate Mountain Bandit bandits, you have to control the mountain together.

But it is obvious that for Marine, it is impossible to transform all Mafia bases in West Blue into Marine branches.

So World Government made a compromise plan. Hailan cooperated with the local World Government to join the country to subvert the Mafia organization and seize control of the Mafia territory, and then the World Government The participating countries pay an extra part of the heavenly gold to the World Government for mutual benefit.

As an organization that governs the entire world, World Government seems to be a good one, but it is actually very difficult to do.

Because the territory to be governed is too large, the military is often stretched.

Especially after the start of the Great Age of Pirates, the overwhelming majority of the World Government's outstanding troops have all been reduced to the Grand Line. This has led to the emergence of one after another Marine scum around the world.

Heroes pacify troubled times, and heroes come out of troubled times.

But Roger opened the Great Age of Pirates, and the hero who opened the troubled times is considered a hero. It can only be said that the benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

"This island should be under the jurisdiction of the Matthew family, not just the black market on the island, it can be said that the entire island is the power of the Matthew family."

In a sparsely populated location, Hailan and Koala landed on the island one after another.

In the end, Koala was not called Black Impermanence, and Pikachu did not use the pseudonym Jin Wuchang.

Hailan thought for a while. In fact, Koala and Pikachu can use their own names directly. Anyway, the gangsters need to be wary of themselves, so why bother?

"Then let's take them first?"

When Koala said this, he was peaceful.

Although Koala is not very old, to her, killing or something is just like everyday food, and there is no discomfort at all.

After all, it is the environment and experience that affect a person's character, not age.

It is like Hai Lan at the beginning. Although he is more than 30 years old in his two lives together, Hai Lan's heart is not like an uncle, and he still has the youthful vigor.

So Koala is definitely not the kind of innocent and innocent Eldest Miss holding a doll every day. She has already seen the killing of this World.

"Of course!"

Hailan nodded: "You and Pikachu will go to Auction House to attract the attention of the Matthew family. I will investigate their personnel arrangements on this island. In the case of the situation, the rest will be just fine."

Hailan had already inquired about the Matthew family information, so he came to this island specifically.

On the surface, this island looks like a very well-established service island for the business and catering industry, which was specially crafted by the Matthew family.

The Matthew family is Ranked 2nd among the five gangs in West Blue, and the family sphere of influence is sandwiched between the rest of the Four Great Families.

So taking advantage of the geographical advantage, the Matthew family built this service island, earning the Beli from the passers-by from the South Blue North.

Even the strongest Hayden family dare not easily break this delicate balance, because as the second family, the Matthew family can cooperate with any family other than the weakest Capone family. Give the Hayden family a heavy blow.

And Hailan came here to break the balance of the West Blue underground forces.

In the Auction House, Koala and Pikachu directly sit in the front VIP seats.

Although Pikachu is just a big bird to outsiders, the rich is the uncle. As long as you give enough money, Auction House doesn't care if it is a human being.

Hailan and Koala's money is of course not paid by Marine Headquarters. It was directly taken by Pirate Ship when they met Pirate Ship on the way.

As for whether those Pirate will continue to exploit the common people after being does not exist, because under the harvest of Aurora Sword, they have all become the nutrients of the sea.

"The following auction shells are from the Grand Line's wind spray shell, this special shell can store strong wind, just press the button at the back, the strong wind will be released... starting price One million Beli!"

"I pay 1.1 million!"

"I pay 1.2 million!"

"1.5 million!"

Under the host's enthusiastic explanation, the audience began a fierce bidding.

"I will give out 5 million!"

A childish voice sounded, and the guests present were sucked in a breath of cold air.

Is this man crazy?

Following the reputation, it turned out to be the little girl sitting in the front row with a big duck.

"Um...little's not right...this little lady, are you kidding us?"

The host is also stupid, this is Fufengbei is not Impact Dial, it is not worth 5 million Beli at all!

"What? Do you think I can't pay?"

Koala shook her little hand, which was covered with diamond rings, which were originally Pirate’s treasure .

The host is dumbfounded. Which country is this Little Princess, right?

"Of course not! As long as you really want to buy it!"

"5 million once...5 million twice..."

"I give out 5.1 million..."

"I give out 10 million!"

Everyone in the Auction House was shocked. If the little girl hadn't lied, This is definitely a Little Princess. Otherwise, who could waste money like this?

Especially the host, he laughed from ear to ear.

After this sale, Lord Giles must praise himself.

"I pay 11 million..."

Damn? There are ruthless people?

Following the reputation, I saw a weird man with a drooping tongue and sunglasses holding up the sign in his hand. The previous 1.5 million and 5.1 million were what he called.

There are many local tyrants here who can't come up with 10 million Beli, but 10 million Beli to buy a squirrel shell... Even in their opinion, this is crazy.

Koala did not admit defeat at all: "I'm out of 15 million!"

Is there no one to take care of this prodigal daughter? This is the voice of everyone present...


The sign in his hand was instantly broken, and the weird man stood up directly: " I give out 20 million!"

The weirdo is aggressive, as if a big battle is going on, and it feels like anyone who snatches him is going to fight him desperately.

If all of you here are cultural people, you will definitely sigh this child, really terrifying!

The host looked towards Koala enthusiastically.

Koala smiled, shook the head.

In fact, she can't even get 10 million Beli. Those rings are purely bluffing...

"...20 million three times! The deal!"

Koala smoothed Pikachu's fluff, sighed: "Ai, even I have become bad, I really know more and more overly pit peoples..."

"Weird guns" Witte slumped in the chair, with his tongue drooping, his face full of despair, as if he had just died of suffocation.

"It's over, it's over, what happened to me just now...

How did I spend 20 million Beli to buy a squirrel shell?

Then But part of the funds originally used to bid for Devil Fruit, Lord Becky will definitely kill me when I return..."


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