"Because most people in this World are not'D'..."

Akagami squinted slightly, repeating Hailan's words again.

To say that Hailan's words are like enlightenment, it is indeed a bit exaggerated.

After all, this sentence does not have any strange magic like the Bible, and Akagami's three views have long been finalized and will not be easily changed.

But a certain string in Akagami's heart did shake.

Recall carefully, the so-called "D" seems to be only this.

"The strongest man in the world" is "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, and the "most beautiful woman in the world" is "empress" Boa Hancock, although the latter was only used by the world economy some time ago It was proposed by the News Service Newspaper, but it shows that ordinary people are no worse than D at all.

Although there are some things that may not be respectful to his old captain.

But what I have to admit is that in front of many enemies, the old captain’s "D" never seemed to help him.

It is the old captain's optimistic and unrestrained character and tenacious spirit that really allows him to defeat the enemy repeatedly and get through the difficulties.

Yeah, what is the use of "D"?

"What a thought-provoking sentence, come...cheers!"

Akagami raised the bottle, but Hai Lan was indifferent.

"Let’s have a sip."

"No Hah!"

In fact, this is not Hailan deliberately targeting Akagami, but Akagami’s own wine. It really tastes bad.

It’s like some people grilling skewers on their own, and they can still eat them with keen interest pleasure, but for others, it’s a dark dish.

Besides, Hailan is a "low EQ" person.

Even before the crossed over, Hailan was like this.

For example, at a party, others take turns to persuade him to drink, but he is determined not to drink.

In fact, a glass of wine is nothing, but as long as you start a head, it will be a "circle". Hailan doesn't want to force himself, so he simply doesn't start this head.

Later, as more and more gatherings were organized, Hailan simply stopped going.

In the eyes of others, Hailan does not know how to socialize, does not know how to improve interpersonal relationships, and is a manifestation of low emotional intelligence.

But in Hai Lan's mind, he actually doesn't care about these so-called "personal connections."

In the future, only those that can be used are called "personal connections", and those that are not used are not called "personal connections".

And when the word friendship begins to move towards "personal connections", it starts to change.

Hailan is not interested in gatherings of a dozen or twenty people at all.

It’s good to be alone, so why bother about other people’s opinions?

Even more how Hailan is not the kind of character that is completely isolated from the world, he also has a few good friends.

Two or three confidants are enough.

Akagami is not his confidant, he can only be regarded as an opponent who still can't win.

For Akagami's dark brewing dishes, Hailan will not be wronged by herself.

"Really don't give face..."

Akagami didn't take seriously either. He picked up the bottle and took a few sips, not to mention how happy it was to drink.


Hailan got up and prepared to leave O'Hara.

Akagami invited: "Why? Don't you plan to join our party?"

"Marine is attending Pirate's party, is it fair to say?"

Hailan Turning around, "But if you take off the Pirate flag and change your name to Akagami adventure group, I can forget the past."

Akagami refused without thinking: "hahahaha...that's impossible. ! Pirate is Pirate, this will never change! Hailan, you are not just being nosy!"

Hailan did not deny: "This is indeed a bit of nosy, but this This is also where my duty lies. If I were an adventurer or even a Pirate, of course I wouldn’t make these suggestions to you.

So if you let me know what hurtful things you have done, even It’s the ends of the earth, and I won’t give up."

Akagami laughed heartily: "You just worry too much... bullying the common people, that's a man. Well!!

The next time we meet, we will continue to discuss."

"It's better not to have another time!"

Turn into a stream of light, sea Lan flew away from O'Hara.

"Boss, what the hell is going on with that Marine?"

Lucky with the barbecue in his hand ・Lu, while looking at the sky, chewing on the barbecue, he leaned forward. Asked.

"This is a reliable man..."

Akagami's thoughts have returned to the situation when he was still on Roger's ship when he was messing around. Captain Roger also commented on that. The Marine Garp who has been chasing them all over the world.

Suddenly shook the head with a chuckle, Akagami's thoughts returned to reality.

"I hope things don't get to that point...I don't want to be chased forever like the captain..."


I heard that Hailan is coming to West Blue. Afro-head Brook from West Blue also enthusiastically introduced a lot of information about West Blue to Hailan.

But Hailan didn't take seriously...Because Brook is in his 20s and is now in his 70s when he went to sea, his information has long been outdated.

So the current intelligence still needs to be collected again.

Walking on the road, Koala asked in a low voice: "Hailan, what are you going to name us this time?"

Shiranui and Shiranui are already in North Blue Used it...Although the intelligence transmission between different Sea Territory is very inconvenient, but after all, West Blue belongs to the Sea Territory of the gang, and the Mafia is the organization that values ​​intelligence the most.

Once they heard that North Blue’s Shiranui Kage had come to West Blue, they would definitely be more vigilant.

So in order to better integrate into this Sea Territory, Hailan needs to re-name and play a grassroots adventurer.

"Um... then call Bai Wuchang!"

Koala's eyes lit up: "Bai Wuchang? White represents your ability, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is impermanent Just don’t follow the routine, Hailan, have you finally realized your serious nature? This name suits you very well!"

"Then I’ll change my name..."

"Don't do it, Bai Wuchang, what a good name, others can call you Young Master Bai in the future!" ①


Seeing Koala hiding her mouth and snickering, Hailan narrowed her eyes: "So as my partner...Koala, you call Black Impermanence..."

Koala quit: "Where am I getting dark? Hailan, are you cursing me around the corner!?"

"Then what do you want to call impermanence?"

" Where am I impermanent?"

"en? Are you impermanent? That's right, this time you can try to learn how impermanence..."

"Qua.. .Qa..."

At this time Pikachu also leaned forward, looking at his excited look, as if saying, I want to change my name, just call me Jin Wuchang...


Note①: Young Master is not necessarily ancient style, One Piece World also has Young Master, such as Pirate, Young Master Cavendish...


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