All the overall plans have been settled.

But there is only one thing, even Marine's high-level generals, there are some small entanglements.

That is, this time "Flying Pirates Crusade", do you want to send middle-level and lower-level officers and soldiers together?

This is a world where one can form an army.

When the gap in strength reaches a certain level, quantity cannot make up for quality.

Because of the previous "Onigumo incident", under the rectification of Fleet Admiral Kong and Admiral Sengoku, the atmosphere of Marine Headquarters has improved a lot, and there are very few cases where the lives of the bottom-level soldiers are not regarded as human lives. NS.

So now if a large number of middle and lower-level officers and soldiers are sent to fight against Flying Pirates, is this appropriate?

The view that supports one party is that if the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers are not allowed to see the real war, they will never grow up.

The opposing viewpoint is that the growth of strength requires a down-to-earth, not looking up at the stars. The strength of Headquarter Admiral is enough for the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers to look up.

And the scene of the Golden Lion's uproar at the Marine Headquarters is still vivid.

At that time, the battle between Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp and Golden Lion almost destroyed half of the Marine Headquarters. There were countless Marines who died under the Golden Lion's double swords, piled up into a hill, and Marine Headquarters looked like a human world hell.

The world only knows the heroic spirit of "Golden Lion" Shiki press forward, but ignores Golden Lion's meticulous and rigorous thoughts.

Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, young Kizaru, Akainu, and precognition. If these people gather together, Golden Lion will kneel in seconds.

On the day when Golden Lion invaded Marine Headquarters, Fleet Admiral Kong was called to Mariejois by Gorosei.

Zephyr led the new recruit to go to sea for training and did not return.

The three Vice Admiral, Red, Blue, and Yellow, all have tasks in their bodies and have long been far away from the headquarters.

Even Garp and Sengoku hurried back together after learning that Golden Lion had invaded Marine Headquarters.

Otherwise, Marine Headquarters would not have that tragedy.

All this is not a coincidence, but Golden Lion has already investigated it clearly.

Because Golden Lion wants to vent his anger.

Spread the terrifying of Pirate.

He wants to tell the Marine Headquarters and World Government that "captured Pirate King Gol D. Roger alive" what the real Pirate looks like.

None of the older generations of Pirate are foolish.

Only when the "Great Age of Pirates" was opened, and the number of Pirates grew in a blowout pattern, some stupidity that not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth and claiming to be Lao Tzu first under the heavens was born. Idiot.

In the end, after discussions at Marine's senior level, the two sides adopted a compromise opinion: the accompanying soldier of the "Flying Pirates Crusade" must master Geppo.

Golden Lion can move mountain, collapsing sea.

If the soldiers fall into the Floating City, they will die in vain, meaningless.


On the big sea, a Battleship sailing from Marine Headquarters is slowly sailing to the Immemorial island named "Little Garden".

Although there is only one Battleship trifling,

the members of this Battleship can be said to be the most luxurious lineup in Marine's history.

Marine Rear Admiral Gion, Jiaji, Marine Vice Admiral precognition, Momonga, Yamakaji...

Except for Whitebeard Pirates, the other Pirates basically only kneel when they encounter this Battleship.

However, with such a luxurious lineup, their task today is...Go hunting in Little Garden!

Lying on the sun lounger, precognition drowsily said: "Well...I won't catch Winged Dragon for a while, Hailan, you can catch one for me."

Hailan didn’t buy the account of precognition: “How can that be? Only the Winged Dragon that you grab yourself can cultivate your relationship better.”

Precognition has a calm face: “It doesn’t matter. It’s fine if you can fly. Anyway, I’ll use this time."

Maybe because I was worried that Hailan might use some weird reason to reject herself, the precognition added solemnly: "Hailan Commodore, this is an order !"


officials one rank superior crush the inferior?

Doesn’t exist!

Garp has already turned Marine's discipline into a pot of porridge, and it is not a day or two to defy the military orders of his superiors.

I may not dare to learn from others, but Hailan is fearless.

Originally, with the abilities of Hailan and Koala, he could fly directly to Little Garden with Koala on his back, and then let Koala recruit a large number of Winged Dragons to fly directly back to Marine Headquarters, and then let these soldiers choose at will.

But Hailan didn't want to do this.

He doesn't want to get used to his Sirs.

In other words, Hailan didn't want to lower her posture.

Hailan is very clear inside.

A bad person has done a bad thing for a lifetime, and in the end he has done a good thing, and he will be praised, saying that this person is not bad in nature.

And a good person has done a good thing for a lifetime, as long as you do a bad thing, others will say that you pretend to be for a lifetime, and finally reveal the tail of the fox.

Of course, there is nothing to do with bad people and good people here, but the truth is similar.

I, Hailan, am the headquarters Commodore officially appointed by Marine Headquarters, not a logistician.

Koala is even outside the staff.

Maintaining justice and combating Pirate are Hailan’s duties as Marine Commodore.

Koala is more pure, she just simply wants to fight side by side with Hailan and contribute to Hailan.

Habit is a bad habit. For some things, Hailan will not give it a chance to start.

Maybe on Earth, everyone has to please their leadership.

But here, the strength itself is the last word, no one has to please anyone. The three Admiral candidates with different personalities are the best proof.

Hailan smiled and replied: "If Kuzan Vice Admiral is willing to make a refreshing and delicious ice cream for me and Koala alone, I think I can do it for you."

In the end, but after all, both sides are comrades-in-arms, and there is no hatred, so there is no need to froze the relationship.

This plus a condition, UU reading www.ukanshu. The nature of com is completely different. It is a mutual benefit, not a unilateral service.

Precognition tilted his head: "Is it so troublesome?"

His laziness has long been famous in Marine Headquarters.

Of course, this is limited to normally trivial matters, and precognition is still very active on major events.

"Hey, I think it's interesting to catch Winged Dragon, Kuzan Vice Admiral, I'll help you with that."

At this time, add Rear Admiral with gentleness Smiley came over.

"Okay, I'll trouble you."

The precognition thanked him, then put on his blindfold and slept on the sun lounger.

"Plus Rear Admiral, please help me catch a Winged Dragon."

"There is me, there is me..."

The precognition is the precedent, and the rest of Vice Admiral also surrounds Jiaji.

Only Gion Rear Admiral, who has been pursued many times and most likely to be willing to serve, is indifferent.

"Well, good, simple, simple... This is my responsibility."

Looking at Rear Admiral, who is very popular among the crowd, Hailan's heart I just sighed:

"A good man lives in peace..."


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